Mia Rose Uncut and Uncensored: The Ex Pornstar Talks Life, Love and... Size

Mia Rose Uncut and Uncensored: The Ex Pornstar Talks Life, Love and... Size

Life is divided into the horrible and the miserable.” – Woody Allen

Nobody would blame former pornstar Mia Rose if she embraced this cynical statement after the year she suffered through. Oh, think you had a rough year? Let’s compare notes, shall we?

In 2015, Mia’s home was robbed and her car was stolen, she suffered through a botched abortion, watched her fiancé walk out the door as she sat bleeding and crying in the tub, lost a devoted canine friend by the name of Alexander, and was the victim of identity theft. As the rotten cherry on this depressing parfait, don’t forget that Mia was also homeless at one point in her life.

Mia Rose Uncut and Uncensored: The Ex Pornstar Talks Life, Love and... Size

However, at some point during my two-hour talk with Miss Mia Rose, I started to realize something vital: Life can be unforgiving and brutal but despite it all, smiles and laughter are in there…somewhere. Her brutal honesty and openness was not only refreshing, but it was bound to eradicate assumptions and pre-conceived notions concerning former pornstars. Amid her hard-hitting words and occasional tears, one spots a deep-rooted desire to survive; a hardness sheltering a vulnerable core that we all have.

A great human interest story can only be found when there's conflict and abundant emotion. It ain't no goddamn fairytale; it's life in all its despair and, ultimately, hope.

GaG: So, wow…tough year, huh?

Mia: “Actually, last year started out being the happiest of my life. I got engaged to my boyfriend, who I'd known for 10 years before we started dating, and everything was going great. I even got a $10,000 donation on my stream. But then just everything went to shit— My BMW got stolen, my house was broken into, and my fiancé left after he found out I was pregnant. Then my identity got stolen and my dog died and…it was just awful. It just turned into the worst fucking year and I was like, ‘Is this real life? It just can’t be, right?’”

Mia Rose Uncut and Uncensored: The Ex Pornstar Talks Life, Love and... Size

GaG: Your fiancé left when he found out you were pregnant?

Mia: “Yeah, well, I got pregnant and got an abortion but something went wrong. I just remember seeing all this blood running out of me; they said there’d be some blood but I was thinking, ‘there shouldn’t be this much blood.’ I don’t know what went wrong but it was really bad. And then one night I was literally in the tub with all this blood pouring from me and then my fiancé…he just left. Walked right out. And I really loved this guy, you know? I’d known him for a long time and we were living together for a while and everything. But after he left I think things just got worse. As if they could possibly get any fucking worse.”

GaG: With all this going on, what have you been doing to keep your mind off the bad things? What do you like to do these days?

Mia: “Oh, I’ve just been playing a lot of games and streaming, though I find it hard to stream these days. I was really into WoW (World of Warcraft) but I burned myself out on that; now I’m into Rainbow Six Siege and I’ve been playing the shit out of it. I also loved The Division beta and that’s going to be my favorite game, I just know it. So yeah, I’ve been playing a lot and I think video games have been keeping me going, because I’m trying so hard not think about all the bad shit. I don’t think I’ve been handling it all quite as well as I have been, but my new dog has helped a lot, too. His name is Ben and I just hope he stays okay.

I’ve also spent a lot of time with my friend Emily. She’s a 13-year-old with leukemia and she’s always in the hospital and doesn’t have any family. We talk every day on Skype and I swear, what this girl has given me over the past year or so…it’s amazing. She’s just incredible. She even did this video for me and it makes me cry every time I see it:”

GaG: Moving on to happier things, what’s your take on the current dating scene? Is it easier for Millennials to meet people these days?

Mia: “You know, it’s just getting way too easy…which actually makes it harder, if that makes any sense. Now you have so many ways to weed out the people you don’t want, so many ways to try to find the perfect person that’s the exact right fit for you. But how the fuck do you even know that’s what you really want? I mean, I went on Match and those ended up being some of the most miserable dates of my life. I tried telling them about what I’d done [porn] and I tried not telling them; doesn’t matter, didn’t work either way. It just sucked. We don’t seem to have any idea what we really want, even though we’ve got all these ways to communicate with each other now.

