No, Strip Clubs Are Not That Great

No, Strip Clubs Are Not That Great

A few months ago I had the pleasure to visit a strip club in my area. I was feeling depressed from work so I thought a good lap dance might help me. However I left not feeling much better than when I went in. I'm just gonna say right off the bat strip clubs are not all that like rap and rock songs portray them to be. Here are a few reasons why I'm in no hurry to get back even though I'm a Heterosexual male.

1. Your wallet will get screwed faster than you will.

If you go to a strip club you better be well prepared to lose a lot. Most lap dances will cost you around $25 or more. Plus there the cover charge around 10 to 15 bucks plus drink prices, and you gotta tip the strippers. Plus god forbid you use the ATM which service fees are outrageous like about $10. Honestly its worse than a casino or a theme park.

2. The majority of the strippers are fake people whom you will never see again.

Yes when I went i got a few lapdances and a number and a facebook friend request from a stripper. However when I tried to text her a time or 2 she never replied. However i went back a second and last time she wasn't there anymore. They give a lot of attention while you are there and pay for a dance but the second the dance is over unless you want another then they forget. Plus honestly the girls most of them were not that awesome of dancers anyways. I have to admit one of the flat chested dancers was way better than one with huge boobs.

3. They are really seedy and shady. Plus most of the clientele were middle aged and senior men.

You would think a lot of guys my age would go to a strip club. Come to find out the dancers were actually closer to my age than the clientele were. The club was in a not very well lit part of town near a lot of quick marts and pawn shops. To me it just kinda felt odd.

4. Strip Clubs are actually gross on the inside.

The furniture and stuff does not get cleaned often and god knows where the couches in the VIP section have been or whats been on then.

Overall it was a two time experience but not one I would do again unless I was in a bigger city where its a nicer strip club . they are really over rated and not really worth the money in my opinion. I can get more use of a Season pass to my local big theme park and get more action than I could at a strip club. Plus it's a lot cheaper and the thrills last longer. Plus you dont have to worry about getting herpes from a roller coaster.


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What Girls & Guys Said

19 39
  • 1. no shit, what did you expect? that strippers work for free?

    2. once again no shit! it sounded like you when to this strip club to look for your future wife. if this was your reason to go to any strip club then you deserve whatever rude awakening you got that night

    3. who gives a fuck? you're there to have a good time yourself. why judge those who go there as well? they paid an entrance fee just like you did

    4. not all of them buddy, that all depends on where you went to. lets not paint the all of them with the same brush now.

    anyways this whole take sounds like it was poorly thought out. no details and too much generalizations. this is something you write when you want pussy points and not when you have a valid argument. till then let see if these bimbos who praised you for writing such nonsense are gonna let show you their tits and asses like the strippers you met at that strip club you went to did.

  • Strip clubs are for men who dislike women but still want to see live tits and ass (and maybe pussy, depending on the jurisdiction).

    • How fucking stupid are you? If they disliked women they'd go to a gay strip club you inbred hick.

    • @BeHappy1985, oh, me, oh, my, you really ARE stalking my posts. Wow, I am SOOOO important to you. I realize that this word will be too big for you to understand, you inbred waste of DNA, but try to look up "misogyny".

    • Maybe they love women but women dislike them for return - think about desperate people.

    • Show All
  • Lol I just saw a mytake next to this one called Why I'll Never Stop Visiting Strings Clubs

  • i like strip clubs, and thats how its gonna stay!

  • Cool myTake

  • I've been to two strip clubs and I didn't really enjoy myself.

  • I've been to strip clubs all around the world.

    I enjoy the company of the rather sexy women, be it only for the moment. :)

  • I agree

  • I agree

  • Strippers are greedy!

    No, Strip Clubs Are Not That Great
    • Well yeah.. they got to be, those tips pay the rent.

  • in GTA V, they are so much great ;DDD

  • Ilginç

  • Strip clubs are for losers. The end.

  • I think you're looking for a girlfriend, not abe stripper