My Theories on Why Many Men Dislike Promiscuous Women

There are multiple reasons why a guy might not want to have anything to do with promiscuous women. It usually based on jealousy, hatred, misogyny or biases.

Promiscuous women don't want to have sex with them

If promiscuous women wanted to have sex with them, then they shouldn't be complaining. Right? Part of the reason has to be because those 'sluts' are not lining up to suck their dicks which frustrates them a lot. Sexually undesirable men know that their only way to most easily get available sex is through a relationship. They assume that if promiscuity is promoted in women, then women will forego relationships with men and choose to sleep with men that are sexually desirable.

They are jealous that promiscuous women can easily get laid

This jealousy just adds more to the hatred. It's true that it's easier for the average woman to get laid versus the average man. It makes them jealous that it's not that easy for them to get laid, and that jealousy makes them not want to have anything to do with promiscuous women.

Their homophobia makes them disgusted by women who slept with multiple men

They may subconsciously have this weird idea that if multiple dicks went into the same vagina, then it's 'gay' to have sex with her. These type of men also have developed this weird idea that women who sleep around are not 'real women,' and that they are no different from gay men.

My theories on why many men dislike promiscuous women

They assume she is misandrist

You know how if a man objectifies women as 'pieces of meat,' then women would call him a misogynist. Well it's pretty much the same thing here because men may assume that promiscuous women objectify men as 'pieces of meat.' To add more to the picture, most men view promiscuous women (and anyone who supports promiscuity in women) as 'feminists.' They generally associate feminists with misandrists, so it's not surprising if they subconsciously view a promiscuous woman as a misandrist.

They fear being objectified in the same way they objectify women

Sex is physical and physical characteristics influence who we want and don't want to have a one night stand with. A lot of men like to pretend that objectification is not a bad thing. No one likes to be objectified, especially men. I noticed that most men much prefer to be perceived and treated as people instead of objects. Cause god forbid if women are the same way, right? If more women started to vocally objectify men in the same way men objectify women, then men will start to become more insecure about their looks which are things they barely have control over.

My Theories on Why Many Men Dislike Promiscuous Women

They think she might have an std

This is the most rational reason so far. The more promiscuous you are, the odds of you having an std is higher.

They think she is more likely to cheat

Paternal uncertainty is a real thing. Men are never 100% sure of who their kids are, and this instinct has always existed since the dawn of time. If his woman is likely to cheat on him, then that would make him more uncertain about his blood relation to his children.

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14 73
  • You got it all wrong.

    The guys thoughts are as simple: they don't want to know what their car has been used for.

    It's shit simple. You don't want to see a guy droning about his ex and a guy doesn't want to see his new girl is still horny for some other dudes.

    Ever watch a movie where the girl find out about the guy ex? She would be everything she is not and the guy still stay friendly with the ex! It's the recipe for drama!

    Same thing with the guy. Nobody wants to know how many guys his girl has been through.

    Even worse, nobody wants to be the guy she didn't want to have wild sex with and only get him to be the ATM.

    • used goods are damaged goods?

    • @levantine99 That's how a guy think. It's built in to the genetic code. Just view how female store sperm as a function of sexual selection (choose mate). This causes an moderate amount of natural selection on sperm competition. The human female can store different sperm from different males at the same time. However, only the single best sperm can survive. This forces the males to evolve from having the largest penis amount primates with the same weight to sperm spearing each other with their tails. The effect spills over to making sure their female mate aren't getting close to other males. What else is better than making sure she is in pristine condition?

    • This is a brilliant answer!!

  • I dislike promiscuity in general, be it male or female. Its frivolous, careless and irresponsible. It contradicts my values. I identify myself as a one woman guy, most guys do (most girls also identify themselves as the same with guys). I've never been with someone outside a relationship. because I believe in commitment before sex. If you identify yourself as promiscuous there are plenty of guys who'll get in your pants but any self respecting guy or girl will see the person for what they are worth not just because they want a ten minute cheap thrill. I dislike promiscuous people just as I dislike that irate drunk who can't stop drinking or those obese fatties who can't stop stuffing their faces but still expect you to think them to be attractive. Sorry no can do. You wanna get laid, that's your life. None of my business. What I think about promiscuity and my opinion on it. None of your business.

    My Theories on Why Many Men Dislike Promiscuous Women
  • GUys have to be cunning, funny, charming, say all the right things. Women just have to be there.

    • yeah, there is a huge double standard all over

  • These are all very unrealistic feminist misconceptions and misandry.

    • The truth is that feminist *cough* promiscuous women are more likely to have STDs and have failed marriages the more sexual partners they have had... They will most likely also be terrible wives and mothers.

  • There is a societal belief that men are inherently dirty and women inherently pure. The reason why some women will not sleep with a virgin guy is because they find him creepy or impure. So a guy sleeping with a woman is purifying to him.

    Conversely it is also polluting to her. This is deeply rooted in Judao/Christian beliefs. In fact early Christian teachings were that people should remain celibate, and if unable to be celibate then to marry one person and stay with that one person. That's the basis of western puritism.

    • It should be mentioned that religion support celibate for both ganders, so a girl having a problem with virgin guy have nothing to do with religion, as he considered to be an good guy, if he waits for marriage. One of reason the reasons that virginity is more valued for women, is because women don't expected to be active.

