If penis size was as obvious as breast size would the world be a very different place?

If penis size was as obvious as breast size would the world be a very different place?
If penis size was as obvious as breast size would the world be a very different place?
If penis size was as obvious as breast size would the world be a very different place?
A) Yes it would be a very different place.
Vote A
If penis size was as obvious as breast size would the world be a very different place?
B) Nothing would change.
Vote B
If penis size was as obvious as breast size would the world be a very different place?
C) Hard to tell.
Vote C
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Use a penis health creme daily... these are multivitamin and protein cremes made just for the penis and will give it its best chance of reaching its full potential. Keep in mind that the penis is an organ like any other and needs these nutrients to be healthy and strong. You can get a creme online... hope this helps.

  • Not really since everyone has a preference it wouldn't matter it would make men more insecure but wouldn't have a major effect

Most Helpful Girls

  • No.
    I mean, statistics of average dick sizes according to ethnicity/nationality/location, etc. are already available online and guys are still obsessed about how their dicks compare to other guys' dick so...

    I don't think dick sizes of each individual being available in real time would change much at all.


    1 Corinthians 6:18-20. “Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God?

    • How about you kill yourself and stop wasting air?

    • Lol 🤣

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What Girls & Guys Said

2 5
  • Lol at the first pic

  • Did you really need images of cartoon dicks tho.

  • Holy crap... I just found out I am from the Congo!

  • I'm South Korean... Should I be glad that I'm not a man?😂

    • @mapleshark well no because you’re the one that has to sleep with the 3 1/2” inch guys…

  • As long as a man knows how to make a women cum penis size dont matter.