How would you encourage hot girls to sleep with involuntary celibate guys?

Involuntary celibate means person who is unable to get laid despite his best effort. And despite what some spiteful people want you to belive, most of them are probably not bad people.

How would you encourage hot girls to sleep with involuntary celibate guys?
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Superb Opinion

  • I wouldn’t encourage such a thing when many guys don’t deserve this level of association and intimacy with a woman! However if most guys would just wake up and realize a few simple truths, they would all be able to have relations with women. Most women who are kind and see reality (not the Kardashian and stuck up complex types) don’t require a guy that looks like a supermodel hunk. They aren’t as fixated on looks as guys are. What most women do want by their very nature and crave is for a guy to simply just be kind to them. Open the door. Make sure she is comfortable. Put her needs before your own. Listen to her and try to empathize. Most importantly, genuinely love her. With all of that, I guarantee you that you will still get more in return because a woman by her very nature is selfless and nurturing, much more so than a guy could ever comprehend. You will never outdo her in that department but you should try and do all you can do to show her that you care. It’s the thought and the intentions that count. Due to all of the stupid and disgusting questions on GAG about all the violent and nasty sexual themed things that men want to do to women nowadays while at the same time not even treating them like a person or recognizing their humanity, I can see why a lot of guys in general have a tough time getting a woman to look at them. If men won’t even put forward the effort to try to understand why a woman thinks the way she does without placing some sort of inferiority judgment on her based in ignorance and arrogance, you will never get anywhere! The other thing a lot of women dislike but won’t outwardly say it because they want to be accepted is when men use derogatory terms about their bodies referring to parts such as a “gash” or a “wound” etc. This is absolutely degrading and lets the woman know that you have absolutely zero care about her body and the sacredness behind it. She is nothing more than an object when terms like these are used to demean and humiliate. That’s certainly not a loving gesture by any means. Perhaps society should go back about 100 to 150 years where there was still some decency and respect for womanhood. I can tell you right now, any guy would go a long way to just simply learn to be kind to a woman and respect her femininity/womanhood/motherhood. It’s really that simple. I’ve been alive long enough to know.

Most Helpful Guy

  • The vast majority of "incels" are not really incels. Their celibacy is effectively voluntary, because they are simply unwilling to do the work to achieve what they want. Most are petulant children, and are not much different than a guy who demands his parents keep driving him around into his 20s because he refuses to even try to get a driver's license unless he can drive a brand new Ferrari (provided to him for free at someone else's expense) because he feels he deserves it. in my opinion, you can stay celibate forever.

    Yes, the vast majority of men - myself certainly included among them - have to WORK and earn VALUE and gain SKILLS in talking to and understanding women if we want to get laid. And even then, few of us ever bang a girl hot enough to be a supermodel or lead actress. That's just the reality of life, and no one ever said that life would be easy or fair. But for nearly all men, getting laid IS achievable IF you put in the time and effort on YOURSELF. Those who choose not to do the work are effectively choosing to be celibate, and no one feels bad for you.

    There ARE a small group of men who are genuinely either unfortunate-looking, or disabled, or just completely unable to talk to women, who are legitimately "incels," but it's a fraction of the total number of men who declare incel status. Most Incels are just some combination of lazy or afraid of rejection, and aren't willing to do the work, but want the outcomes of the people who DO do the work. That's delusional, because that's simply not how the world works. You get what you EARN in this world - it's not a charity, it's a MARKET, and if you want to buy on the market, you have to bring something of comparable value to the market.

    Just as I don't support socialism or giving money to those who are unwilling to work, I do not support women having pity sex with men who are lazy and unwilling to do the work.

Most Helpful Girls

  • Why do you only want hot girls? Do you think you're an incel because maybe your standards are way too high. You expect a "Stacy" but you're not attractive and won't go for a less attractive woman? Wouldn't that make you voluntarily celibate because you only want hot women?

    Sorry but that fantasy of hooking up with the head cheerleader, prom queen type of girl isn't in the cards for you. If you want to lose your virginity then lower your standards.

  • I wouldn’t because I don’t think there’s any reason for them to unless it will bring them pleasure.

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What Girls & Guys Said

4 10
  • I see no reason why I would even consider something like that.

    Women are allowed to make that choice for themselves. They are people, with free will, NOT objects that exist only to sleep with men.

    I've said it before, and I'll say it again: if a guy can't "get laid" then that's HIS problem, and his fault, NOT women's. There's obviously a reason he can't attract a partner, and until he works on himself, he'll continue to be single.

    I see no reason, whatsoever, why that is anyone's fault but his own. Nobody is "owed" sex. They can earn it, though, by improving themselves. Until they accept that, and the responsibility that goes along with it, nothing will ever change for them.

    Calling themselves an "incel" is the exact opposite of taking responsibility. It's literally blaming someone else for their own failings. The sense of entitlement associated with the whole "incel" thing makes me sick.

  • I wouldn't.

  • You could pay them.

  • That pic is awful. And try going out with an average girl and respecting her as a person. Maybe then you won’t be celibate anymore.

  • If his best effort can't even scrape together the funds for an escort then he probably need to work harder.