Is it normal for cum to go out through the nose during a blowjob?

So I came in my girlfriends mouth when she was blowing me. The cum came out through her nose. I didn't even know this was possible. I'm afraid to do it anymore now that this has happened. It freaked me out. I don't know if it's because I had that big if a load or what.
Yes, it's normal
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No, it's not right
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Didn't know this was possible until now
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Most Helpful Guys

  • It's neither normal nor something messed up. This happens for the same reason milk comes out your nose while laughing. It messes up the seal that prevents food from going down into your larynx when eating. Basically because girls will often breath through the nose while giving a blowjob they can upset the seal because they're trying to break while he's cumming or whatever so the girl will choke/cough up the cum from her windpipe and with no where to go through the mouth, it will come out the nose.

  • I wouldn't say normal, but does happen. There are porn videos of this all over. No big deal. Just the way it goes sometimes.

    • Lol crazy shit

Most Helpful Girls

  • It happens when she closes the muscles in her throat accidentally and the cum goes up to her nose. Nothing to be worried about, could happen to anyone.

    • Thank you this makes sense

  • She was laughing so hard at your dick to make your cum come out through her nose?

    Man... harsh

    • Nice one! :)

    • Thanks for being a good sport

    • Thanks for the sick burn

    • Show All

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What Girls & Guys Said

5 9
  • That's never happened to me.

    • Good

  • I've only seen that happen (with a soft drink) when someone laughed just as they were swallowing. Was she laughing at you for some reason?

    • It made a funny noise when I came. She wasn't laughing I would've went soft lol.

  • another reason to not cum inside a womens mouth 🤢

    • Feels so good though. Ever try it?

    • yes and im not a fan of it, Its disgusting really

    • I'm a nasty motherfucker

  • Answer: Forcing cum out of her nose is call 'an angry dragon' and can be caused by pushing her head down at the moment of orgasm. It can be incredibly pleasurable for both.

  • It does happen sometimes :$