If a condom DOES NOT break, can you still get pregnant?

So, in Friends series Rachel got pregnant without the condom breaking. That pretty much screwed my sexual life confidence...
Vote A
Rarely but still YES, though I don't know anyone to whom it happened
Vote B
I know someone to whom it actually happened
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Most Helpful Girls

  • I don't usually make a habit of asking women what happened when they got pregnant, and with adult women, I simply assume it was planned, because no one needs a nosy friend trying to judge them. So, it's entirely possible I have known women that happened to.

    Condoms are about 85% effective at a birth control method, and this is partly because they do slip, fall off, and break sometimes. One thing that happens is the man stays in until he's too soft and the condom gets lose and leaks a little. That seems to be a fairly common condom failure.

  • Well Im currently watching friends... only season two so thanks hahaha... jokes. but for real how does that happen... like where doesn't he sperm escape (I'm no help I'm also confused)

  • Yes. Condoms are not 100% effective. A tear or break can be large enough to allow sperm through while still being too small to see.

    • If I squeeze it down after sex and no sperm gets out, can I assume I'm safe?

    • Condoms are quite effective when used correctly, but no birth control method is 100% effective. If you're extremely concerned about pregnancy I'd suggest using multiple compatible methods at once. For example, use condoms in addition to hormonal birth control, or condom-safe spermicide. Or you can choose an ultra-effective method like an IUD.

    • Thanks. Well IUD Is not an option for me now... do you think the perfect use of a condom (I'm a freak so I WILL use it perfectly), calendar-based FAM and pull out on near-ovulation days will be sufficient for me not to worry?

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Most Helpful Guys

  • Any and every time a guy puts his penis into your vagina, you can get pregnant; no exceptions. Pregnancy is a KNOWN result of sexual intercourse and there is no such thing as 100% effective pregnancy control. In fact, there are no 2 forms of pregnancy control that are effective enough when used together that anyone anywhere will ever issue some sort of guarantee at their own expense. IF YOU'RE NOT READY FOR 100% OF THE POSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES OF HAVING SEX, THEN YOU'RE NOT READY FOR SEX!

  • Things can happen to condoms that can cause very small holes that you can't see, and they can be big enough for sperm to escape.

    If you are worried about that, an extra precaution would be to use a condom with spermicide.

    The only thing that is 100% is abstinence.

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4 7
  • Condoms are not 100% effective, so yes it is possible to get pregnant without it breaking

  • NO... I repeat NO... contraceptive is 100%.

    Only getting snipped/tube tied is 100%... even though I've heard of guys getting their wives pregnant after being cut.

  • I mean there's a chance, but 99% of the time if it doesn't break then it's nothing to worry about.

  • Yeah that's possible

    • How does the sperm escape?

    • Faulty condom, escaping through the bottom, or it just wasn't put on properly

  • Perfect condom use is reported 98% effective. That means 2% it didn't matter haha

    • How do you think the sperm escaped?

    • Some sperm have the Ninja gene and can teleport through condoms. True fact