Is anal something special for you and your partner, or is it pretty routine/nbd?

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Superb Opinion

  • I have tried anal twice with two previous girlfriends at their request. We used tons of lube (important) and sure I had a few good orgasms. However both girls said that they did not orgasm and that it was very uncomfortable. I prefer the front door any day! What about your thoughts?

Most Helpful Guy

  • For the last couple of years it has been routine for us. We do it more often than not. I always start in her vagina and then finish in her ass probably 60% of the time. If we have sex daily she needs a day or two in between to let her ass rest, but if it's been 2 or 3 days since we had sex I always do her ass.

    Anal is something we have both learned to enjoy more and more so it's a mutual desire for us. She always has more intense orgasms during anal, and that's a bonus for both of us because there is nothing quite as hot as seeing her cum while I'm fucking her ass.

    Anal is also a good method of birth control. She has an IUD, but her sister got pregnant with an IUD so we are a little paranoid and I never cum in her vagina without a condom, and I won't until we're ready to have kids. But I can do her ass without a condom and cum all I want.

Most Helpful Girls

  • not really as special as you think... all a guy has to do is finger you bend you over and they cum pretty quick from it... i never really get the lube treatment... i wear short skirts so i don't get that special treatment i guess.

    • Anal without lube is a no go for me.

    • @Samantha_17 guys like it really tight and sometimes they don't exactly give me a choice

    • The can still enjoy the tightness with lube.

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  • When I first got with my guy, we started having sex daily. Roughly once a week, we would end up having anal. It was always special for both of us. Now, it is not so frequent. Maybe once a month. Still as special, though.

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What Girls & Guys Said

13 18
  • It is not something I will do but everybody is different I could see how it could be special as far as commitment.

  • My husband and I did it regularly before we had a baby. Not it's rare because every time is a quicky. Love it though

  • Pretty routine, we both love it.

  • It’s not something my partner and I would ever do because we’re not a gay couple.

  • No more a deal than a bj