How to not be emotionally attached to f--k buddies?

This is something I have STRUGGLED with over the years. I have lots of hot women that just want sex, but when the sex is really good my heart? Or gut? Gets emotionally attached, sometimes to the absolutely worst romantic candidates. Any tips on how to have great FWBs but not get attached?

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Most Helpful Guys

  • How often are you having sex and seeing them? The issue is that sex isn't just pleasure based, emotions are involved regardless if you are a man or woman. It creates a bond when it happens. Like you said, sometimes with the last people that aren't suitable for it.

    End of the day the gist I got is that friends with benefits will end either when one breaks it off because they don't want it anymore or because one catches feelings. Best to avoid them and go for the woman you want in a relationship. Get a feel for the person and their personality and values before doing anything sexual. Only have sex if it is someone you want to be with

    • Yeah but on a side note when I have FWBs I'm better at dating. Not as stressed on normal dates to have sex.

    • Probably because you come across as not desperate and have a level of confidence that comes off when talking to women which leaves you no shortage and allows you to not focus on a date outcome or stress about it. That would be my guess.

  • If the relationship lasts, it is almost impossible not to feel fondness for "friends with benefits".

    • Especially when they are masters in the bedroom. I've had a few that aren't my type, and those ones are easy to keep friends with benefits. But if they are my type... Fuckkkkkkkk...

Most Helpful Girls

  • Yeah that’s the issue of people that pretend that sexual activities aren’t essentially the most valuable part of themselves. You are giving away not even just your penis , but so many emotions and connections get spun around when you aimlessly give sex to people. People don’t realize this.

    I used to do this myself, it was actually incredibly unhealthy that I felt so numb to feeling emotions during sex , that so many pointless people got my body for zero cost.

    • So did you stop just hooking up?

  • If you're going to have a friends with benefits you both have to be in the same page and both have to be emotionally mature. You can't be falling for someone just because the sex is great lol. Its a physical act of pkeasure afterall. You are going to have some feelings but you need to use critical thinking and realize it's not love but just intimacy. They aren't always tied.

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What Girls & Guys Said

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  • I've read some good advice about this.

    • Such as?

    • I've talked to tons of swingers. You can't just have one other person involved. That would mean doom. You would be destined for failure. This is just the advice I was given.

  • Emotional attachment is supposed to happen.
    Without it, the risk of ending up alone, infected, poor, and miserable increasess substantially.
    Sane humans NEED love. Trying to rid yourself of it is retarded.

  • not an issue as a man bumb

  • Try a dommy mommy id make sure you don't feel that way after worshiping my toes!

    Making you beg and pegging you!

    Being nice and rough so you know it is just sex lol

    • Some of these girls it's extremely rough, I call them sl--, c--t etc and still get attached!

    • Course a lot of women love being degraded and used makes them happy

    • Yeah especially my types. Makes me get more attached when they enjoy the nasty stuff.

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