My partner gets all biblical when I dont wanna have sex?

We both work he's a journalist I'm retail manager and its not a small store its a 2 storey that's also a hardware. I get home tired and work long shifts so I'm not always in the mood. I suggested we break up since I can't keep up with his desires he refuses to go I'm not gaslighting him but if I can't make u happy stop cursing at me and disrespecting abd funding fault in me after I muster the energy to give in. He complains he's doing everything if I lay there and I don't like him that much. He responds with i shouldn't deny my man sex I retort with if we're married he goes on to complain even more.

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Superb Opinion

  • In a relationship, consent and respect are crucial. If your partner is pressuring or forcing you to have sex or making you feel guilty when you are not in the mood, then this is not okay. You have the right to deny or consent to sex as you wish, regardless of your relationship status. It's important to communicate openly and honestly with your partner about your feelings, needs, and expectations, and to set boundaries if necessary to ensure that both parties feel comfortable and respected. If your partner continues to disrespect or disregard your feelings, then it might be best to reconsider the relationship.

Most Helpful Girl

  • Doesn't sound like he's respecting you, your boundaries, and when you want to consent to sexual activity. If you get that weird gut feeling, I'd listen to it. That's your body's way of telling you something is wrong. A good partner doesn't emotionally guilt trip with what faith you believe in and push you to do something you don't want to do. A good partner would also care about your emotional needs (you say you feel exhausted) and respect you.

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What Girls & Guys Said

5 3
  • You shouldn’t be with someone that doesn’t respect boundaries and try’s to manipulate you to give it up. Tell him to fuck off respectfully

  • He is In charge of his life. If he is not satisfied he should leave. The same as you, you should leave if he's making you unhappy. Sounds like you're not compatible. Give him his marching orders.

    Iv been pleasuring my boyfriend before and fallen asleep before he came. He gets really angry which I can understand but he will never pressure me into sex. Get rid hunny

  • If you really want to throw a wrench in his wheels, tell him that the Bible says he needs to stop being a fornicator or else he's going to hell. And end up him, cuz to be honest there's nothing worse than a controlling hoe who uses the Bible out of context to get their way.

  • Why would you stay with this?

  • So why are u with him lol