I Love Sex, But I'm A Virgin

"I know this sounds incredibly lame, but I don't want losing my virginity to feel like I'm losing something. I want it to feel like I'm finding something. I want sex to be amazing. I want it to be life-alteringly wonderful. And I want it to happen with someone I love. " -Sonya Sones.

I’m a virgin. I know that I will not be having sex until I find the right man for me. Don't get me wrong, I love sex and the idea of it, but this is just my personal choice and I'm not embarrassed by it. I've come so close to having sex many times, showing I've got the will power to stop myself. This is because I feel I shouldn't be losing my virginity to somebody that I'm not in love with. Some people are embarrassed of the fact they haven’t had sex yet by a certain age. To be honest, that is something you should never feel embarrassed about. Having sex is a big deal and you should do it when you’re ready and when the time is right. You should never pressure yourself into having sex if you don’t want to. So, here are 4 reasons why it’s okay to wait to have sex:

1. You're Not Ready Yet

This is pretty much common sense. You should have sex when you feel comfortable having sex, not when you think you should have sex. Everyone feels ready for this moment in their lives at different times. For some girls, it's at a young age, or for others, it's much older. Either way, you should have sex when YOU feel ready.

2. You're Sticking To Your Beliefs

Are you religious and that's why you're waiting to have sex? That's totally fine! Maybe you're even waiting until after marriage to do it. If you really believe in this religion and this is what you want to do, waiting to have sex means sticking to your beliefs, and that is always an awesome feeling.

3. "Everyone Else Is Doing It"

You know what you want; you're waiting for the right person. If that's the case, keep on waiting until you meet that person. You might feel like all of your friends are doing it or everyone you know is doing it, that doesn't mean you have to do it. It's completely fine to wait until you meet someone you truly care about to share that moment with. Don't feel pressure to do something you don't want to do just to impress other people.

4. You'll Learn There Are People Worth Waiting For

When you have a specific reason for waiting to have sex, it can also mean ruling out the people who aren't worth your time. You'll find out which guys or girls are willing to wait for you and which are only interested in one thing; sex.


So, there you have it! These are only 4 reasons why it is completely okay waiting to have sex. Yes I'm a virgin, but I’m confident about my choices. I feel like I haven’t betrayed who I am because I know what I want; honeslty, I always have and I’m willing to wait. Even though sometimes, waiting is tough. Now, I’m also waiting for the next moment that I’ll have to tell a new guy that "Yes, I’m still a virgin". This time I’ll say it proudly, without shame, and without apologizing for who I am.

Are you waiting to have sex? Why are you waiting? If you’re not waiting for a particular reason, are you embarrassed of being a virgin?

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24 42
  • "I Love Sex, But I'm A Virgin"


  • Great take, i agree you shouldn't give it up to just anyone or because others are doing it. Wait till a special person comes along

  • I am totally planning on waiting until marriage. I've always thought it was the best plan. ☺️✨

  • My fiancée and I are both virgins.

  • you can't claim to "love" something you haven't done yet.

  • Yeah right. Everyone know that women don't like sex.

    • Speak for yourself

    • @Wizbit haha it's just a joke. I probably should've made that more clear.

  • I am still a Virgin.

  • I'm a virgin. not by choice. i don't pleasure myself ( religious reasons ) and i believe in waiting for someone you care about. i did not date til i was 20. I've only hung out with a handful of girls. nothing long term and that's what I'm waiting on. I'll give it to someone who's gonna stick around.

  • yeah waiting is worth it

  • I wish I had sex in high school instead of fucking a prostitute at 26.

    • Nah, prostitutes are better at sex.


    • Thanks Omar! 😝

  • Excellent take!
    It all comes down to doing what's right for you.

  • You love the idea of sex. You can't like something you've never experienced

    • Are you kidding me right now!

    • @Chatup what

  • How can you love sex without ever having it?

    • Seriously!

  • The title in itself makes no sense...

  • it is impossible to love sex without having it

  • I am in my mid twenties and am still a freaking virgin. not by choice. If I had a chance to have sex, I would, but nothing has come up... You girls must remember that when it comes to dating it is 1000x easier for a girl to get sex. No matter how good looking/handsome the guy is, even as an average women you have 100x better odds than even the best, most attractive looking guy...

    such is life.

  • Just because somebody's a virgin does not make them better than someone who is not. People don't take much notice if someone's a virgin or not these days. Why would you want to experience life only sleeping with one person. I no people who have slept with lots of men and some who have only slept with 3 . Being a virgin does not mean you will be treated better. It depends on the man you sleep with. why only sleep with one man so he will appreciate you more. We only live one life it's best to experience what else is out there

  • You can love the idea of it but you can't love it if you haven't had it. You have this idea that it's something wonderful but really it's nothing special

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