Is it easy for women to get pregnant while trying to be safe? I know two girls who just got pregnant and they're happy and I'm confused?

Is it easy to mess up on not taking the pill or something else? I don't really know and it got me thinking 🤔

How often does your period come in late?

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Superb Opinion

  • one of the biggest reasons why there had been in increase in number of kids with disabilities over the past 20 years is due to the increased use of birth control. In the past, sex before marriage was significantly less common and wasn't as easy to get as today. So women seldom took birth control

    Birth control is not healthy for women or her reproductive health. Last year, I went to the doctor for some plan b morning after sex pill, she immediately told me that she didn't recommend prescribing it to me because it is extremely bad for hormones. My doctor told me to avoid ever taking such things. Birth control is terrible for women. Something that is bad for your reproductive health WILL negatively impact your future offspring. Abortions are bad for your reproductive health too. In other countries, many people have known about this stuff since the 1980s.

    However In the US, nobody knows about this because hospitals make a lot of money off of abortions. Pharmeceutical companies make a lot of money from selling birth control pills. We live in a capitalistic society.

    Condoms aren't effective unless it is used effectively. He needs to change the condom every time he ejaculates. He also needs to buy the right size condom. The sex also cannot be too intense. If used properly, condoms can be extremely effective

    • Interesting point. I think there is also evidence that the pill causes women to be attracted to different qualities than they would normally be attracted to, which sets up a potential crisis in relationships either when using the pill begins or ends. It’s certainly not a consequence-free means of birth control.

    • @haha456 I never thought about it that way that’s actually so true

Most Helpful Girl

  • There are no contraceptives that are 100% effective. Even condoms or vasectomies aren’t 100% safe. And for example birth control is 99% effective if you use it perfectly. Only 91% effective when used as people typically use it. And even when you take it perfectly there are certain medications that can interfere with the birth control and lower its effectiveness (most people don’t seem to know this). And it’s regular meds like medication against fungus, antibiotics and so on. Also, if you vomit soon after taking birth control its basically like you didn’t take it. So if you’re sick or even drunk it can make you throw up the pill. And yes, it can be very difficult to remember to take a pill every day. Some people are more forgetful than others obviously, but most women who are on/has been on the pill has probably forgotten to take it at least once. So for some people who find it dofficult to remember other birth control methods are better, like the implant or whatever. But again those also aren’t 100% effective.

    • Lmao but even tho they aren’t 100% they’re still better than 89% lmao

Most Helpful Guys

  • The desire for children is biologically rooted, so the fact that they’re happy is no surprise. What is unusual is how widespread the amount of people who don’t want kids is, but that’s because it is an exceptional time because Western culture is in decline. Anyway, birth control pills are very reliable if taken at the exact same time of day, without missing a day, without getting sick. But if a woman gets sick, uses other meds, isn’t rigorous about the timing, the effectiveness drops. Also, and women have told me this straight up, sometimes they’ll say they’re on the pill when they aren’t if they want to get pregnant. This is deceptive, but there is no way for the guy to know and if she gets pregnant he’s on the hook for child support even if he were to find out she tricked him. So if you don’t want to get a girl pregnant, it’s best to use a condom unless you can trust the woman with your life.

    • Why is it weird to not want to have kids?

    • It is not weird, it is an unusual, exceptional circumstance when people do not want kids that signals serious problems with the society where this is true. Humans are biologically hard-wired to want children under most circumstances.

    • There is a factor other than human biology at play, however, and that is the cultural life cycle. It is anathema to progressives, who view history as a story of upward human progress with our current elites being smarter and more morally enlightened than those of the past, but I believe cultures are born, flourish, decline, and end in collapse (like the Greco-Romans) or ossification, endlessly repeating old cultural forms unless acted upon by outside forces (like the Chinese). The decline of a culture begins when it reaches the height of its political and scientific power, so the fact that decline has set in escapes most observers. A form of finance rises that allows the elite to centralize wealth and power to themselves, and they begin to build cosmopolitan, global cities that draw the most capable people in from the hinterland and, because the elites now despise their own culture, the whole world. The energy of people, especially the most capable, is directed toward the advancement of luxury instead of family. One of the tell-tale signs is that having children becomes a decision rather than an assumed part of existence, along with the rise of a sort of feminism. Once this happens there is no reverse gear. Try as one might (Caesar Augustus recognized the problem and passed laws to encourage fertility), the culture will decline. Rome’s population fell from 1 or 2 million to about 35,000 in just 200-300 years. The people weren’t slaughtered and they didn’t run away. They just stopped being able to form healthy families and stopped having enough children. If one looks at the people of European descent, it is clear they are going to suffer the same fate. Also, as non-European populations are Westernized, they too join this trend. The collapse in fertility is one mechanism by which cultures that are ready to die manage to die.

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  • There is a very small window of time to get pregnant each cycle. Sperm can live inside a girl for up to 5 days. The egg can only live 48 hours. If periods are regular then it's pretty easy to find out when she could get pregnant. As for them not happening when you expect it, that can be due to diet, medication changes, mental state, etc. So there are a lot if things that can slightly change when you get your period. If you genuinely don't want to get pregnant then there are ways that will work 100% of the time though. An IUD is probably one of the best ways to temporarily prevent pregnancy

    • So when I get a girlfriend should I ask her to be on am iud rather than birth control?

    • Unless you always use a condom. An IUD means that even cumming inside bare won't result in pregnancy, but always using a condom while she's on birth control pretty much ensures she won't get pregnant. The other option is to get a vasectomy if you never want to get a girl pregnant.

    • True I was thinking about getting a vasectomy but it's not like I had sex before soo would I even need it?

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  • Yes it is very easy. Most people do not have sex to get pregnant 🤰🏻 as the Abortion rates demonstrate. Some women do want to get pregnant 🤰🏻 though SO it is best to keep your duck in your pants unless you are emotionally and financially 💰 ready to be a parent.

    • True vut it's not like I get laid anyway or have a girlfriend 😕

    • 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️

  • Yeah, I've know of women who have gotten pregnent while using birth control. Even with perfect use, most of the methods are only 99 percent effective, that's why it's good to use a back-up method.

    • Yeah that is interesting

    • I don't know if your interested in reading scientific articles about studies/survey's I read them a lot about various healthcare issues, here is an interesting link to one article about contraceptive failure rates from 2016 of a survey that was conducted in over 43 countries.

  • The pill and condoms work but there is still always a risk. Most people don’t have to worry with double protection, but it just shows it takes responsibility.

    glad the girls you know are happy. Did they want to get pregnant or was it a surprise for them?

    • I think it was surprise but still they are both young like 20 and 21. They always say when am I going to have kids 🙄 like I can barely get a date

  • Easy when you don't want them but hard when you do. That's why you notice people who badly want kids end up having to do ivf and the people that are unsure about kids end up randomly pregnant.

    I'm on my 4th pregnancy 3 of them were easy but 1 was extremely hard to conceive and took almost a whole year

  • everyone is different...

    also, not all women have regular periods either...

    • Oh really. I didn't know that 😳

    • yes, everyone is very different... many girls do take birth control pills but not because of pregnancy concerns but for medical reasons, it does help to regulate their periods and to make them a little less hellish than they can be, for some