I have heard many guys nd gals tell me I have a slut face. What exactly is a slut face. ?

Is it my dressing or body or face or attitude

0 2

Superb Opinion

  • It's not your face.

    I only clicked on this question because I thought: "How in the hell can a face be slutty?"

    And I'm going to have to keep wondering because you've got a regular face.

    It's definitely either clothes or attitude or both. (Which is always what it is if a girl is seen as slutty).

    I really can't comment on the particulars, simply because I don't know how you act nor how you dress. But it is certainly one of the two, or both.

    And if it's not how you dress... then it's your "attitude/demeanor/vibe".

    And it IS absolutely possible to come-off as slutty while dressing ultra-conservative.

    "Slutty" really IS like an attitude/vibe thing more than anything else. It can be coupled with dressing in a certain way, but it doesn't have to.

    So, in a very general way: What makes a person think "slutty" has everything to do with the NATURE of how a woman attempts to be attractive to men. It's all about the WAY she intends to appeal to him in terms of being desireable/attractive.

    To put it most bluntly: Slutty girls are those who attempt to appeal to men's sexual appetites DIRECTLY AND OVERTLY. They make an "appeal to his dick" in the WAY they attempt to make themselves look as good as possible.

    I would contrast the "slutty hot girl" with the "beautiful girl".

    The "beautiful girl" is attractive. But in a fundamentally different way. She expects men to want her for reasons aside from how she looks, and therefore goes about looking her best in a very different way. She demands/expects to be appreciated for more of the fully-rounded actual person she is. So, this girl is basically not hoping to attract male interest by leaving a trail of hard-cocks in her wake as she walks through life. That's not what she's going for.

    I don't know if ANY of this is applicable or helpful to you at all. But usually that's what it comes down-to. Are you trying to look good/be attractive in a way that's meant to make my dick hard? If not, I'm not going to think you're slutty (most girls aren't for example).

Most Helpful Guy

  • I don't know what that means. How can you tell by someone's face if they're slutty or not? It's a rude and disgusting thing to say to a girl. I've dated girls who dressed sexy and girls who did not, but I'd never say something like that to a girl. Some guys apparently don't respect women at all! Their fathers raised them wrong!

Most Helpful Girls

  • I don’t think you have a slut face. It anything they say that because you face a beautiful face. You have large pouting lips that are a sign of sexuality maybe that’s what they’re talking about but they are sexy non the less.

  • Maybe they find you attractive and want to make you feel bad about it, I don't think that should be something bad or you should worry about

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What Girls & Guys Said

2 7
  • I have no idea but it sounds kinda rude to me.

  • A face that says "fuck me" as a default expression.

  • I don't know but from the sound of it, it's in the face, maybe the lips 🤷🏽

  • I've never heard that expression used before. They may think you have a pretty face or sexy overall.

  • It means you look like a slut

    • How does a slut look

    • You know the meaning of slut?