My boyfriend is always horny?

So my boyfriend is always horny and wants action every time we see each other. But I’m getting really tired of doing it every time. We’ve talked about it and he said it’s okay. But he always pressures me for me until I just give in. Is it wrong for me not to wanna have sex every time we see each other. I always feel guilty that he will get tired of me not wanting it and get it from someone else.
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Superb Opinion

  • If he hasn't seen you in a half week to a week, it would be unusual for him to not want to have sex when he sees you. Some guys wouldn't but the vast majority would. It doesn't mean he's only dating you for sex, any more then the fact he wants to speak each time he sees you means he's only dating you for conversation, or anything else. That said, for many people and most men, sexual contact is not just a nice bonus in a relationship, that mutual desire is like one leg of the chair that makes up your relationship. They might -wait- for it, but that's different from not thinking it matters.

    If you two have wildly different sex drives, that's going to be a relationship killer - one person will feel rejected, the other pressured and used. Some compromise is possible, but a wide gulf rarely is. Doesn't mean either of you is wrong, it's just a very important element of compatibility.

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  • He doesn't seem to respect your feelings, and a relationship only on the basis of sex doesn't seem healthy either. There are other fun activities to do as well instead of having sex. If its draining you physically and emotionally, I don't think its really worth it.

  • He just has a high sex drive. And probably very sexually attracted to you. Nothing bad but if you don’t like it, tell him or leave the situation

    • Thank you!! :)

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2 16
  • Yeah it's wrong...

    • For you to not having it*

  • I’ll be honest. He is in his sexual prime and thinks about it all the time. It will remain high for quite some time. If you stay with him, you need to understand this side of him. He could move on at some point if your two sex drives don’t click. It’s a possibility.

  • Start charging him. Tell him you want to start saving for a down payment on a home when the two get married.

  • I guess it depends on how often you see each other.

    • Once or twice a week.

    • It's not too bad but it's also not much, many young couples are having sex every day.

    • Yeah you're really not having that much sex then. I don't know what to tell you a healthy relationship does that 3 or more times in a week. It is a perfectly normal part of a relationship. Once or twice in a week is nothing..

  • In a way you contradict yourself. Cause you don’t wanna fuck yet you don’t want him to find it elsewhere.

    Make a decision.

    Either make the changes to suit his high sex drive? Or leave

    • MHO right here

    • I don’t mind giving it to him sometimes but sometimes I just wanna spend time with him. Like I wanna do like every other time but I feel like I’m hurting him by doing that.

    • That sounds absolutely ridiculous. Even by having sex, you’re spending time with him

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