My Black Boyfriend Has An Nword Fetish?

I've been with my boyfriend for almost a year, and he's always tried to make me say the n word. I'm white. I know he has a thing for white girls, and I'm okay with that. But I've always refused to say the nword. Came out a while ago, it's actually something he's into sexually.
He wants me to say things like "f*** me with your big nword d***" because it's a huge turn on for him. And I mean hard ER nword.

I'm not really sure what to do? I've never said it before and I've always refused because I'm not racist and don't think it's funny, but I mean is it technically okay?
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Most Helpful Guys

  • More power to him for at least not being one of those who go crazy for anyone who does use the word and wants to give a history lesson on slavery not realizing the slave masters then who used it have the same power now with the ability to negatively control anyone who stays enslaved by the invisible chains that the words have for those who get offended by words. If there's for example a racist who knows that there's an African American who goes crazy being called Nigg** who do you thing has the power and control in that situation. Thats free bait for someone who's main purpose in life is in hate and feeds off those who are reactive to the evil they intend to cause. I'm Mexican and could carless how offensive someone tried to get based on race when it ones to me personally. If anything I'm more sensitive and protective of others who get offended and more likely willing to set somebody staright who tries to hurt others with words but at the same time I'm gonna let them know the negativity lies in the one who feels it within them and not the one who they feel is causing the negativity. if the one who causes it has no feeling then the problem is with the offended or maybe I should say the defensive. Learning not to care is sometimes the best remedy and weapon against the haters cuz they feed on your negative feeling, They starve to death if in an environment of thick skinned individuals.

  • You're fulfilling a black man's sexual fantasy. That is the most benevolent time any one could possibly use that word. Even history books have less right to say it than you do right now. An nword pass is a very rare commodity. I suggest you cherish it

    Source: I'm a black man

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1 8
  • I hate that word. My first boyfriend was like big into that word and wanted me to call him my n*** daddi. It was 2 weird cause I was completely in luv with him.

  • You're not gonna live a happy life if you keep on being offended for someone else.
    I also don't think that he has a fetish for that word, but more of a superiority or inferiority complex? Or maybe the darkest monochrome color doesn't sound as sexy as a racially charged one.

  • Do whatever you want nigga.

  • Try slave play

  • Just do it. It's not racist to say the word. He probably liked it for the taboo of it. Taboo is a common kink for people there is nothing wrong with it.