If you haven't, you're a prude! If you have, you're a slut!

What makes someone a slut? These days, it seems the only qualification you’ve got to have to suffice is to be a female.

According to Leora Tanenbaum, author of ‘SLUT! Growing Up Female with a Bad Reputation’, the term slut has come to be associated as applying to any women who simply deviates from the ‘norms of femininity’, whatever the fuck that even is. A ‘slut’ doesn’t even need to be sexually active; if you’re a female and fail to follow the gender script; congrats, you’re a slut.

If you haven't, you're a prude. If you have, you're a slut.

These days, it doesn’t even require a woman to be promiscuous to be shamed as being a slut. If you embrace your sexuality in any way, even when in a long-term, monogamous relationship, you fall into that seemingly all en-compassing category.

There isn’t even such a thing as being a ‘slut’ or ‘not a slut’. Just being a woman. Even the ‘slut-pride’ and ‘slut-walk’ movements were entirely counter-productive, in my opinion. All they truly managed to do is to further feinfrce the dichotomies that feminism is working towards getting rid of. The whole ‘in-group’ ‘ougroup’ bias. It’s always us versus them, regardless of context.

It truly is a thin line to walk for women, between love and hate. Where one moment you’re the next best thing since sliced bread, beautiful, wanted by all, then before you know it you’re nothing better htan some filth in the street. Why? Because you dared to express an emotion or desire that is common to every single human being worldwide.

Women lose their sheen quickly. That’s what happens with commodities. Your worth is in the hands of a fickle and punitive market.

As always, women are sluts and men are, well, men.

‘Slut-shaming’ isn’t about shaming ‘sluts’. It’s about misogyny. It’s about shutting women down. It’s about hating women. It’s about silencing. You can be labelled a ‘slut’ regardless of whether or not you have or like sex. Whether you’ve had one partner or fifty. It’s doesn’t matter.

If you haven't, you're a prude! If you have, you're a slut!

Many men seem to want their cake and to eat it too. They want a willing sexual partner who is kinky af, lets him have their way with them. However, best not be too open about enjoying it if that happens to be the case as many society's also seem to place a lot of value on virginity, a women being demure and modest as a little school girl.

Half of the time people talk about being ‘slut-shamed’ or witnessing ‘slut-shaming’, it’s about clothes. Not sex. Someone thought you or your buddy was dressed ‘like a slut’. Your response was to say that, apparently, some ‘slut-shaming’ happened. But I’m confused now. Which is it? Is it that women who ‘like sex’ are being shamed? Or is it that women who wear push-up bras are being shamed? Because, for the record, wearing ‘slutty’ clothes has nothing to do with liking sex or not liking sex.

If you haven't, you're a prude! If you have, you're a slut!

It's a warning more than a word – a reminder to women that we must adhere to the narrow standards of femininity and sexuality set out for us. If we fail to obey, we will be punished accordingly.

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What Girls & Guys Said

11 37
  • lol sluts trying to rationalise their actions... . so funny and pittiful... .

  • A lot of guys will hate the fact that a girl they are dating had sex with a previous boyfriend and may even think 'slut' in his head but not say it to her. It is the used car mentality.

    • That's a really horrible mentality for the guy to have, reflects way worse on him than his girlfriend. You realize it wouldn't really show the guy in a great light to refer to his girlfriend as if she's an object, much less an object made to give him a place to stick his dick exclusively?

    • You would be surprised at how common this mindset is.

  • I like that pic of the zip on her mouth, id like to close the zip on all feminists mouths.

    • Lol k. You do you, don't let anyone hinder your oppressive, pigheaded views

    • Oh diddums, get real love if you think you are being oppressed you don't know your born, try being a Jew living in nazi Germany, try being black in apartheid South Africa, try being a mentally disabled person who has their very right to live denied by women mostly feminists thinking it is ok to abort them, and exclude them socially. yeah poor you.

    • You should probably read the take in whole versus one or two sentences and then throwing a fit.

  • If a girl has lots of sex she's a slut because biologically speaking men spread the seed and women are meant to be selective. That's why women wait for a high value man to have Sex and so he father's the child not just anyone because that's putting your child at risk. Any who these stuff go back to ancient times. Why do men get stick for defending themselves against women. Double standards exist everywhere and will never change anytime soon so sit back and relax. I've Learnt not to debate these topics because its no use in the long run

    • you're defending women being oftentimes wrongfully called sluts because, from back in the caveman day, women were to keep their vaginas open for just one man as men could fuck anything that walked to spread their seeds? You'd think society had progressed a bit further than that over the millenia. I guess not all cultures/religions...

    • It hasn't at all. People are still the same. Civilization put consequences on certain actions that's all. People fear consequences. The only times you see people acting like the animals they are are in war or riots. I've been in a riot and it's scary the way men and women act when they think they're in the anonymity of a crowd. No rules. They get a dull, animal sheen in their eyes and become lemmings following the loudest in the crowd. If civilization broke down you'd see how evil 'normal' people can become. It's all an act. Same with soldiers. Normal guys in uniform will rape and murder if they think they won't be caught and there's any slight justification for it. As long as enough guys in the squad go along with it there's a safety and anonymity in numbers mentality. It excites on a primitive level. Civilization is just a flimsy dam trying to hold back a flood of animal, savage desires. It will shock you when you see it

  • I sometimes call my girlfriend a slut when we're having particularly rough sex, to which she replies; "your slut". Am I a bad person?

  • I think its better to be a prude than a slut though. Either way, it makes no difference to me as long as you don't give me an STD.

    • yeah perhaps being a prude is the 'lesser of the two evils' in society's eyes but how unfair is it that a woman can't just say she likes sex without being made to feel like scum for that alone?

    • I think its cool if you have sex if you're married; perhaps, even when you're in a committed and monogamous relationship then people won't really even say anything.

    • This myTake is very Kacey Musgraves of you.


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