I'm all about giving it, why is she not down with exploiting it?

I am obsessed with eating ass and pussy it is such a turn on for me. I don't even need to be finished by her. If I woke up with it on my face or she just pushed my head down there randomly I would go at it with out question and willingly. I know she enjoys it bc of the orgasms every time we have sex. I wish she would exploit my passion, how do I get her to own my tongue when she wants?
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Superb Opinion

  • Just express to her that it is something you are passionate about.

    • I've dropped every hint I can think of to make it clear. I don't know if she is self conscious or what. As weird as it sounds I don't need her to be freshly showered for me to want it. Honestly if she got home from work and droppped her pants I'd be like a moth to a flame lol

    • Weird I'd kill for a guy to do that often

    • That's what I would think too!!! I mean not to sound conceded but I'm good at it and I love doing it. I don't get why I'm not being over worked orally. I mean I've been with other women that have become obsessed with it and would want it all the time and I loved it! I literally once met my ex at her work on her break bc she wanted me to go down on her so badly. I guess it is just a individual desire that not all women carry

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What Girls Said

  • Force your tongue on her

    • Lol I've thought about and even fantasized about that.. how sad is that?

    • Justs express how much you love it and how much you want her. Say how you like it when she takes charge and exploits you

    • I've hinted toward that. I feel like she is way too passive.. when we have sex it is all me doing everything

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