Man Is Seen As A Predator For Comforting His Baby Son In the Shower

My brother told me about this story he read in one of his email subscriptions, and then I went to Google it myself.

Man Is Seen As A Predator For Comforting His Baby Son In the Shower

Back in November 2014 a couple's baby boy was sick, throwing up and having a high fever, until the boy's father Thomas decided what might is to cool him down. So he stripped down and stripped his little boy and they both sat in a cold shower together in an attempt to take the fever down. Although a noble effort, the boy was still very sick, getting worse, and having labored breathing, so they went to the hospital and found out their son had salmonella.

Man Is Seen As A Predator For Comforting His Baby Son In the Shower

His wife Heather Whitten is a photographer and is the one who took the photo. She herself was moved by the beauty of it, of her husband caring so much like that. "I snapped a couple of pictures," she told TODAY Parents. "It was just beautiful. It was not surprising or anything out of the ordinary; it's how he has always been with the kids.... I document our family just how we are. I kind of see something and I just grab my camera."

She later posted the photo on Facebook which went viral, getting over 130,000 Likes and 30,000 re-shares. Many people were just as impacted by it, though others weren't, with some people criticizing it as perverted, and Facebook even deleted the photo twice before finally allowing it to stay. Though Heather decided to remove it herself once and for all later. "I wanted to take it down just because I thought it would get blown out of proportion. I thought the point was getting missed."

The couple has 4 kids, and her husband Thomas is in the Air Force, which may have been why he decided to try the shower with the boy if he was trained in survival.

Man Is Seen As A Predator For Comforting His Baby Son In the Shower

People are so messed up...

Even I was touched by the photo when I saw it myself. I didn't see a single thing wrong or perverted about it. Such a situation with people's views tells us how we still are. No one would've thought it was predatory or perverse if the boy's mother was the one in the shower with the baby, and we know that. Or if it was some woman not even related to the baby. If a woman really was in the photo, it could've possibly turned out to be child pornography - that women commonly take payment to be in - yet none of us would ever suspect that or think it. But a guy has his clothes off with his own blood son in an effort to help him, and people think it's something sick.

These are the kind of things that make you feel like there's no hope for the world. Something great and beautiful is done, yet people twist it for evil in their minds. We complain and complain as a society about fathers this and fathers that, and talk about how maternal women are, yet this guy shows pure paternity and we still aren't happy.

All you can do is commend the good thing that was done, and shake your head at the world.

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49 53
  • Smh. Some people are so evil that they project their evil onto others. Smh.

  • i see nothing wrong with what he did

    • fathers used to do that kinda thing all the time it was considered being a good father but for some reason its twisted into something horrible i mean im not even from that timeline but even i know its a good dad

  • It's a shame child abuse is so prolific causing people to be so fearful.

    • But if it was a woman in the photo people wouldn't be fearful.

    • But its not. And really its more likely to occur with women then men (look at student teacher sex scandals and nearly every one of them is a woman, 90% of all rape within juvenile detention centers are done by women) yet their is no public out cry when women pose naked with their children (and they are posing not trying to help a sick child). The fact is we as a society have an insanely negative view of men, one that was never really even earned (women are actually more likely to abuse children as well as be more likely to abuse their spouses according to CDC and the NCVS studies). Thats the issue, we are more readily willing to believe a man will do wrong then a woman (hence women getting far less sever sentencing for commiting the same crimes as a man). Their are multiple reasons for this, a large part are from current societal views with some biological inclinations (neotenous traits and such).

    • @hellionthesage And the Sage speaks truth again.

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  • I don't see anything perverted about that at all, going into the shower was actually a good idea as it has been shown various times to be able to break a fever or at the very least help reduce it a little bit. But you do have to be careful about it.

    Honestly the whole thing was just blown way out of proportion.

  • I think that's utterly ridiculous, he was taking care of his baby

  • Why was it posted on social media to begin with? It's all well and good to be a good father and help your kid. Turning it into a story for publication is another thing, and thus will receive all sorts of criticism... The good comes with the bad, it's all in being in the lime light. I don't think the man did anything wrong in all of this, but the wife wanted to share it with the world for attention, and that's were she got into trouble.

  • Wtf is wrong with the world.
    Its cute when a brother and sister shower together when they are young.
    But god forbid a father comforts his son.

    Dont these people know skin to skin contact is the best way to heal someone of any age. I mean obviously you wouldn't naked hug a stranger. But if you think itll help your family. Particularly your child you do it.

    This is far from perverted people need to mind their own goddamn buisness

  • Bro didn't you know? Men tending to children is because they're pedophiles, obviously.

    • That's right, if he wasn't obviously he would have been drinking beer and watching football and letting his wife attend to the sick kid.

  • You see your own faults in others. Its the perverts that call others perverted. Their twisted minds can't take things at face value. Reality has to go through the filter of ones prejudices before the mind can process it and by the that time the whole picture is distorted and warped. Closeted gay guys hate gays and call everybody else gay. Shallow people see shallowness everywhere. The list is endless but its a good rule of thumb. Anybody judges anybody else right away i find out something about the person judging

    • Damn, so true.

  • sjws and feminist are the scum of the earth.

    • Preach

    • I am neither a feminist or an SJW and I find this picture to be bizarre, inappropriate, and weird. Your answer is also extremely dramatic.

    • @CosmicallyCombined nah you're just gay.

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  • That's an awesome father.

  • This seems to be an issue in mostly first world countries, except for Japan I think.
    For example, naked people bathing in a river in India ( rural areas ) is pretty normal.

    People just like to assume the worst.

  • Because certain groups of people will have you believe that men are rapists and child molesters waiting to rape little children. Why do you think certain airlines have a policy that says that men are not allowed to sit next to children, even if they are his own, with out a woman present.

    • Wtf... What the actual fuck?

    • @LilWeezey Hey it actually happens. What i mentioned up there is absolutely true. I dont see men that way, but some do.

    • I hate people

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  • I work with kids and I don't see that as okay. You can take a mili second and grab a towel to avoid psychological damage

    • Oh my God, if this was a mother in there you would not be saying that.

    • No both inappropriate period. I'm not leaning on this one my friend 🙂

    • Firm not okay

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  • people who think its perverted have dirty minds themselves so they see that eveywhere

  • Its tragic that this was vilified the way it was but it never should've been put on the internet. We need to realize that society, as a whole, is full of idiots that will take the slightest thing, misconstrue it, and then blow it up to be something that its not. We need to be careful about the stuff we make public because of this rampant idiocy.

    • Yeah, true.

  • We had a sillier case in Denmark. It's absolutely repulsing how men have to be watched around children, no one cares if it's a woman who is naked with her son or daughter. Women abuse children too, and not every man is a pervert in disguise. There is nothing wrong with that picture and the world needs to realize that.

  • What? Are you serious? It is a man and his baby son taking a shower together. Is he doing anything inappropriate to the child? No? Then why is this a problem?
    I swear people blow things out of proportions sometimes and it annoys me..
    Why is there such a sickening stereotype that 'all men are predators' or 'all men are sex-crazed maniacs?' Seriously, this is getting out of hand...

  • Those stupid people must swallow a grenade and jump into the ocean.

  • Human beings are really stupid. Wow

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