My fiance and I are 42. We were previously married and it ended badly. He was a good guy when I knew him before.
He started pushing the HW thing on me right out of the gate - 2 months in. I had serious doubts mainly being am I not enough? Why does he want this?
This became like an obsession for him along with constant porn. He has fixed a few things but still pushes my boundaries with this stuff. I recently found out that this is not something we came to together like he said but he used to do this on his own. With men and women starting shortly after his divorce. Very extreme things.
What should I do? He says he loves me but now I am overly jealous and hurt all the time.
He is not a bad person but when we talk about it he says its all me, my hormones, my problems from before. Any advice would be so greatly appreciated?
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