In the Name of Equality: Why Women Should Accept Men Who Are Fat and Lazy!

Women in recent times have made great strives in liberating their sex from what they perceive as the oppressive and ridiculously high standards of society. From the fat acceptance movement to the war against gender roles, women who were traditionally less than desirable have made a voice for themselves and shown that they can still be desirable. Thus in the spirit of equality, I believe that it is only fair to apply the same standard to men. So using these women's movements as my template, I have taken the liberty of outlining why women should start accepting men who are fat and lazy. After all, it is only equality.

Fat Men Can Be Sexy Too!

Judging a person's physical appearance by their weight is so shallow and oppressive! After all, if there is anything that Ashley Graham has taught us, it is that fat women can be sexy too. So since what is good for the goose is also good for the gander, let us end the fat shaming of overweight men. No one needs those buff, muscular men with sweat dripping down their pulsating abs like butter on a Thanksgiving turkey and their asses so firm that you can bounce a nickel off of them. No one needs those foreplay loving, sentimental shirtless hunks in women's media like Titanic and The Notebook. Instead women could use some plus-sized, all-American pieces of man candy in all their beer belly glory.

I propose we do this by immediately scheduling Larry the Cable Guy a shirtless photoshoot in Cosmopolitan, followed by Michael Moore and then perhaps leading roles for the both of them in James Cameron's next romance film. After all, what woman needs this:

In the Name of Equality: Why Women Should Accept Men Who Are Fat and Lazy!

...and this

In the Name of Equality: Why Women Should Accept Men Who Are Fat and Lazy!

When she could have this:

In the Name of Equality: Why Women Should Accept Men Who Are Fat and Lazy!

...and this

In the Name of Equality: Why Women Should Accept Men Who Are Fat and Lazy!

There is absolutely no reason whatsoever why the former pair of men is anymore attractive than the latter pair. Any preference women may hold for the former is solely the result of nurture via society's ridiculously oppressive, high, and unrealistic standards for men. Never mind that nurture only reinforces that which already exists via nature, and that women cannot control what they like. The fact remains that women who prefer hunky men like the former are shallow, misandrist, bigoted whores. They would be lucky--no, blessed, to end up with a sexy, overweight god like Larry the Cable Guy or Michael Moore.

After all, if men are shallow, misogynistic dogs for liking women like this:

In the Name of Equality: Why Women Should Accept Men Who Are Fat and Lazy!

...and this

In the Name of Equality: Why Women Should Accept Men Who Are Fat and Lazy!

Instead of fat women like this

In the Name of Equality: Why Women Should Accept Men Who Are Fat and Lazy!

...and this

In the Name of Equality: Why Women Should Accept Men Who Are Fat and Lazy!

Then the same is true for women who prefer buff, muscular men opposed to their fat counterparts like Larry the Cable Guy and Michael Moore. And in the spirit of diversity, let's include Hispanic MLB superstar Pablo Sandoval amidst the ranks of those sexy, chunkalicious men.

In the Name of Equality: Why Women Should Accept Men Who Are Fat and Lazy!

So come on, what woman can resist such irresistible men? Fat is sexy and those who say otherwise are just jealous. No woman wants to cuddle with some gargantuan Hercules whose six pack looks like it should be on the soda aisle of a grocery store. Instead they want a beer-bellied butterball whose folds of fat can keep them warm like a blanket. After all, this is the message of the No Angel campaign below:

In the Name of Equality: Why Women Should Accept Men Who Are Fat and Lazy!

So step aside and make way for the new generation of sexy fat men in all their glory. Ladies, in the spirit of Chrissy Amphlett, you may commence the touching of yourselves. Oh! Oooh! I don't want anybody else...

In the Name of Equality: Why Women Should Accept Men Who Are Fat and Lazy!

Men Are Entitled to Be Lazy!