Like with our phones. I know I’m addicted to my phone and it sucks. I remember growing up in Alaska in a town of like 300 people and then, yeah, you had to just walk over to a friend’s house and if nobody was there, that’s it; you’re shit out of luck. That’s when people talked to each other and did things together, you know? I just…I don’t know. I wish it was easier. I actually get really nervous with phone calls; I mean I actually get social anxiety sometimes and it’s just so stupid.

We’re all so lonely. We all just want to find someone who makes us happy, that’s all.”

Mia Rose Uncut and Uncensored: The Ex Pornstar Talks Life, Love and... Size

GaG: How do you feel about marriage? The GaG community is pretty split on the issue…

Mia: “Oh, I would love to get married. It’s just so sad now, though, you know? I actually think the way marriage was in the ‘50s was great. That’s because then you had to work things out; you didn’t really have a choice. You had to actually try and make it work because not everyone got divorced all the time. I actually proposed to my boyfriend and he said yes (even though it ended badly). I just love the thought of marriage; I think it’d be amazing to have someone who’s your best friend, who will always be there to support you. But because it’s so easy to get divorced, people aren’t taking this shit seriously anymore. They’re not taking it seriously and nobody seems to be trying too hard, either.

Yes, I’d like to be a housewife. I really would.”

GaG: And feminism…?

Mia: “Such bullshit. These feminists don’t even know what feminism is. They think they know so much about the topic but they have no fucking idea what the actual dictionary term is. It’s just so disgusting…fuck them. I’m a feminist but that’s because I actually know what that word means.”

GaG: If you were to give any sex advice to young inexperienced girls, what would it be?

Mia: “Oh my gosh, I could say so much about this. I actually have a little segment on my stream called Love Line; if you’re young and you want to ask me a question, please ask the question. Let me just say this: If I knew then what I know now, I’d be a lot better off. For example, sex for the first time isn’t going to feel good. Not one girl I’ve ever spoken to has said their first time is good; the second and third time it gets better but the first time is just shit. I’m actually torn on the topic of who should be your first…on the one hand, I think you should do it with a friend or someone you love, but then I think you should just do it with a stranger to get it out of the way, because it’s going to suck anyway. You’ll probably end up hating their guts. ‘laughs’

I still remember doing it for the first time and coming home and telling my mom I’d lost my virginity. I just remember being in so much pain and then my mom started crying with me. It wasn’t easy.”

Mia Rose Uncut and Uncensored: The Ex Pornstar Talks Life, Love and... Size

GaG: And how about porn? Do people learn things they shouldn’t?

Mia: “Yeah, you know, it’s not anywhere near as good as it looks in the porn movies. It’s not glamorous and weird shit happens. People don’t know it but you’re going to be introduced to some weird smells and noises. If you’re doing anal, for example, yeah, you don’t even want to know some of the shit you’ll hear and smell. Now, I just can’t watch pro porn anymore; I’m like, ‘oh god, these girls are overdoing it.’ All I have to say is, don’t watch porn. It’s not going to help. It’ll probably just screw you up.”

GaG: And how’s about the always thorny “size” issue? Do you have the definitive answer?

Mia: “Yeah, it’s another reason not to watch porn. Guys get this fucked up idea of size. Look, they have to understand that the guys who do porn grew up next to some factory where there was some chemical spill or some shit. Girls, please remember that’s not the way dicks are. And yeah, I’m okay with normal-sized dicks; 6-7 inches is perfect to me and that’s it. Let’s just admit that ladies parts are ugly and boy parts can be small or big but it’s no big deal. I actually kinda like them when they’re soft, believe it or not!”

