Guys, If girl be so tired from a long day at work then when she gave you head it won't be good like it was before would you be mad?

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Superb Opinion

  • Why are YOU so selfishly IMMATURE as to EXPECT her to give YOU head after HER long day?
    YOU should be 'rocking HER world' as an appreciative companion!

    'Tongue service' and a hot bath and a foot massage goes ALONG way to cementing 'fidelity'!
    Women brag among themselves too ~

Most Helpful Guy

  • I mean any head is better then no head but if she was tired from work I would probably give her a massage and then eat her out rather then asking her for head. Or like dinner and a bath and then a massage and sex.

    • Lol! Thank you!!

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What Guys Said

  • I would appreciate it even more for her effort when tired.

  • Why doesn't she just go to bed if she is too tired?

  • I wouldn't be mad because even a soft slow head will be good if i like the girl.

  • Whomever is ungrateful for a Bj just leave them.

  • No. She should get the hell out.