I strip for dads on Omegle. What's wrong with me?

Man, I'm just a loser. I'm really lonely and I am constantly busy so when I have free time and I'm horny I strip for guys on omegle, from their 20's to 50's.. I know it's gross and I need to stop. But their complements make me feel a bit better. When they say my body's hot I feel slightly more confident, but when it's over I feel like "why did I just do that?" I'm 18. Is this really bad?
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Most Helpful Girls

  • ... oh, boy. Well, you clearly have a painfully low self-esteem. Kudos to you for humbly admitting it and not just letting it fester and grow in the dark as a monster that devours your joy. Now, I'm going to be completely honest with you and hopefully you can recieve it with an open mind. My intent is not to hurt or belittle you, but I feel that sugarcoating is leaving you as lost as you came here with this question in mind.

    Stripping for dads, especially married dads, anywhere is disintegerous, shady, grimy, and completely wrong on several different levels. For one, you very young and just because you are legally an adult doesn't mean you may not physically resemble their daughters or their daughter's friends. Perhaps you're feeding some sick satisfacion that they have fantasizing about their daughter's friend who's your age whom you look like. Second, you are encouraging emotional unfaithfulness. No, it's not your responsibility for him to be faithful to his wife, but that doesn't make you any less innocent for encouraging his disloyalty and encouraging him to disrespect his marriage. Lastly, you are disrespecting yourself by acting as if your prime worth is the size and shape of your parts, what you can do with them, and what reactions men will give you because of them. What a smack in the face to yourself and the depth beyond the size of your tits and ass. You a majorly discrediting yourself and your own unique gifts by doing something so grimy that works against your growth. Not only that, but if you find a guy you truly value and he finds out about this, he may be genuinely disgusted or completely turned off because no offense, but what you're doing is effed up.

    You need to find healthier ways to uplift yourself and feel good about who you are and what you can do. Find talents and gifts that you can truly be proud of... things that make you smile in sheer joy and self-love, not temporary confidence then later shame.

  • hm, I think you're stuck in a bad circle and should get out of it, I don't judge you but you should stop that, it can end up badly, like you getting blackmailed because they have pics or screenshots of you, so be careful :)

    • But I never let my face in. Thanks though x

  • And you do this for the compliments, not for money?
    Maybe you can start charging... ad least you get something out of it.

    • What do you mean?

    • I mean set up your own paypal account and start charging. - make your own website... But I'd avoid showing your face. O. o

    • You're insecure and starved for attention - this is probably why you do this. But you might as well profit from it.

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Most Helpful Guys

  • It's just another symptom of our over sexualized World.

    You're 18, you're an adult, you can do what you want. I wouldn't do it but then I don't suffer from loneliness nor do I need compliments from strangers to validate my level of self-esteem or confidence as I am the Master of my feelings, nobody else. But do what you gotta do I guess. I think it's a sad state of affairs, but then that's just my opinion.

    • I know you're right. I just don't know what to so.

    • *do :(

    • Well I can't help you. I endured many arduous and difficult battles with me and how I felt and viewed myself through my entire teenage ages and well into my early 20's and I never sought refuge in narcotics, alcohol, sexual activity or self-harm. The only coping mechanism I had was The Smiths and Morrissey albums and that's what I used from the age of 13-22. You'd be best seek advice from someone who has been your situation and pulled themselves out of it.

  • We all take our affirmations where we find them. It's not the healthiest place to get them. I suspect you'd really benefit from some counseling to gain more self respect.

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3 20
  • i wouldn't say something is wrong with you. perhaps you have an exhibitionist streak in you and that is fine. its probably better if you find some way to keep your face out of it just in case something comes up in the future so you have deniability

  • yes this is really really bad. This will scar you for the rest of your life, you need friends online friends so that you can talk to them instead of doing stupid things on omegle

  • I don't see any harm in it, if the compliments are a boost for you, then have fun.

  • There is nothing wrong with doing something that brings you and some one else enjoyment. The only train why you feel like it's"wrong and gross" is because people brainwashed you into thinking it is. It's just the natural human body Ave is a beautiful thing. You're not hurting anyone, you ate just bringing pleasure to you as well as them. Do what you enjoy and don't let anyone judge you.

    • Sorry for all the typos. Typing on phone is annoying.

  • you can do what you want you're 18. but I personally wouldn't. and if you do, then leave your face out of it.