Expecting men to adhere to rigid gender roles like fatherhood, being hard workers, and overall not being lazy bums is so oppressive, closed-minded, and misandristic. After all, if women no longer have to submit to their husbands, be good mothers, or take care of the home, then men no longer have any obligation to fulfill the roles expected of them either. Down with the matriarchy! Gender roles are overrated anyhow. Never mind the fact that virtually every culture across every part of the world for most of human history has affirmed traditional gender roles. For just as it is misogynistic and pigheaded for a man to even desire a woman who out of her own volition chooses to abide by traditional standards, so it is misandristic and matriarchal for a woman to even desire a man who out of his own volition chooses to abide by traditional standards like not being a lazy bum. So in the name of equality, I propose that women start accepting lazy bums for the progressive, strong-minded men that they truly are:

In the Name of Equality: Why Women Should Accept Men Who Are Fat and Lazy!

Not there is a progressive, with-the-times specimen of manhood who is not allowing traditional gender roles and society to dictate the way he lives his life. Never mind the welfare of his family; they come second. It is his life and therefore his choice to decide how he wants to live it. And if his family cannot get behind that choice, then it says a lot about how selfish, matriarchal, and downright sexist they are for expecting a man to abide by traditional standards like providing for his family. I for one am inspired by him. In fact, I cannot decide who is more inspirational, him or his sister the career-driven feminist woman who similarly neglects her family but in the name of work.

In the Name of Equality: Why Women Should Accept Men Who Are Fat and Lazy!

Indeed, feminism has rightly taught us that traditional gender roles are so oppressive, backwards, and sexist. I pity the women who find themselves bound by the shackles of motherhood and the home. Again, the nerve of some men to even desire such women is appalling and only supports oppressive gender roles.

In the Name of Equality: Why Women Should Accept Men Who Are Fat and Lazy!

I mean, just look at how oppressed that woman is! A housewife managing the home and taking care of her children, it makes me sick. I bet she is going to make love to her husband later that night too, and then go to Church next Sunday. There should be trigger-warnings for disturbing images like this. She is so blinded by oppression that she is actually smiling as if she enjoyed it! It must be Stockholm syndrome!

In the Name of Equality: Why Women Should Accept Men Who Are Fat and Lazy!

These women are so oppressed that they are actually passing on that oppression to the next generation. Look at that poor, deluded mother above. I am not sure what is sadder, the fact that she is cooking for a family she loves or the fact that she is raising her daughters to grow up the same way. How any man could desire this in a woman is beyond me. Such men should be ashamed of themselves for believing in such archaic, oppressive, and misogynistic gender roles for women.

But feminism has only fought half the battle. For just as the movement liberated women from the oppression of traditional gender roles with the baptism of a career and the eucharist of abortion, so we need to liberate men from the oppression of traditional gender roles as well. Down with the matriarchy!

In the Name of Equality: Why Women Should Accept Men Who Are Fat and Lazy!

Fatherhood is misandristic by its very nature. Just look at the man above spending time with his son. Teaching him how to cook, preparing dinner so that his wife can enjoy a long overdue break, it is absolutely disgusting. If this does not scream oppression then I do not know what does. I bet he even goes to work every morning in order to keep that roof over their head and food on the table.

In the Name of Equality: Why Women Should Accept Men Who Are Fat and Lazy!

The utter horror! Expecting a man to provide for his family is so oppressive, sexist, and downright misandristic. How any woman could desire this in a man is about as shameful and bigoted as those men from earlier who desire housewives and mothers. We need to do away with traditional gender roles altogether because they are so archaic and oppressive. Thank God for feminism. After all, the feminists were the ones who enlightened us with such revolutionary thinking. I have only taken it to its full logical conclusions by applying it to men, which I am sure you strong progressive women will agree with.

So in the spirit of equality, I present you with another true specimen of manhood. A man who is not afraid to shun traditional gender roles with their sexist notions of fatherhood, work, and providing for the sake of doing what he wants to do most: be a lazy, unemployed bum.

In the Name of Equality: Why Women Should Accept Men Who Are Fat and Lazy!

So what is next? Well for one women need to start recognizing these fat lazy men for the sexy, progressive hunks that they truly are. Anything less reeks of sexism, misandry, and the matriarchy. After all, if men are shallow, misogynistic dogs for preferring thin women who choose to be mothers and take care of the home, then women are shallow, misandristic whores for preferring fit men who choose be fathers and work. Thus in the name of equality I propose the following...

