I guess it's always been so, but lately I have noticed a major part of the GaG populace is adult virgin men. Well I am determined to help you guys out. Compiled in this passage will be the steps/processes I went through to get laid for my first time, and many subsequent times since then. This does not have tone an evil process, done right the amount of broken hearts you leave behind you will be minimal and out of your control.
Step 1- Physique
This seems like such a simple concept to me but somehow it gets overlooked by many guys. I lost my virginity at 17, an event I attribute mainly to physique as my social skills were little more than non-existent at that age. Of course there are always excuses, but guess what....
You don't need equipment, other than maybe something to serve as a pull-up bar. Calisthenics is how I built my physique when I had no equipment. It only costs your time, and even so very little of that.
There are videos all over the internet outlining every aspect of how to develop your physique.
Seriously guys, it's common sense. Women have eyes too, give them something sexy to look at. Keep in mind this is for getting laid, and is not by any means meant to advise you about relationships (though it will probably help)
Step 2- Hygiene
I'll keep this short and sweet. Keep yourself clean, wear cleans clothes, brush your teeth, etc. there are products and even homemade remedies to acne if you don't have the money, and a bit of cologne never hurt. Girls like a man who smells good, or at the very least doesn't smell bad. I thought this was a pretty basic one as well but some of you motherfuckers walk around smelling like you crawled out of the sewers, and you wonder why girls keep a safe distance.
Step 3- Confidence/Personality
Pfft, you don't have a personality, next step.
Just kidding. Out of all of it, this is probably the most difficult. Here is the thing, confidence is the manifestations of past success's and the knowledge that you have other options. This can only be built through exposure. Personally I built my confidence through Martial Arts, Women don't seem that intimidating after you are hit/choked/submitted repeatedly for months.
Contextual confidence can help as well. Contextual confidence is confidence due to knowledge or skill in a certain field or area. This can be a helpful tool for building confidence, but becomes a crutch later if you don't break comfort zones.
Step 4- Money
This isn't necessary for hookups, but it helps. I'm going to let you in on a little secret.
Rich men have more sex, even in casual encounters. This is near as hard or harder as confidence, but that is debatable. Even if you don't has money, the ambition, the grind, the hustle, that is attractive to women. Success comes through hard work and subconsciously women know this, and subsequently find this attractive due to thousands of years of evolutionary psychology showing that hardworking men are more likely to keep them and their offspring alive.
Step 5- Game
Arguably the most important, game allows men to pull women of much higher sexual market value (SMV). It is not all mighty, the ultimate dating tool, however it is one of the most effective tools the common man has access to. Game is not something I can teach you in this take, and takes years of trial and error, practice, and experience to master. I myself am not near arrogant enough to call myself a master of game, and I may never be, but what I have helps immensely.
On a final note
This will not happen over night, none of it, and the best time to start is now. If you are not willing out the work in to effect a change in your life, then you are dooming yourself to a life of mediocrity. That doesn't mean you'll be a lifelong virgin, just that you won't experience women to the fullest extent.
I hope this helps the men off GaG, and maybe even catalyze major change in the current GaG demographic.
What Girls & Guys Said
0 1I would rather get a girlfriend than get laid.