Girls, Is 7 inches long and 6 inch girth big?
My boyfriend has the size and I wonder if it's big and if it's good in sex? PLEASE share your experience I will be having sex next week for first time
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What could possibly be the reason for you to ask this question here? are you gonna call it off if you dont like the answers you see? WTF? You must not like him enough to wanna be intimate with him if you have the audacity to ask that here if you actually value opinions on this ludicrous question *shaking head*
I'm just curious. Sorry
It shouldn't matter.
I have no idea what girth measures are.
7 is pretty long though.
All I know is that his penis doesn't fit on toilet paper thingy, Oo also he has foreskin, do i have to use A lot of LUBE?
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