My girlfriend say I am insecure and fragile for not allowing her to go to a party with a male stripper, am I wrong to feel I have the right to say no?

I feel uncomfortable with this. The idea of her getting flirty with hot naked guys is really making me jealous. I would not mind it that much male strip clubs were like female strip clubs. But I know that there are no rules in male strip clubs and that girls often touch and grope the men and it is the point that make me the most uncomfortable. First because just watching and touching are clearly two different things. Second I know that a lot of those male strippers don't like it but are forced because the clubs do not enforce rules and I personnally have been sexually assaulted by a woman (this is something she doesn't know).

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Well, I proposed that she goes but promise to no touch the stripper. She made a scene. I broke up. I am not staying with a woman who is so adamant about touching another man.
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Absolutely not. It is strange to me that society tends to normalize these things. My wife and I couldn't have imagined getting a stripper at our bachelor/bachelorette party. You care about your girlfriend, and the act of her being sexual or accepting sexual escalation from another man is hurtful because its an act of betrayal. There is absolutely no reason why this should be taking place in a relationship. If she won't respect those boundaries and guilt trips you for them, then you ought to find another woman. Opening that door is a bad idea. Male strippers tend to actually have sex with their clientele more often than not relative to female strippers. You have every right to say no, and you ought to.

    • People saying you don't own her lol. My goodness. I read your update. You might experience some second-guessing, but you acted like a man. You stood your boundaries and told her you're not willing to accept certain behaviors. That's something to be proud of. Good for you.

    • Thanks. I talked with some friends and they also agree that male strippers are a no-no. I trusted she will not have sex, but the idea of her touching another man's body is repulsive to me. I could have accepted if it was just watching and getting a lapdance. I also do not want to see a buisness where men's sexual rights are not respected to make money.

    • Totally agree with you. As a woman, who's straight I wouldn't want to see anything of that type.. just my point of view

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  • You can express your discomfort with the party. Even tell your you'd prefer that she not go. She gets to decide if your discomfort/preference outweighs her interest in the party.

    Also, it sounds like this isn't her party. She's been invited to party. If she wants to support her friend, she doesn't get to choose the entertainment. You don't get to choose what she does. You get to decide how you react to her choices.

    Good luck.

    • If she decides leaving when the stripper come to her friend's brithday as more of an issue than my uncomfort, I think I will end this relationship.

    • And that is a decision you get up make. If that's a deal breaker for you that's fine. You can go your separate ways.

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4 8
  • I don;t go to parties with strippers and wouldn't want my girlfriend to attend one neither. On the other hand if she truly wanted to go (with her female friends) - free to go. We need to have basic trust.

    • I don't think she will have sex with him. But the idea of her touching another man is unnaceptable to me and I would consider it cheating.

  • If you don't like it then just dump her. Easy peasy.

  • You can't control what she does but definitely tell her how uncomfortable it makes you feel

    • Great response!

    • Thank you

  • You are wrong to want to tell her what she can and cannot do. She is wrong for not considering what makes you uncomfortable. Also, you don't allow her to do anything. Whether you like it is another discussion. What she wants isn't wrong. The two of you need to communicate and you need to discuss your comfort level but not judge her wants.

  • Not really sure what your looking for here she is not wrong in what she is saying and yes you have a right to be upset that she wants to go but I dono if I would say u have the right to stop her