Is this the right way to please a man?

6-7 times a day, she says. Guys, would you really need to "nut" this many times in order to be satisfied? 🤔

This is the right way to keep a guy satisfied
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This is not the right way to keep a guy satisfied
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I don't even have time for all that nutting
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I'm a woman and this is how I keep my man satisfied
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I'm a woman and I just want to see results
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Girl Guy
1 4

Superb Opinion

  • I’m always up for a good time, but damn… I have things I need to get done. My fav is in the morning, which is best for me to get my day started like a cup of Folgers, and in the evening or at night to relieve myself of all the stress I’ve dealt with throughout the day. If possible, I’d like to make time for some fun in the middle of the day like on lunch or break if I’m working from home. But 6 to 7 times a day, that’ll deplete my Zinc deposits to produce more sperm… damn though. 😂

    I’m not against eating that cat for my lady if she needs it that much, or if I can use a toy like the rose or a good strong vibrator on her, preferably while tied up so I can see that body snake around in desperation. My absolute fav is to use the fuck machine on her and I’m at the helm of the controls making that body thrust.

    So there’s other ways in making a man happy besides draining his soul completely from his being. Let him play with you, play some sex question games, tease throughout the day then let him unload on you bc the pressure will build up in him, send some pics to him throughout the day to keep him thinking about you. Get creative and think up of some things. Men are visual creatures. Invoke his imagination.

Most Helpful Guy

  • I wouldn't date a woman who said 'nut' so not exactly but all this is is a very old (not sure of the origin would be interested to know) saying that you should keep your mans belly full and his balls empty.

    It's overly simplistic obviously but I don't think its a bad place to start if that's what you are trying to do but aren't you supposed to be trying to connect with someone in a deep real and meaningful way?

    These things aren't mutually exclusive but just the suggestion that what you 'should be doing' is 'pleasing your man' seems entirely 1950s to me.

    I should also point out aswell though that there are a lot of people out there both male and female who wish it was the 1950s.

Most Helpful Girls

  • This sounds like the dream a 19 year old guy has. No normal man "needs" 6 orgasms a day. if he does, he has a sex addiction, most likely.

  • Nah maybe 6-7 nuts a week but a 6-7 a day is crazy

    • Even for you? Lol

    • @spartan55 for myself I could orgasm all day lol

    • Your husband must have an icebag dedicated to his nuts. Lol

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1 45
  • I need to figure out why every time there's a video on here I can't watch it

  • I would love this on like a birthday or anniversary but not day to day. Who is she dating an avenger called the Silver Scrotum? This guy deserves a Guinness world record, this lady deserves an orgasm. Imagine if she also had the mindset of making sure he makes her cums too just as much, oh boy. I often don’t even like coming after the first time because it’s more exhausting feels like way more work only for less to cum out but us men still do what it takes to please our lady!

    Lmfao what if meant that she specifically sucks his balls this whole time when she referred to “nuts”. That would be more achievable

  • I would be quite contented with once every day.

  • My boyfriend needs to cum twice a day usually.

    • that's a little more manageable... more than that would become a chore lol

    • @bananathunder depends. We usually have 1 day off together every month where we just spend all day in bed. Movies, snacks and lots of sex. He will cum 4 or 5 times.

    • Nice!

  • Six to seven times? BeeBella I'd be blowing nothing but sawdust those last couple rounds.