If a crystal ball could tell you one truth about your future, what would you want to know?

If a crystal ball could tell you one truth about your future, what would you want to know?

Even if you don't believe in fortune telling, if it were real, what would you like to know?

1 2

Most Helpful Guys

  • I want an accurate weather forecast for each day of my life which tells me many things. When to travel, When the nuclear ☢️ bomb 💣 will darken the sky, and when my last day forecast is.

    • I'm a true prophet of God and I prophesy for free. The next Category 4 hurricane to hit the USA will hit in the exact same location as Hurricane Katrina and will be as big as Katrina in size. I believe the vision God gave me a few weeks ago implies this will happen THIS year, but it could be next year instead. The LORD has never actually given me a "calendar date but usually implies the disaster will be the same year or within X number of years. I do not believe in psychics or fortune tellers, nor would I ever prophesy for money.

  • This is posted under sexuality 🤣. What do you want to hear? How good the other person will be in bed?

    • I chose other. It got moved lol

    • Sure? Looking at your profile I think you meant it sexually

    • If you say so. Go look at all mg questions before this

Most Helpful Girl

  • Why everything gets posted under sexuality.

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What Girls & Guys Said

2 18
  • I would want the crystal ball to tell me what kind of sandwich I’m going to order for when I go to the beach tomorrow.

  • There are things that I would want to know… but couldn't trust because I don’t believe that any human can tell me the future…

  • I really wouldn't. Answers can be terrible and you can't change it.

  • I don't want to know anything about my future. I prefer to be surprised by what happens.

  • Nothing