Women Have a Progressive Duty to Pursue Fat Lazy Men

Progress takes time, so in order to spearhead the (re)education of society women have a progressive duty to pursue fat lazy men. Think of it as affirmative action. How can such men ever be expected to catch up with the rest of society if women do not help them out? Women can do this by a) allowing fat men like Larry the Cable Guy and Michael Moore to pose shirtless in magazines like Cosmopolitan and Women's Health, b) giving them leading roles in romance films like Titanic and The Notebook, c) not only allowing but encouraging their husbands to be lazy, and c) most important of all, choosing to pursue only fat lazy men.

The last one is the most important. Unless these men are actively pursued by the most traditionally beautiful women of all such as Victoria's Secret Angels and Miss Universe contestants they will never truly feel accepted by society. They are entitled to beautiful women, and any woman lucky enough to end up with one of these fat lazy studs should consider herself lucky. Therefore ladies you have a progressive duty to pursue only fat lazy men as partners. It is for the sake of equality after all. So break out the expensive makeup and stilettos, and get out there to prove your worth to these chunky unemployed gods among men!


Ridiculous huh? This whole MyTake reeks of absurdity, infantile thinking, and downright stupidity.

But how is it anymore ridiculous than what fat, nontraditional women with a false sense of entitlement are doing to men who prefer thin, traditional women?

Again, I credit not this thinking to myself but to feminists and fat nontraditional women with a false sense of entitlement. Nothing I wrote was original. I merely took their thinking to its logical conclusions by applying it to men, and in the process exposed its absurdity. If you agree with this thinking in the case of fat nontraditional women, then you must also agree with it in the case of fat lazy men. Anything else is logically inconsistent. If you agree with this thinking in the case of one gender but not the other, then you are either a hypocrite who is not really concerned with equality, or you never truly agreed with this thinking in the first place. In which case, you concede that you were wrong. So which one is it?

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31 26
  • I disagree with the myTake. Women who stay at home and take care of the kids and cook and clean aren't opressed, unless they're forced to stay at home. I could never stay at home, I couldn't do that, but my mom does and she loves it. Besides, if I stayed at home and my husband quit work to lounge around all day, I would be pissed because he is the one in the relationship we're in who's supposed to make the money. Likewise, if I made the money for us and quit my job, then he would have every right to be pissed.

    I would date chubby or skinny guys, whichever I like, just like they're free to date whatever type of women they want. Personally I think you purpously picked obese, ugly men and beautiful, average-sized women, but each to their own.

    I'm skinny as a stick, but I have short hair which apparently turns a lot of guys off (I don't care I have a boyfriend who likes it.) Do I suddenly write a myTake about how men are monsters for not like women with short hair? No. Women who complain about guys who don't like their weight just need to look for less shallow men. Guys who write myTakes like this need to get their heads out of their asses and stop complaining about those women.

    On a final note, those two women aren't "fat" especially not the first one. That's a healthy weight, and I don't know about you but I know plenty of people who would love to date someone as beautiful and sexy as her

    • Jesus. You just confirmed his points. It was a satire. He didn't mean what he said. He just implied thay since iys ridiculous for women to date men like that, its ridiculous for men to date such women too. Also he touched on the points of women doing household chores and motherly duties as well. That, too was satire. To me , a real woman should be able to do these things, and not feel "oppressed" by it.

    • @slimstiffy I only briefly skimmed, I apologize. Though most of the was made in jest, except for the last part

    • No nees to apologize. This is just an online forumn and nothing you said was offensive :-) . And yeah i too found the first one hot.

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  • I personally think being chubby is good, it is in between the lines.

  • the first two girls were reasonable weight.

    as for comparing the guys to the girls, virtually none of the girls were as fat or disgusting as some of those guys you posted.

    magazines are pushing the boundaries a bit with their definition of 'curvy' but you're really stretching it out to a ridiculous degree.

    anyway, most girls are preoccupied with confidence over looks, so they will date and fuck those guys if they can show that they feel happy with themselves.

