Please don't ground any of the 3. It could be as simple as they found it and were curious. Or they handed them out at school (don't know if you homeschool or they go private or whatever). Or, yes, it's entirely possible that there was a real penis in a condom at one point. Embrace the fact that, if there was, one of them chose to use a condom. That's huge. Our kids know about sex and are going to have sex. We can't stop it. Better safe and loved then any other way.
What should you do? I'm a dad and here's what my wife and I would do with our daughter (or our sons). We'd gather those three and say something as simple as, "we found this. If this is about actual sex, we're glad there's condoms involved, and we're really proud of that decision. If you want to talk to us, we're here for you. If this is just something you found and you have questions, we're ready to answer those to."
Then let the issue be done. Don't change how you act with those three or make any more of a big deal about it. Likewise, don't judge or shame or anything else bad. Just love on them and build that relationship.
3 2 0 0Hopefully she didn’t pick a random condom up….. true if they handed them out at school I guess that’s different If it was used that’s another story. Someone shouldn’t be in HER home without permission
Couldn't say it any better.
Thank you; I really appreciate that.
Most Helpful Guy
Would you have preferred to have found a used positive pregnancy urine test?
Definitely time to lose the 'Pollyanna' innocence mindset.
Females have gotten pregnant as young as FIVE YEARS OLD!
Time for an all females pragmatic family "the talk" and perhaps investing in some 'intimate massage-rs.' Girls get raging hormones too... no one get pregnant or STD's from a vibrator!
I was propositioned by my friend's 7 yr old daughter as she sat in my lap and asked her Mom if I could lay down, cuddle and nap with her in front of my Wife!0 1 0 0
Most Helpful Girls
Maybe talk to your eldest child first (and go by process of elimination, if the eldest said it's not her) and do not show her what you found, just mention it. Showing your child will only make them embarrassed and possibly scare them from actually using a condom in fear of getting caught again. Let them know how you feel about what their doing and your stance on it. Do not shame your kid that's only going to push your kid away from you.
1 1 0 0I will try my best thanks
She should be embarrassed. Maybe if she’s embarrassed she won’t do it again.
@Summeroflove Um, definitely not. She should not be embarrassed, sex is a natural and normal practice. And shaming her will only push her into rebelling.
Don't ground them... I'd suggest talking to them and be there for them... my mom freaked out on me when she found a condom wrapper in high school and I hated it... I was on birth control because she made me and using condoms like she told us to do and I was getting in trouble for it...
1 1 0 0
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7 16Why ground them? You trying to make them think condoms are bad, that they should have unprotected sex?
0 1 0 0No :(
Don't make a big deal about it, use it as a teaching experience. My mom showed my sister and I how to put one on a banana without either of us asking.
I would not ground them. It also depends on how old they are. I would explain to them that you found it and are glad they know about safe sex but you would prefer to be asked if they had any questions.
As you know most teen kids are going to have sex no matter what most parents tell them. The best we can do is educate them on safe sex and to be careful.
0 0 0 0They might have been practicing on a banana for all you know. Jumping to conclusions proves nothing. Be an adult. Sit down with them and open a kind discussion.
2 2 0 0Why would you ground them? They could have just been playing with it or they are actually being safe during sex. No reason to ground over those things
1 3 0 0Just ask her about it and tell her your proud of her for using protection and buy her some more.
0 2 0 0It's my 12 year olds :'(
I know personally I think it’s fucked up when kids are having sex that young but that’s the best you can do. Unless you think an older sibling might’ve left it in there?
I asked around and she even has a box under her bed her boyfriend used them on her when she alone
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