Justifications Given By Sexual Perpetrators for Their Actions (aka Rapists)

Justifications Given By Sexual Perpetrators for their actions (aka rapists)

Perpetrators use rape-supportive attitudes and sexual assault incident characteristics to justify forcing sex on their victims. Logically, perpetrators who can justify their behaviors are at increased risk for future perpetration.

If you don’t know what perpetrator is, It is a person who carries out a harmful, illegal, or immoral act. In this take the term perpetrator shall refer to the rapist. And rape refers to unlawful sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with or without force, by a sex organ, other body parts, or foreign object, without the consent of the victim.

Recently, In 2005 Rhina Wanger and her colleagues from Wayne State University, Detroit carried out a study of perpetrator’s behavior. This study examined the relationships between rape supportive attitudes, sexual assault incident characteristics, and the post-assault justifications of 183 men sampled from the community who self-reported committing at least one act of sexual aggression.

Men’s sexual aggression toward women is a pervasive problem in U.S. society. Between 25–57% of men report having perpetrated a sexually aggressive behavior against a woman since the age of These acts range from verbally coerced sexual contact to physically forced penetrative sex, with verbal coercion and the victim’s incapacitation the most commonly reported tactics

Justifications given by perpetrators for rape are as follows:

1) Women are Seductresses

Justifications Given By Sexual Perpetrators for Their Actions (aka Rapists)

Seductress is a woman who seduces someone, especially one who entices a man into sexual activity. A woman can seduce someone but perpetrators assume that all women are seductress, meant to get fucked or always have sexual motives when interacting with a man.

2) Women mean “YES” when they say “NO”

Justifications Given By Sexual Perpetrators for Their Actions (aka Rapists)

No wonder wrt this point since #MeToo movement. When she says “No” she secretly or subconsciously means to say “YES”. Every woman is a slut deep inside but keeps saying no so all you’ve to do is push her little bit (Rape her) and she’ll accept it.

3) Women are sex objects

Justifications Given By Sexual Perpetrators for Their Actions (aka Rapists)

A common medieval thought, women are sex objects whose function is to be sexually available to men at all times. Women are created for only one reason i.e. Men’s pleasure. They’ve no motive in life except pleasuring men and producing babies.

4) Men are entitled to sex for being “MALE”

Justifications Given By Sexual Perpetrators for Their Actions (aka Rapists)

Similar to the previous point, it says I have a penis and because of that, you owe me sex because….. I have a penis! They assumed that as a man they could take what they wanted from the woman and hence raped her.

5) Most women eventually relax and enjoy it

She actually enjoyed getting raped (how?). That’s one of the reasons given by rapist to rape her. Even when holding her at a gunpoint, they actually thought she is enjoying getting raped.

6) Nice girls don’t get raped

Justifications Given By Sexual Perpetrators for Their Actions (aka Rapists)

Like nice guys finish last, nice girls don’t get raped. They’re always fully clothed, they aren’t promiscuous etc. But inversely it also implies she deserved to be raped because she isn’t a “Nice Girl”

7) She asked for it

She wanted me to rape her. That’s a ridiculous logic but considered true by the rapist. “She wanted me to rape her”. I think as long as it isn’t a sexual fantasy, no woman will want to get raped without consent.

8 ) I was unable to control my sexual urge

Believe me, although it isn’t a valid excuse, it is most logical of all arguments. I couldn't control my urges hence forced them on someone. I know it isn’t justifiable but sounds most logical yet rapist has to be blamed 100 percent. It is the only justification in which rapist doesn’t blame women for rape (!)

9) A Husband cannot rape his wife

Justifications Given By Sexual Perpetrators for Their Actions (aka Rapists)

Marriage gives you right to have sexual intercourse with your partner even without their consent. In other words, it is “Love” and not “Rape” if you’re married to that person.

10) It was a minor wrongdoing

This is most laughable of all. Basically, you’re not accepting rape as a crime. Wtf? Is a rape joke or something? You’re destroying someone’s sexual life and yet you’re labeling it as “minor wrongdoing” ??

