He starts sex mainly in the morning. He claims that is when he is most horny. He said his dick is way harder in the morning too cos he’s rested. But in the morning we obviously don’t have loads of times. Sometimes we have 1 min and sometimes we have half an hour. we don’t give each other oral sex in the morning.
Then come night time he doesn’t seem like he wants to have sex. Sometimes he will, and we give each other oral sex. But mainly morning and doesn’t seem fussed for it at night
He doesn’t go down on me each time either it’s about a few times a months.
He doesn’t like his job and claims he isn’t happy in general.
But even when everything is fine for him hee still like this.
He does randomly come up to me and give me oral sex.
But when he was a teenager he had sex 5-10 times a day and always gave oral.
He met me 18. We had sex multiple times a day but nothing like that. He did have a job which he didn’t before and he didn’t have friends as a teenager. His only thing was a girlfriend and sex. He liked going out with his friends too when we met which obviously meant less time for sex.
But he doesn’t have sex nearly as much with me.
I am the opposite to his past girlfriends. They were big girls and I’m petite with a big bum.
Is this all signs he didn’t enjoy sex with me?
That he didn’t go down on me often? That he didn’t have sex with me as much? That he only really wanted it in the morning?
Is this a sign he doesn’t like sex with me?
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He was always wet before sex but sometimes wouldn’t have pre cum. He always had to pull out not to finish. He would finish from head but I wasn’t massively into giving it but tried to take it
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What Girls & Guys Said
0 1Your allowing your insecurities to make the issue about you when clearly he has changed since being a teen
Or maybe he hasn’t and he just doesn’t enjoy sex with me?
If he had someone else he’d have loads of sex etc
No thats your insecurities like I said but meh if you want to make yourself miserable have fun
He also told me he’d had incredible sex before but it’s been amazing with me many times And told me after sex the girls have said yeah that was pretty amazing. I didn’t feel that way after sex with him at the start and I didn’t enjoy it for a really long time with him. He can’t make me finish.
So clearly your standerds of sex are higher then the girls he was with
Or he is jsut saying that to me and his body is saying other wise?
Again that reads off more as insecurities then actual facts
Have u ever spoke to him about bit being able to make u finish
I just lie and tell him he does - is that mg issue it’s guilt. But I also know he was into big girls and I’m not that maybe that’s why he took 30 mins to finish with me? And that why he's not fused by sex with me because he does rarely start it and if he does it a quick sex. He doesn’t give me oral sex often either. He starts it about once a week maybe twice
Your actually a idiot lol I see why u guys sex life is so shit your not even able to tell him the truth so no winder u think he is lying when u can't be truthful
Because he got so upset and it’s been 6 years I’ve been lying to him for I can’t not now I made the decision to lie when I was 19. You just said our sex life wasn’t shit and I should believe him telling me it’s amazing? The guy also didn’t know that a vagina contracts during orgasm so obviously the others lied too
It is because I don’t feel like sex is amazing I can’t possible get that he does? It’s like I can’t possibly see how he found certain people attractive isn’t it?
This clearly seems like u have always lied about what u like and what and he has no fucking clie what he is doing because he has been with women that don't express what they want on top of u being a insecure partner that compares herself to his past women u guys are all idiots
I mean I have told him what I like but jsut doesn’t seem possible he can get me anywhere. Do you think he likes it though?
It dont matter if u told him because u pretend to cum so in his head he is doing a good job
But from how I’ve said he starts sex and is with sex is he into it?
Thats impossible to answer again tho it's clear you are insecure and that plays a massive part