End Interview

Mia Rose Uncut and Uncensored: The Ex Pornstar Talks Life, Love and... Size

We’d like to thank Mia for her time and we appreciate the opportunity to deliver something with a little flavor. How many bland, boring Q&As exist? Reading them is kinda like eating dairy-free, fat-free vanilla ice cream without a single solitary sprinkle. This, however…well, this was something else entirely, was it not?

For more, follow her on Twitter and feel free to check her popular streaming activities on Twitch. Speaking of which, tune in tonight at 8 p.m. PST / 11 p.m. EST, when Mia and myself will be chatting about GirlsAskGuys (and other topics, I imagine). And don't forget to check out our most recent interview with lifestyle coach Cheyenne Bostock and stay tuned for more great chats in the very near future!

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15 78
  • Oh man that's rough life. Im happy u got through it. U doing okay? Im root for u to living happy. by the way i love ur sister too!

  • Nothing good comes out of selling your body..

    • She's not a whore, she was paid for movies, show how much you know about the porn industry

    • Well Money is a good thing to have. If porn is whats available to you , you can and are willing do it and It pays then that's the logical option. Better than going hungry because you think it will hurt your chances of a career you may never actually have especially with a heap of debits and all the crippling burdens of being broke. After porn I would have thought a back ground of working in porn would be a lot more useful than doing nothing as you have an audience to bring to a company or your own business. She did say she had a BMW. She sounds relatively well off to me.

    • @sedrftvgyhujik My moms car had broken down. I had a Prius that I gave to her. My ex worked at BMW, and got an employee discount. So I paid 300 a month for brand new car. Did I need a BMW? No. Not even my type of car. But, the look at my mothers face when she got the keys to the newest car she had ever owned. Worth it.

    • Show All
  • 6 or 7. God damn it.

  • Someone find a video clip of her Cumming on a huge dick... lol she's fine with 6-7 and that's it? I smell a little bs. It makes her more likeable to sat she enjoys it smaller, and no bigger than 7. Lol. YES I KNOW IT DEPENDS ON HOW THE GUY USES IT... So shut up about that... but she's a porn star, and she's used to bigger, I guarantee you she enjoys 6-10 all day long.

  • She's not even hot...

    Let alone impressive in any way...

  • She's a sex worker she deserves all that bad stuff to happen to her.

    • Actually, I am a gamer. I used to do sex work. But, your comment makes worry about your upbringing... do you really have no respect and think they "deserve" bad things? No one deserves this. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.

    • So, I would

  • Bad luck from lousy lifestyle choices. Boyfriend likely thought it wasn't his. Sorry, no empathy for anyone in the porn industry. Digusting.

    • Everyone has their own things to deal with, you never know what anyone is going through in general so your comment is disgusting. I am sorry we can't all do things perfectly like you, I feel sorry for you as you may have read the title and then jumped down to the comments to wag your dick about how what she did was wrong, the hell out of here man.

    • Porn or not, that guy had been her friend for over a decade, & left her to die. Is that how you show someone you love them?

    • @Needles_Kane while I do feel empathy I got to wonder where all the porn money went and if there's no money whats the point why not get a job where you dont have to debase yourself. Often a lot of people in the sex industry kill the pain of their poor lifestyle choice by using drugs.

    • Show All
  • Epic interview, babe! I hate hearing that anyone causes you pain. <3

  • so what about this?
    youtube. com/watch? v=WkNGvL5Wk7I

    Fucking 90+ men before starting porn and fucking each other's boyfriends?

    This girl was fucking other guys even before her bloody bath tub

    • By the way. YES I read the whole article and I have no intention to be rude. Just simply stating the fact that she has betrayed her fiance before the bloody bath tub event.

    • You are linking a video of me on Howard stern.. I was 18 years old there. I am 29 now. I had a very promiscuous past. I didn't " betray" my fiancee' not once.

    • @missmiarose I'm amused. Tell me you did not have sexual intercourse with another individual before the night that blood were pouring out of you.

