Men, You Don't Know What A Woman Truly Wants!

Just as women most likely don't know what men 'truly" want, you don't know either

! Sidenote: When I say "men", I say specifically guys who're misogynists and claim to know everything a woman wants.

Men, You Don't Know What A Woman Truly Wants!

Something I reallyreally really fucking hate is how on the internet there's all these guys complaining about what a woman "really wants" or how they claim "all women want to be raped". So many guys on here try to act as if they know exactly how every woman is. Then whenever I dispute explaining a rape fantasy or that every woman is different, they become a butthurt little bitch.

Disclaimer: No one wants to be raped! Women who have rape fantasies wish to be dominated, have their will's broken, to be completely taken by the person they TRUST. They don't want some stranger to rape them. They want their SO to take control of everything, take control of them, and then after that session of sex they go on in their daily lives again. @Redeyemindtricks has explained this so many times and still; men on here still try to say secretly every woman wants to be raped.

Men, You Don't Know What A Woman Truly Wants!

Men (on here and in real life) become so fucking sexist. And I'm not saying every guy does this, at all, but the misogynism levels are too fucking high! I don't care if a man thinks that there's a large # of women who do/think something, I understand that. But the moment a man tries telling me what every single woman wants or thinks, it pisses me off to no end.

Oh so you grew up with 2 sisters and a mom, and you dated 1 girl so you know every girl ever? Oh yea okay. Cause that fucking makes sense. I mean, men on here are either white knights who defend a womans honor blindly, or they hate women completely because they can't find a girlfriend to love them and all their misogyny. I've noticed a lot of the time on here with those types of guys it's either "My opinion is every woman wants ____, and if you disagree then you're a little bitch and I'll block you after insulting you"

Men, You Don't Know What A Woman Truly Wants!

Men on here try to say they know how women really are, and that they know what women really want. That is not the case AT ALL! Then they go and complain about chilvarly and shit when not only do they NOT have to follow the chilvalry code, but it is just basic fucking kindness! They don't seem to realize that if they're nice to people, everything will look better, and that if they open their damn minds up to listening to women and trying to understand then they won't get as rejected as much and maybe just maybe they'll find someone who won't wanna fucking punch them in the throat everytime they open their mouths.

Men, You Don't Know What A Woman Truly Wants!


Footnote: I'm gonna tally however many men get butthurt and comment on here.

So far: 10

Aw it's so cute how many men are getting so butthurt.

15 6

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8 57
  • Love this take! And love the tally too ;)

  • here we go again...

  • Men blame women because they don't know what they want -

    Women blame men because they think men are "failing to understand them".

    Newsflash - This isn't a male problem. You're assuming you understand why men think this. Nothing you have said so far confirms that. You're just assuming we all hate women or answer to you.

    "Men (on here and in real life) become so fucking sexist. And I'm not saying every guy does this, at all, but the misogynism levels are too fucking high! "

    No. Men just (in general) give up dealing with women who try to find a man to fit their checklist. It's not because we hate women. We're just bored of changing to find a partner. We look for someone to match us and for some reason women take longer to come to that conclusion. The problem is people don't fit into this. I'm not going to find a women who I love with the perfect image already and you think you can find a man? You can't. Doesn't work that way. It's the classic idea women can "fix up" men.

    • Just to be clear that first line was supposed to mean "men don't understand what women want", I'm not blaming women. The video is a comedy video. I happen to like his channel but it does tackle a real patten I'm seeing online.

  • "! Sidenote: When I say "men", I say in general, specifically guys who're misogynists and claim to know everything a woman wants."

    So which is it in terms of whom you're referring to? Men "in general," or specific guys who are misogynists?

    • I meant to get rid of the men in general

  • Men are experts on their own observations and experiences. Men KNOW what they have SEEN and EXPERIENCED! And we have all seen that women's words are often very different from their actions! As for misogyny, no man starts out hating all women out of the blue for no reason at all!

  • Some of the men on this site are the biggest babies i've ever seen when it comes to that shit. They're worse than the crazy feminist that they're complaining about lol

  • You don't know what women truly want either. This post really is shit and its just you whining about obvious trolls, but let me still explain to you why this post is so dumb.

    Women are individuals, just because you're a girl doesn't mean you know what a woman wants, but still you choose to make this about guys.

    Someone who says that all women want to get raped is an obvious troll, youd have to mentally ill to actually believe that.

    Also Disclaimer: There are actually girls who are really fucked in the head who genuinely do want to get raped, just like there are men who want to get raped.

