How should a good girl be?

Should us girls be on our knees or on our backs pleasing our man

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Girl Guy
4 11

Superb Opinion

  • She should not have a past of casual sex, drugs, heavy alcohol drinking, not say bad things about her SO behind his back, discuss and solve any conflicts between them together privately and not spread things around, and not have any contact with any ex. She should also NOT tolerate those same behaviors/past behaviors form a good man either.

    • Sheesh

Most Helpful Guy

  • I mean a good girl can do both and love it. However for my favorite positions she would be on her knees for any of them.

Most Helpful Girls

  • i'm a submissive so i' believe in getting on your knees... short skirts and blowjobs!

    • Never had one myself.

    • I'm betting they feel incredible.

    • @soakit2right i sense it feels good for the man

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  • I would say knees but then why not both ways n many other lol

    • Good girl some guys are like me I'm greedy I want both

    • @Bklynbadboy12 hehe n why not

    • @elizamichale1 That's one thing about you. You never disappoint me you know your role and you embrace it. Wish all woman was more like you

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What Girls & Guys Said

15 35
  • On our knees. Guys will always call you a good girl when you drop for them.

  • I would say both it depends on the situation and mood.

  • On Your Knees I whisper into her ear as she subconsciously licks her lips in anticipation...

    • A good girl always kneels before her Dom.
    • A good girl receives great satisfaction and pride from pleasing her Dom
    • If she's a good girl, and she asks nicely, she'll get his ultimate pleasure... in liquid form, then afterwards she says, "Thank you Sir".
    • A blowjob is not just a noun, it's a fucking artform.
    • A good girl never says I'm sorry. She apologizes with her mouth.
    • A good girl never spits... unless ordered to.
    • A good girl worships and craves HIS cock.
    • A good girl loves the taste of HIS cum
  • Have you ever had sex before? I mean, people usually have sex all different kinds of ways, not like... the same position. Hope that's helpful!

    • i know a lot of these questions ask do you like it this way or that way? as if those are the only 2 choices and you can only have one of the choices, all the time

    • @rachel776 maybe she's only able to do one position?

    • @fembotnpc777

      How should a good girl be?

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  • On her knees

    • Why not both head is just foreplay for me when it's rock hard I need some place to put it