I feel that someone had sex with me while I was asleep? Any medical tests to find out?

This is about Saturday night. My husband and three of his colleagues were at our home that evening to discuss and work on an official project. I prepared them dinner, and after dinner they were having drinks. I usually don't drink but they compelled me to have a glass of rum as a token of thanks for being such a nice host. As I saw no signs of them leaving and they still had some work pending, I just bid them goodnight and went off to sleep in our bedroom as I was feeling damn sleepy. I woke up today morning and I feel something off physically about myself. I just checked on my husband and noticed that he and his colleagues all were still sleeping in the hall. I am feeling so disturbed and I feel that there's something really fishy. Advices would be much appreciated.
+1 y
And also I haven't informed my husband about my concerns as i feel he wouldn't believe me because I can't prove it.
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  • I could be wrong but sounds like you could of been rufied by on by the way you said you were feeling sleepy right away and crash and it's possible something could of happened, you should of gone to the doctors or hospital or if covid won't allow that then rang i them to see if anything you could do. But if it's been a day or so it's possible anything that was in your system could be gone by now, have you examined yourself to see if it felt like you been penetrated or the smell of latex (if he condom was used) or maybe semen inside you.

    Nothing prob happened but try and get yourself checked out as soon as possible to be safe and tell your husband even if he doesn't believe you, at least if what happened was true he will feel guilty and will be glad to know you told him right away.

    At the same time, it could of been your husband when drunk

    • Thank you for the suggestion and opinion. Yes I have been checked by my gyno on Monday and physical examination revealed signs of trauma inside my genital and seemed like recent penetration per gyno. Provided blood sample also to check if I had been drugged, and am awaiting the result. I did self examine myself on Sunday morning because of my doubts and it felt like i was penetrated, it may be odd to say out but evident signs were there. My vagina was sore from inside, vulva was swollen and it smelled weird, the smell was more like associated with sexual intercourse. Even my body smelled odd and all of my private parts were aching. I checked everywhere in house to find if condom or its wrapper but I couldn't find it. I doubt if it was flushed it in the toilet as the water in the toilet of my bedroom was very lathery. I am awaiting the result of the drug test to inform my husband and I want to know the truth of this!! It's not possible that I would have slept through it if something happened but I slept like I lost control of my senses. I did ask my husband if he did come to bedroom after his work and he said that he slept in the hall itself after work and didn't use the bedroom, just to confirm if he did anything.

    • So it does sound like someone did drug you and rape you. How many where there and who was it the most that egged you in to have a drink, who ever it was maybe the person who drugged you and new you would be out and could have their way with you. Then you could ask your husband if he wasn't too waisted who left the room the longest and if its the same who gave you the drink then you most likely know who it is. Sorry to hear this happened to you

    • Thanks and as I am getting support on my query, I could proceed further with the suggestions on here and hence am not hesitating to reply to the queries raised here. There were 3 of his colleagues that came home and everyone literally pleaded with me to have it as i had been such a good host. My husband also was fine with it and so I had it. My husband told that they wrapped their work off by 11.00 pm and noone was working after that. They played some card and video games after that and they all slept by around 2 am.

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  • Go to your gynecologist and explain his what happened..
    Best way is to quickly collect your blood sample and find out of you were roofied or drugged and they all fucked you..
    Traces of rape drugs can still be found in your blood.. If they did it.. If the glass of alcohol you drank had something weird in it than it's traces can still be detected in your blood..

    • Don't inform your husband if he is involved in this.. He will stop you in some way or this could turn into danger to your life..

    • Thank you for this opinion. A day is over, so would the traces be still found? If in any way I find out the truth I really don't know how to take it if the news is indeed bad!!

    • Drug residue stays in human body depending on the time.. Yet most of the traces can be found within 72 hours of getting drugged. Don't sit... Take action.. Tell your BFF about this and get her help.. Don't wait for gynecologist appointment... Instead say to him... I think I was drugged and raped and I need an emergency appointment!..

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  • Well, a rape kit nowadays… you’d be amazed how little DNA they need! Go to the ER tell them your suspicions, and they’ll run a rape kit on you! You may not be able to prove it, but either you or your husband know who was there, and if there IS DNA inside you, they’ll get warrants for the other guys DNA. A woman KNOWS when something happened the night before!

    • Yes I can understand when you say that a woman Knows it if something happened and I can very well relate to it. Am married too so how come I wouldn't know and I feel my suspicions are valid. I had a physical examination with the gyno and she found signs of trauma inside suggesting recent sexual activity. Provided blood for drug screening to know if I was drugged because it isn't possible that I would have slept through it. Thank you for the support and opinion.

    • I have no Idea why you would or would not know anything. I do wonder why you keep saying that you just do not know if someone raped you, when the question you wrote THAT morning is “I feel that someone had sex with me while I was asleep?” I mean you sounded pretty damn sure when you wrote that! Sweetie, I’ve only been sexually active for about a year, and if I have sex, the next morning I absolutely, 100 percent KNOW it. Why you do not, is something that you should have asked the doctor when you had the chance! I’m simply not an expert in all things sexual yet! But rape? That is something That I DO know! Especially the psychological and emotional nuclear bombs that are ticking away in your mind right now, and when they do finally go off… it’s going to be more devastating than you could ever imagine! You need help, and that help is waiting for you at the rape crisis center nearest you, or the rape crisis hotline just Google “rape crisis hotline” (including the quotes) and you’ll get the number of the center nearest you! Please call them!

  • Maybe you have a vaginal infection. Make an appt with your gyno.

    • Thank you I would consult the guno but I never had an irritation until then. I hope am fine.

    • I’ve only had bacterial vaginitis once. 🤷🏻‍♀️ It will be good to have an exam anyway. You can ask if they notice any trauma.

    • Okay great I would ask them specifically, maybe they would be able to find out.

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  • You have to get tested ASAP because the DNA will only last for a few days so before there is no evidence left you get tested and they will observe your private parts to see if there has been any trauma caused by force penetration.

    • I have a feeling of soreness but I didn't find any traces of semen. I checked my clothes, bedsheet and the room, but the room had a weird smell when I woke up. The issue here is am not really sure and confident about it

    • You have to check in case. Medical professionals can advise better.

  • A glass of rum? How much? You don't usually drink. Most likely you were hung over -- a bit ill from drinking too much.

    • Just around half glass. I think I was hung over but I totally passed out and fell asleep. I had my doubts because in the morning I felt like sexual intercourse was involved and am married too so how would I not know.

  • A Rape kit