    Also what do you mean men became misogynistic? You do realize that women have it the best they ever had today in terms of equality, If you want to see real actual misogyny you only have to go back like 30 years and women were treated completely differently. And I mean in a worse way.

    This whole post is just you fighting against imaginary arguments or caricatyres of these "misogynists" thats you yourself came up with. You even feel the need to insult these imaginary people that you came up with as if that somehow made your point stronger, for example: "men on here are either white knights who defend a womans honor blindly, or they hate women completely because they can't find a girlfriend to love them and all their misogyny."

    And sidenote, how about just using the word misogynists when you're talking about misogynists, and not the word men. That really makes it sound like you think all men are misogynists. I think its fucking ridiculous you think its justified to replace the word "misogynists" with "men".

    The thing that pisses me off most about this post is that the main point you are whining about it men generalizing women, thinking they all want the same thing. And then you go on to generalize men the whole post, trying to stick them into groups, like "whiteknights" or "misogynists"

    Seriously, try to look at your own post from an outside perspective and understand how childish it is.

    • Bravo

  • Lol! I find that to be a hindrance to nice guys because we are never seen in a sea of self important, self absorbed men, if you are offended it probably means you believe it applies as it probably does haha. Sorry fellas I still love ya ! But to make a difference and disprove it set an example and show you can make a change because you really can if but to try. I want all to find their loves of a lifetime. I applaud your take only through honest open communication can we educate. Hugz n smiles 🍀🐶🍀

  • People don't like the idea that other people know what they want.

    Salesmen are hated. And yet the sales industry is huge.

    • Are you trying to compare salesmen to misogynists?

    • 'Misogynist' = 'Any man who dares to disagree with me about anything important'.

    • Yep. Except more like "anyone who says anything I don't like or that I don't agree with".

    • Show All
  • I have no idea how people don't understand that everyone are INDIVIDUALS! Some like this, other that, but no one wants to be raped! Rape is tied to consent, and as a rape victim never consented it's hardly "want" so, yah, some people (guys and gals) are just a-holes.

  • So you post a mytake expressing your butthurt over men's attitudes about women, and yet you call out men for being butthurt? The concept of hypocrisy clearly escapes you.

    • oh found another one

    • You found another what? a guy that calls you out on your bs... and disagrees with you= Misogynist...

  • Other then the basic and obvious biological wants, needs and desires encoded into you we don't claim to know exactly what women want or need or desire but we men are curious, scientific and logical lot. We test, we theorize and we experiment and based upon the stimuli and response we get from those tests and experiences. We can adequately draw our own conclusions on what women best respond to and want. The video and field test @bubbleboy69 showed is a good example of this.

    And a lot of the guys you are talking about, don't genuinely hate women they hate what women put them through as women for all the great things about them they can be and are at times polarizing, contradicting, hypocritical, among other things. It also doesn't help when women do things wrong like cheat or something like that and then they get a divorce and it's taken court but even though the woman is at fault the courts will still a lot of times side with them even when the man has done nothing wrong.

    And other times these men hate themselves for failing with women so much that they try to focus their self loathing, sadness and hate onto women to make themselves feel better, because if it's the woman's fault and not theirs, then in their minds they aren't losers and they aren't the problem, women are.

    Also I can not, can not, can not stress this enough but the code of chivalry has almost nothing to do with women or the treatment of them, it's a very, very small part of the code, just a sentence. And I only bring it up because you mentioned it and because I hate when people confuse the real code for the made up Hollywood one.

  • I never liked misogynists & male-chauvinists, women should be respected. Excellent Take.

  • I'm so butthurt right now I'm going to need a special ointment for that.

    No but really the internet is filled with douchenozzels that crap all over any group that they are not a part of. Whether it's the other sex/race/political beliefs/religious beliefs. etc.

    I think people like this are a minority of people (god I hope so...) but they are just the loudest and so the nicer peoples voice disappears when these obnoxious people yell over them about how much better they are than you.

  • Wow, i have been on this site for a day and the genders are up in arms everywhere, woa. this is scary. What happened to the love guys and girls

  • asking what women in general want is like asking what medications people in general need. there's no answer, since it's different for every person. That is why there's no such thing as experience in sex, and part of why monogamy is the best option.

  • Lmao i love how take writers have the "we can make the world a better place through the internet" mindset even though most of the people on gag are just here for the gift cards n stuff...

  • Women don't even know what they want! True story bro!

  • I know what women want. But women are unique, no two are the same and so they all want different things.

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