11. Having more sex
Because some people don't get lucky enough so they want to make the next year wilder. As a virgin I can totally understand this, I get hornier every year.
10. Partying more
Because little party never kill nobody. Partying doesn't mean getting high or drunk, it just means going out and hang out with friend or people, just meeting and making new friends.
9. Getting a car/changing the car
If you don't have one, having a car becomes a priority. If you have one maybe having a new car sounds good to you.
8. Getting a house/buying a new one
What's better than having your own place and forget the roommates? Or not needing to rent with your partner? The people who doesn't have a house or have a bad one and want a change, they want to get a house and this is their goal.
7. Learning something new
A language let's say, playing an instrument, reading more, learning how to sing or how to talk to a giraffe, people want to learn something new every year. We do this everyday though.
6. Travel
We all want this, we want to meet new people and have great experiences. We wanna go somewhere and escape for a while.
5. Get a partner/get married
Those who are single really want this, they want to find love and live the happily ever after story. There are exceptions of course.
4. Stop cursing
One of the most common goals and probably the hardest to achieve, after a month you're cursing even worse than a sailor. I've always tried and I always fail lol
3. Getting a raise/graduating/getting a job
We want a more successful year, and achieving one of these goals means success. A very hard goal but it is not impossible. We all can make it. So good luck to all of you.
2. Change the diet/stop eating junk food
This is as important as working out, if there isn't a healthy diet there isn't a hot body. I think changing the diet is more difficult than working out actually. How to give up on pizza?!
1. Get fit
We all want this, this is the most common goal, we need this to enjoy the summer, we need this to get a partner, we need this to boost our ego, this is the most important goal and it rarely gets achieved.
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