  • Well... sort of. I will say that when guys really fall for a girl, it's tough to find out that she's banged out half the zip code. Say what you want, but it just is. Guys are territorial. That, and we have good imaginations. And some guys are jealous of the easy sex had by girls who don't exactly look like models. They're jealous of the guys getting it, too.

  • YOu got it all wrong.

  • It always is the same with women who want to downplay the actual reasoning behind the dislikement for promiscuity: It's always insecurity within men that makes them not want such an empowered woman.

    Bullshit !

    Men do NOT want promiscuity for very fundamental biological reasons.

    Promiscuous people have been linked again and again to...
    ... mental instability and higher rates of mental illness
    ... higher rates of STDs (It's a numbers game)
    ... be more likely to be a single parent (numbers game)
    ... have higher rates of abortion (numbers game)
    ... have less stable relationships and higher divorce rates
    ... have increased chances of having been in an abusive relationship
    ... be more likely to cheat
    ... be more likely to become addicted
    ... be more likely to come out of a broken household.

    Want some sources?
    -> Page 19-25. Especially Page 24-25 is quite relevant.
    -> Promiscuity is linked to sexual aggression.
    -> Page 59. "The number of sexual partners was positively related to parental violence."
    -> Page 70. "As the number of sexual partners increased, so did the propensity to sexually aggression."
    -> Page 4. "Perhaps the strongest personality correlate of risky sexual behaviour is impulsive sensation-seeking"
    -> Page 8. Promiscuous people are more likely to be impulsive, have low agreeableness, low conscientiousness, sensation-seeking and a higher level of sexual infidelity.
    -> Page 14. "People who describe themselves as more unfaithful tend to have personality traits linked to a lack of trust and empathy (i. e. low agreeableness)"
    -> Point 11. Promiscuity is a common symptom of psychopathy. Goes hand in hand with the other study mentioning impulsiveness as it shows it here on point 14

      -> Page 8. Higher amount of sexual partners is directly linked to higher degrees of psychopathy, narcissism, machiavellianism and an increase of any combination of those 3.
      -> Page 4, Table 1. (Note: Sociosexuality = Parameter for willingness to engage in sexual activity outside of comitted relationships)

      To put it into my own words: I think promiscuity is a symptom of mental instability and is a way of self-destructive behaviour, just like i. e. obesity (not physical-health induced obesity). It's a huge red flag objectively, biologically and evolutionary for anyone who wants a comitted and successful relationship.
      Thus there is no logical argument to me that promiscuity is in any way to be seen as something positive

    • Outstanding but you’re trying to fight emotions with logic. She feels not she thinks...

    • @NerdInDenial haha hahahahaha soooo much win. Bruh, stop using logic, it won't work.

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  • Ok sure tell yourself all this.

  • Feminist propaganda is the only reason you are writing this... it's really, really obvious why people dislike promiscuous women in particular, and really, people dislike promiscuous men as well, assuming they don't have a haram of beta cucks to brag to

  • Your theory does apply to some men, but not all. Personally for me, I feel this way because of your last two points. I think both are reasonable rationales for disliking promiscuous women, as they are more often true than not. The biggest reason for me though is the lack of integrity. It feels morally wrong to me to sleep around without having a deep emotional connection with said person.

  • Women are not biologically functional equivalents of men. As such women should not model their behavior on what men do.

    The fact of the matter is that men cannot respect a woman who is promiscuous. If you cannot respect a woman, you cannot love that woman. And if this is the case, why would you want to do anything but fuck her and toss her aside?

    It's important to understand that while women are the gatekeepers to sex, men are the gatekeepers to relationships.

  • You forgot an important point (maybe the most important): virgins can not compare. Promiscuous women can compare.

  • You might be on to something, but I think you might be overthinking things here. My understanding is that it boils down to the male pecking order. A promiscuous woman makes herself available to many men, so having sex with her isn't really an achievement since other dudes have been there too.

  • Amazing take. Much <3 from a feminist.

  • I dislike them for the same reasons I dislike psychopaths.

  • 1. I've been approached by multiple promiscuous (sluts) on this site and I don't want them. They are scummy immoral people.
    2. Jealous of people that do hook ups/ONS? No, they are immoral scummy people.
    3. Haven't heard that one before.
    4. Probably true
    5. BS Men are objectified just as much as women are and have been for a very long time, especially in the media.
    6. True, promiscuous people have much higher risk of STDs.
    7. Promiscuous people are more likely to cheat because they don't think of sex as part of an emotional bond and it isn't special to them.
    You are wrong about not being sure of who's kids they are. What, you never heard of DNA tests?

    In conclusion, you need to rethink your statements because there are many inaccuracies.

    • Ha ha. Two promiscuous women are upset about the truth.

  • I never ask a girl about her number of partners. What concerns me more is how she acts and as long as she doesn’t have an std, kid or cheat.

    That being said, you gotta draw the line somewhere. Some behaviors are inexcusable, regardless of gender.

    For instance a girl I was seeing invited me to her place with an empty condom wrapper in her bed from another guy and turned that around on me.

    Another girl spent the whole first date just ranting about her sexual past and at one point felt the need to tell me how she fucked 2 Aaron’s before when a bartender named Aaron walked by. It’s like oh thanks for telling me, I was just like oh thanks for telling me, I was just about to ask how many Aarons you’ve fucked.

  • Actually, I'd say it's pretty much spot on. Except about the homophobia part; that seems a bit of a stretch...

  • I love promiscuous women. They are easier to fuck, and often become escorts or prostitutes. Prostitutes provide good times, many great memories from them.

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