I Feel Resentful of Guys for Orgasming So Easily...It's Unreal

I won't hate on guys in this. I'll just say how I feel. It's so frustrating. For most guys orgasming is so easy! They can orgasm from any sex position. They don't need special rules or special spots rubbed. They stimulate themselves and don't even need her help at all!!! I feel so envious. Even when they're highschool age they can get off from sex so easily. They don't need to train themselves or find what works. I've heard guys say they can't cum from oral sometimes, but c'mon sex is the best. I. feel. so. jealous.

I Feel Resentful of Guys for Orgasming So Easily...It's Unreal

They don't need to show how they orgasm in bed by doing lots of things. Of course girls can stay quiet too, but still...guys are kind of expected to be more quiet. They can fuck anything and cum, they don't need to feel comfortable with the person.

I know guys are expected to perform or last long, but they still get off from sex so easily! Like it's effortless. I guess for some guys that may not be true, but for most it is. Also STDs. Guys don't have to worry so much since they don't have the internal organ. They don't have to take pounding. Their dick feels the same after sex. And I think fast orgasms sound so cool. They may make themselves last long, but the option to cum fast is always there. And like I said, they don't need her help at all.

I am this close to leading an oral only sex life. I like how sex feels, but I feel too envious and jealous and just everything.

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What Girls & Guys Said

6 18
  • oh shut up, I've never orgasmed from any sex.

    • You are rare. This is common for girls!

    • yeah well its a big problem for me because i need that orgasm to make a baby.

    • Oh...

  • Women like romantic sex they love the guy who take it easy hah