Ladies, would you rather have a husband who makes $90k/year, or a sugar daddy who pays you $20k/month?

Husband who makes $90k/year.
Vote A
Sugar daddy who pays me $20k/month.
Vote B
I'm a guy who wants to see the poll.
Vote C
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
Girl Guy
8 mo
At present, 55% of GAG women chose the sugar daddy. Why doesn't this surprise me...
3 2

Most Helpful Girls

  • Disgusting! I don't want a sugar daddy. I honestly don't care to sell myself. I don't want to be with a man who cannot commit to me nor do I want to be seen as a toy an object or a servant (and worst a whore)

    However I don't need a husband who makes 90k. And of course I wouldn't reject a man (who meets my emotional/physical needs) because he made 90k either.


    A husband (WHO MEETS MY EMOTIONAL/PHYSICAL NEEDS) who makes the average American salary ($31,000) is perfect enough for me. His 31k and My 38k a year would give us a 69k a year and this is plenty to live comfortably together as a family.

    • Well said @meetkitty123.

    • @krakenattackin thank you 😉

    • It’s nice to see some women rather the husband. I do make the 90K and still have no one

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  • I’d rather have a husband who makes 20,000/year than a sugar daddy. Well, I don’t want a sugar daddy so there’s really no number. 🫠

    • Money would not come up naturally for me, I only mention it bc of the framing but characteristics are the things I think of. A persons ethics outlook heart compassion —when these things align, it’s priceless.

    • @vivant. Well said Vivant. Once again you can always be counted upon to be the classy lady. Your type is all but extinct.

Most Helpful Guys

  • They asked this on instagram and most said sugar daddy, no surprise there

  • Women who post in response to this will do what they always do - LIE.

    • @msc545. Yeah, but it makes them confront what they actually think vs what they know to be the moral answer.

    • Let us hope so!

    • @msc545. How's that Porsche treating you?

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What Girls & Guys Said

6 2
  • I'll take the husband because I have learned nothing beats a family!

  • When I met my second husband he was making about $30k a yr.
    so there you ago.
    I am also the woman who takes no alimony or child support from ex hubby. even when the court said I can since he makes double than me.
    I believe financial responsibilities come with both working together for a better future.
    with my first husband, I made him a millionaire because I showed him how to invest.
    my second husband same. We are now living very comfortably with only my salary. Hahaha that makes me the sugar mommy?
    I do see the down fall of the US with men trusting 💯 on women who are not good financially.
    my daughter turning 16…our daily dinner table discussions are financial talks.
    her teacher asked how many families talk about finances …she was the only who raised her hand.

    anyone interested…listen to Dave Ramsey. I just started a yr ago…
    america is a rich country. With 2 salary … no one should be in debt. Stop buying garage and stop listening to sales people.

  • $90,000 is not a lot in this day and age

    • @rachel776. So, you are choosing the SD.

    • Do you realize the average income for a man in 2023 $54,132?

  • 20k a month wowww i m up for tht lol

    • @elizamichale1. Hoes gonna hoe.

    • What's wrong in being a hoe?

  • Damn, 😂