Note: These points do not reflect author’s views. Founded by a scientific study and published as a scientific paper, those are views of confirmed rapist form Virginia prison.

What do you think of those justifications? They’re absurd in my opinion but you’re entitled to share yours! I’m enabling the anonymous option for the same but if you write comments justifying rape, it might get removed due to G@G posting rules.

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16 41
  • being coerced is not rape

    • If you have to convince someone to have sex with you, you're not doing it right. Just like how when police coerce a confession from someone, it's not considered a valid confession in the court of law.

    • @lumos You haven't been to many court proceedings have you? SO many cases have used coerced confessions. The law is corrupt.

    • I gotta disagree with you there. I was forced to blow my cousin when we were kids. I was a lot smaller than he was, and I didn't think I had any choice in the moment. Does the fact I didn't bite his cock off or punch him in the face mean that I didn't get raped?

    • Show All
  • Over here, a mother let strangers rape her MALE kid. Why? Because as a mother, she's entitled to. Now you witness.

    • Great take by the way

  • Interesting myTake

  • If the rapists refused to listen to the victims, why should we consider their opinions

  • good take

  • I'm appalled by this article. Men can be victims of rape too, including the one writing this message. Quit acting like rape is only for women, because its not.

  • This is old shit what you are preaching.
    We are not living in 1990 where rape used to happen legitimately.
    Now, in 2018 you should be talk~ng about fake rape cases and fake sexual harasment cases. Men are just a puppet to woman's desires and manipulation.
    Nowdays women are asking for trouble.

    First they dress provocativly.
    Second, they give you eye contact.
    Third, they press their boobs and ass in your face.
    Fourth, if you touch them back. Fire alarm Fire alarm, Mayday mayday Rape. I got raped.
    Im being sexually harassed. Shoot the guy, kill him.

  • Interesting mytake, enjoyed reading it.

  • Women perpetuate monsters like that as they want bad boys and there are the results

    • There's a difference between a bad boy and ^this^. At the end of the day, most women really just want to feel like they are in control of the sexual situation. A bad boy can be bad and still show her the respect she desires.

  • Some want to avoid#blueballs

  • No one thinks these justifications aren't absurd.

    The thing to note is that this is the *rapist* mindset, people don't actually think this way. I think people use such examples of rapist's self-justifications to compel you to agree with their own views in an underhanded way.

    Eg. If rapists see women as objects (I think they see people as objects but okay) then you point to what you call sexual objectification and I disagree that it's a problem or that it's even sexual objectification, then you try to turn around and call me a future rapist or rape apologist because I disagree, even though it doesn't actually follow from what I say.

    It's sophistry.

    Another example is your stat about men who report perpetration, when you say they've used "verbal coercion" that includes innocuous stuff like coming on to my girlfriend, she says no, I touch her a bit and say "c'mon" then she starts getting turned on and says okay. It's totally harmless and normal... but that wouldn't serve the demonization of men, would it?

    Sure, these justifications are absurd, but they're invoked along with misrepresented stats or ideas by the intellectually dishonest to sabotage legitimate criticism.

  • 'Fake Rape Charges' have you ever heard about it?
    Some women have sex with you and later will charge you for rape and sexual harassment.
    I said "hi" to a woman in my office and she complained to police that i was sexually harassing her.
    What you're saying is getting old and most people have come to senses that feminism bs is nothing but a way to harass men.
    If a rape is legit then hang the culprit but dont misuse the laws.

  • When it comes to rape there are more than just male perpetrators. Your take is a bit biased to say the least. And this really getting old. There should be justice across the board. Don't leave out certain victims. All rape should be highlighted / addressed.

    • I agree. But since no studies are done on women's behavior after rape, I can only predict the reasons

    • Then perhaps those studies should be done as well.

  • 😂 I'm still laughing so hard 😂 I don't have the mind of a perpetrator but I still think that not all of these things are true. I just can't imagine for that type of guy would see women in every way you mentioned.

  • I can't imagine taking advantage of someone like that there is no right to it! There is nothing better than being in full communication with your partner and it actually makes your love for one another even better! Like how can you enjoy sex if someone doesn't want it? The feeling must be mutual.