My Take On Modern Western Feminism

My Take On Modern Western Feminism

1. Modern feminism doesn't focus on real problems that women face

My Take On Modern Western Feminism

In poor third world countries we are fighting to insure education for girls who are forced to work in fields or forced to get married at a young age because of poverty, we are fighting to prevent forced child marriages, to prevent domestic violence etc...Meanwhile, in other countries (the West) we are fighting for free the nipples, against manspreading, for “proud slut” movements and for the acceptance of pink armpit hair.

My Take On Modern Western Feminism

2. Modern Western Feminism promotes the acceptance of destructive and irresponsible behaviour for women

I will make a general statement and say that Modern Western feminism is destructive for society and women. It pretends to fight for the woman, but most of what it does is that it fights against her. They want to lower her by inciting her to act like men thinking that the stereotypical male behaviour is liberating. But I see nothing liberating in sleeping around and getting drunk. Instead they should try to elevate the men by not inciting them to take part in destructive and irresponsible behaviour.

My Take On Modern Western Feminism

A policeman attending a drunk woman lying on the pavement on a weekend night in Cardiff

3. Modern Feminism ignores biological differences between men and women

Moreover, modern feminism does not take into consideration the undeniable biological differences between men and women, and this tends to disadvantage us. You can’t make a woman run against a man in Olympic race games, that would be unfair for the woman.

My Take On Modern Western Feminism

4. Modern Feminism wants to blur the lines distinguishing men from women

My Take On Modern Western Feminism
The main objective of modern day western feminism is not to fight for women’s rights, but rather to snatch, confiscate and strip us from the constitutive essence of each sex, the very same essences that make us complimentary of one another and distinguishes us from one another in order to create mutual attraction, the very same attraction that is the source of life.
My Take On Modern Western Feminism

5. Modern Feminism praises women for the wrong reasons

My Take On Modern Western Feminism

Western feminism should focus on giving dignity to women. It should focus on promoting higher education for women, great values, classiness, refinement etc but all it does is promote hedonism and degeneracy. We are applauding and praising women who are shaking their butts on social media and selling their bodies and integrity to strangers (porn, prostitution …) claiming it’s “Liberating”, while we’re barely giving any credit or attention to female Doctors, Astronauts, professors, great mothers, productive female members of society etc...

My Take On Modern Western Feminism

6. Modern Western Feminism Contradicts itself

My Take On Modern Western Feminism
Modern feminism often complains about the sexualization of women in media (for example in sexist ads or in music video clips) yet its role models are often times women who’se whole (or most) careers are based on the concept of women selling their bodies and sexuality.

My Take On Modern Western Feminism

7. Modern feminism creates a generation of entitled women

Although every human deserves basic respect ex nihilo in the name of human dignity, women shouldn’t expect constant praise for simply existing, and much less for irresponsible and degenerate behaviors. When some men get praised, they do not get praised for no reason. They do when they work hard , go to places and achieve things (this can easily be seen in ideas that are often seen as vapid and futile such as the “Alpha” and “Beta” male concepts). Not all men are praised, even in patriarchal societies.

My Take On Modern Western Feminism

8. Some important Feminist fights still need to be carried on:

My Take On Modern Western Feminism

There is no doubt that women have long been (and still are, to a much lesser degree) abused and disrespected, and the spirit of feminism helped better our situation, therefore I still do agree with the continuation of the feminist fights in the west in some respects such as protecting women against domestic violence and sexual harassment/abuse because those still do exist even in the West.
But it shouldn't marginalize men and create hostility between the 2 sexes. It should instead focus on creating a balanced and harmonized society were both genders seek to better themselves.

My Take On Modern Western Feminism

As Women, we need to check our priorities.

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  • One big problem though is if you ask 10 women to define feminism, you’ll get 10 different definitions.

  • Many issues in eastern countries are the same as the troubles were in the western countries centuries ago. Girls not going to school, forced marriages and laws that condoned DV. Now if we hadn't have fought for our rights back then we would have been no different to the eastern world today! All we are doing is fighting the next stages of the battles!

    Some are petty like the pink armpit hair! Nobody forces women to shave their legs or armpits we do that by choice! If hair on women became the norm a lot of women wouldn't stop shaving their legs! It's just fighting for the sake of fighting.

    DV in this country is on the rise and should actually be fought for! In the UK a lot of abuse isn't recognised and when it is sentences imposed are too lenient. I have done my bit to fight to rectify this and had my work recognised but it seems i'm fighting this alone because everyone too busy dying their pubes.

  • I agree with all of that, which is precisely why I would never call myself a feminist.

    There are organisations and movements, fighting the good fight, but feminism is not one of them.

  • From the beginning of feminism (late 60's). There has always been a hostility of feminists. There are countless articles stating that feminism is only keeping women from being women or trying to take over men. Modern feminism is adorable, but it is merely a trend right now. And I am hoping it is a trend to end soon, because if I have to read one more "Feminist" article about dating, I will throw my laptop.

    Beyonce and Lena Dunham really didn't do shit for us. Only made themselves edgy.

    And dear god the American Horror Story episode last night was cringey.

    I just want the right for Planned Parenthood and decent career path that is not blocked by a glass ceiling. Simple, feminist, wants.