    • Show All
  • I've gotten to know Mia slowly over the past few years, which started simply because she responded when most don't. Just like here she responds, even to those that are negative and believe their opinions are gospel. We live in a country with freedom of religion, the right to practice whatever religion one chooses.. Yet people still tell me I'm going to hell simply because I don't believe the Exact same thing that they do... As for saying once a porn star, always a porn star. Employers drug test people. How would you like it if you smoked a joint ONCE in your life and Forever afterwards that showed up on your drug test, preventing you from getting a job?

    The person I got to know over the years is an amazing human being, and I am blessed to know her. My only regret is that the year I get to know her best is one of the worst years she has ever had and there's little to nothing I can do about it beyond a comforting message or support for her career with Twitch. The fact that she carries on with her head held high is the reason I respect her most of all. It makes me sad and angry to see so many people disrespect her simply because of a past job title... A janitor cleans up sh*t, do you treat them like sh*t? A stay at home mother/father doesn't earn an income but raises their kids. Do you treat them like worthless meat-sacks to society because they don't contribute to your life?

    When I graduated college and couldn't find a job in my degree, so I looked elsewhere. I was told I was over qualified and passed over many times. Did my bills care? No they still needed paid, so I worked a job I didn't want to pay them. Does that make me a failure? No, quite the opposite, I paid my bills and am working towards my dream regardless of the unforeseen setback.

    I look forward to playing the Division with you Mia. Thank you for being a great friend and I'm sorry you put up with so much negativity everyday.

    • Once a porn star always a porn star. He'll she still uses the porn name

    • @dudeman I still use a gamer tag I made up as a kid, doesn't mean I've played Tekken in years. Liked the name, got used to the name, kept using the name... It's unique, no one was uses it... Just because she still goes by the name that 90% of people know her by, doesn't mean she's still a porn star. Grow up and act your age dude?

    • she's a porn star because i can look up her movies. grow up dude and act your age.

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  • I am sorry you had to go through all that and a lot of cliche things can be said but all pain sucks, it can't be measured. I wanted to say I did read the whole article and your relationship with Emily is amazing and no matter how hard things have been for you this young girl thinks you're a rock star. I am sure you still are dealing with a lot of hard things as they don't just go away but I would imagine the connection you two have really can help brighten even the darkest of times, even if it is a slight relief by coming up for a breath encased in these murky waters, something helps push you forward. I also find it really awesome you have Ben, I have always thought of losing a pet like a family member and never take it well but in the end Alexander would want you to be happy so I hope Ben brings that to you. Keep pushing yourself forward, some days are going to shit but as long as you don't give up you will overcome all of it. I do have one question, I am not sure if you have ever been depressed but you're going through a rough time regardless, besides doing things like you enjoy in terms of streaming what else have you done to deal with everything? If you don't want to talk about medication or things you have done I understand, I am just asking since every day a ton of people are struggling and they may not be as strong as you and some guidance may help someone else by hearing your answer.

  • Also, she filming porn with her royal sister. Porn definitely treats women as sex objects

  • It is very easy to judge that understand. She deserves respect regardless of him work today or in the past. I hope it never happens again. My support for you, a hug Mia.

  • that's like every pornstar story

    don't make excuses lol
    my family came here with nothing

    they never once went to porn for money lol
    love of money root of all evil

    so stop get out of here

    • Exactly

  • A 7 inch dick is hardly normal sized.

  • I just skipped right to the part about size and didn't read anything else.

  • I can happily say I haven't seen Mia Rose naked!

    That said, she seems pretty cool. She didn't actually give the gag girls any sex advice though! Didn't expect her to dodge that question so well.

  • Well, it's official. The longest comment response is about penis size! Lol. Guess it didn't settle anything ahahaha

  • Good take. It was interesting reading this. I actually completely disagree with the advice she's giving too young girls though. My first time was amazing, and was in fact better than my second or third time.

  • Amazing, one of the best she has done, stay strong Mia & don't let people like the dummy Marine bring you down. 143

    • How many accounts you got lol?

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