How would you feel if your girlfriend didn’t wear panties with her dresses when she was around you?

2 14

Superb Opinion

  • I rarely wear underwear so why should I mind if she doesn't. My only concern is accidental flashing resulting from a short skirt or dress not carefully worn. Of course if we're on a date and she expects it will lead to the bedroom, I certainly don't mind unwrapping something sexy. Removing panties is fun for some of us.

Most Helpful Guy

  • Just "being around' me, I would not think it was exciting for her not to wear underwear. Personally, I find women's underpants really exciting, the type, cut, Bikini, thong, full cut etc. They all add to sexuality I feel. Wear underpants, Hannah LOLOL

    • Thanks, Hannah for "most helpful guy"

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What Guys Said

  • Very hot. Quite the tease. But if she was 'saving herself for her future husband' then it would be torture.

  • That she needs to sit on my lap more in chairs that have full arm-rests. That works better with skirts by the way.

  • I would feel that I am one obstacle ahead of her beautiful and exotic love holes. I would love to sit on my knees and put my nose on her pussy and smell the aromatic fragnance. It would be so dick raising to have her around me without her undergarments.

  • I would be very aroused knowing that she was ready to be taken.

  • I'd consider it an implicit unspoken "invitation"...
    The fundamental 'function' of a dress or skirt (or kilt) is expedient access to One's genitals.
    If your Companion permits you to caress their's, the potential for even fantasy circumstantial 'intimacy'
    increases exponentially!

    Human genitals are kept healthiest when kept clean and allowed unrestricted air flow...
    humidity moderation, ... the broadcast of pheromones, ... temperature moderation and general hygiene.