Need help lasting past first orgasm while masturbating?

Up for the challenge? Lmk and I’ll dm ;)

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Superb Opinion

  • Do you know what the biggest sex organ is? The brain. The brain has the power to make or break an orgasm. So before you masturbate get your mind in the right moment. Maybe that’s watching porn or maybe that’s closing your eyes and thinking about someone you want to be intimate with. So spend the extra time and get your mind in the right mindset for some passion (even if it’s just by yourself).

Most Helpful Guy

  • It's best to practice. When I hook up with my female friends, we don't make any other plans for a couple of hours or so, so we know there's time to enjoy it. She came 12 times in 10 minutes once, but she was really horny.

    Porn can be a huge help. Kinky porn, fetish porn, like stuff that you're into. Fantasize about things while you are masturbating, but with porn and fantasizing, you'll have a good number of orgasms. I hope this helped!

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What Girls & Guys Said

0 28
  • I don't think I can DM you aren't you on anonymous anyway I'm up for any challenge like that

  • I have some experience with this. I’m down.

  • I don't know how female orgasms work, I don't know what to tell you

  • You are going for a second surge? Impressive,

  • I didn't know females have trouble lasting past the first orgasm, but I'm always up for a challenge.