  • And THAT is why I'm a strong believer in #WhiteSharia.

    • What is this

    • Coverture.

  • meh. How many cherries can there before 'cherry picking' results in an accurate portrayal of something?

    in my opinion, it's all about the pay gap. Everything else about feminism seems made-up to either make it look crazy or to give an appeal to a wider range of people (or both, I guess). And yes, I'm aware the pay gap could be mostly due to lifestyle choices and such, but the word 'mostly' is meaningless to those whom it effects 'sometimes'. There is empirical evidence that shows that 'sometimes' it has nothing to do with lifestyle choices. That needs to be fixed.

    But beyond that, women (like men) are on their own.

  • There are many different definitions of what Feminism means. That's a huge problem with the movement and people who identify as Feminists - there's no coherent platform that everyone supports.

    Now, in your take you're trying to identify the movement by *all* of the possible ways to define it; some are mutually exclusive. For instance, you won't find a Feminist who is both against sexualization in the media and whose role models are sexualized in the media. The reason that's contradictory to you is because it is, and it doesn't happen in the same person. But you suggest it does.

    You're also overlooking some important things, such as the support Feminist groups in the West have given Feminist groups in developing countries, in the form of money, logistical support and direct action.

    You do make a lot of good points, however. These are points that many people who consider themselves Feminists acknowledge and talk about. At least, the ones I know ;)

  • Not all modern western feminists care about armpit hair and how much they can drink. I very much care about getting young girls in 3rd world countries into education, getting them out of being sex trafficked, fmg, child marriages and other horrendous things.

    Can people please stop assuming that because I am a feminist that I only care about myself and those around me.

    • Agree just because some feminists got tape expressing how crazy they are and it gets post to YouTube does not mean every single feminist is like that.

    • @NatashaJ thank you. Look at all these bitter boys who can't handle the word feminist 🙄

    • I know one of my friends from my women and gender studies class got ask if she was feminist because she dye her hair purple and was talking about I think a topic from class or something. It was funny as fuck because she got offended that was his reasoning her hair not what she was saying.

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  • I agree with everything you wrote! Great myTake!

  • All is very well said.

  • yeah no joke..

  • I thank 3gen feminism, it has truly freed men. Men have learn when love is no longer served at the table, it is time to get up and leave.
    Men are opting out of long term relationships all over the western world in droves with women for good reason:

    My Take On Modern Western Feminism
  • That's not what modern feminism is. That's misandry. What's a modern feminist? I hate that term.

    • There are many feminists like this though, in fact I'd say that this accurately describes the majority of feminists I've spoken to. Then when people have something negative to say about it others say "well that's not real feminism". If that's the way the majority of feminists act and view the world, then that's what it is. People use the term "modern feminist" because back in time it was mainly about the right to vote and other serious issues, now those issues have been solved it seems that they like to nitpick, lie and make them up out of thin air just to have something to rail against.

    • @englisc Women's condition isn't the same in all countries. I'm from a third world country and my feminism is thus a lot different than the western cultures. But again, I belong to the twenty first century as well. What makes their feminism modern and not mine?

    • by the way, I did not even use the term real feminism here. The only time I say it isn't real feminism is when women encourage putting men down or stuff similar to that.

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  • It`s bullshit and made a lot of people a lot of money. Wich i`m used to since i live in a post-communism country.

  • Ah Ariana grande looks real sexy there though lol...

    • Lol agree.

    • @Hispanic-Cool-Guy 😛😛😜😜

  • Outstanding take, well written.

  • Good job here. Third wave feminism is more about attacking men than bringing about equality between men and women. Its the hard truth. Most 'feminists' will disagree with you but then the truth has always been too bitter to swallow.

  • Great take - I agree with a lot of what you say - I remember years ago reading about women in Taliban Afghanistan and they were ranting about western feminists saying "We want to talk about how education is being denied to us and all the western feminists want to talk about is the burqa which is about 45th on our issues list".
    So yes get your priorities , equal rights is not a green light to mimic bad behaviour , if you improve at the expense of another it is somewhat.
    I am a feminist and an egalitarian as in I want to support a rising tide that lifts all boats

  • V. informative.. I just understood the reason why @PolicelivesMatters is not a feminist!
    Western countries dont have any culture. I dont think they know the meaning of being modern and they don't know what actually feminism is They have started behaving like animals

  • I could not agree more.. I posted a question about it long time ago..
    because I used to consider myself a feminist.. keywords ''USED TO''..
    feminism no longer stands for what matters.. I used to think I'm a feminist because I believe in equal right for education, choice and opportunity for both genders.. but I cannot call myself a feminist anymore since it has deviated from it's original path..
    what agitates me is that Muslim countries and third world countries still need feminism (first wave feminism) so that women can get the very basic rights to get education, marry whoever they want, step in the professional world, but this deviation that west caused is ruining all that for every woman around the world. women here don't give a shit about those sluts and whores.. they only want basic human rights and that's what should be in the limelight and these are the problems which should be solved...
    those bitches can go fuck themselves because they think their purple shitty hairy underarms are more important than women who have no say in any decision in their life.

    • check out all the upvotes *rolls eyes really fucking hard*

    • @BertMacklinFBI be careful.. they might fall out of the sockets 😁

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