  • I don't think this is absurd, I agree.

  • good take it made me chuckle.

  • Hahaha ilu man😂😂😂😂

  • Wow.

    • Ditto, you can't be more childish then doing something just to get your own back for the same being done to you. Women do this all the time. Especially women your age. He was just pointing out the double standards with women.

    • @bobbyxxx guy you completely misunderstood. I mean that this whole 'fat acceptance' thing is childish. "I'm fat cater to me" no. Fat isn't pretty, sorry.

  • My humble own opinion is that even though I dont ahve the most fit, slim hot body out there. I dont like fat lazy men. I dont find them attractives. Im not asking for a bodybulder or weigthlifter body type, I hate those anyway, too much droids or pills on their systems that they become like monsters but I will like to see a very athletic, fit guy where you can see he takes care at least for himself. Regading the lazy one. SInce when being a lazy guy is attractive? One thing is being lazy and another one is having some days off from work and do not do anything to relax and unwind a bit from work.

  • I don't accept fat or lazy people (men and women) in general.

  • What women say:

    Men are shallow because they want women who look healthy and not obese.

    Men are intimated by strong, independent women. The same independent women who always try to control the relationship and 1 up their man whenever possible.

    Women are perfect men are too picky and have too much standards.

    Women should be allowed to keep their preference for height, race, face and money. After all women deserve to keep their standards.

    • Haha the women who say that you are shallow just because you have your preference are stupid. That must mean we are all shallow to a certain extent. You just can't speak for every guy though. I've been attracted to men of different builds and heights, I don't mind a guy carrying a little weight. But not morbidly obese. I keep my options open, but thats what I like and I don't speak for every woman.

  • Lmfao!!!
    Oh god, this was pure gold. I like how you put those wise words into a matter-of-Fact comedy. And i bet some people missed the point as well but you were aweaome. please do more mytakes.

  • Why bother trying to please feminists? They can't be pleased, you're chasing the PMS dragon.

  • When it comes to standards, men aren't allowed to have any or they're shamed for it

    • I agree

  • There is a huge difference between the attractiveness of the first fat man you posted and the second. I think you are confused about what is hot or not, the second man is actually an attractive chubby guy but the former man is just plain ugly.

    I don't like my women fat but some curvature like in the pics you showed is manageable to most. I like my women slim, almost skeleton like to be honest but that's just me and my preference.

  • Outstanding, really the best thing I have read here. Great job

    • Wow, the point was missed by so many. It's sad really.

  • I don't mind fat men but if your lazy... FUCK NO. I am not doing all the work.

  • Yes, and in the name of equality women should be more willing to accept men who are 6'9

  • since the moron BaileyisDarcy blocked me, i will respond here.

    @Shorty1991 you are a moron. They are not average, they are fat. Curvy means having curves, not extra fat. A slim woman can be curvy if you didn't know that. And salma hayek and j. lo definitely have curves. its you who are dumb ad hell. And i can speak for majority of men because i am a man, i know more about what men like than you do because these opinions is what you will hear majority of guys say when you women are not around.
    Most guys who aren't fat themselves would never date a fat woman like the ones in this mytake. Its just fact. Just because you can find a few exceptions that dont even make up 0.1 % of the population doesn't change that. Deal with it.

    • Ooooooooh coming up with facts and figures now are we? Because I disagree with you it makes me a moron? Well it takes one to know one. No. . . you know what you like. You still can't speak for everyone. Both celebs are slim, but lack defined curves in the waist and hip area. Curvy is a shape nothing to do with bmi.

    • Well, duh! Of course I'm aware that women can be slim and curvy. What do you think of the woman in my first picture. So in your case you have not been reading my replies properly. As I pointed our that curvy is a shape that can be on many different body frames. And average means in between thin and fat. Just to make it a little clearer to you.

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  • lol if you can't even see your own penis due to fat, why even live? same for the vagina.

  • I just looked at the pictures, I didn't read a single thing

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