Not Red Pill, Not Blue Pill, Not Black Pill -- Take the Yellow Pill.

So I've been planning this for a while now. I've been carefully asking questions, monitoring other activity on the site, posting MyTakes etc. all leading up to this moment.

I am architechting a new 'Pill' -- I call it, the Yellow Pill. 💊

Before we go any further let's make sure you know the history.

Around 2005 Pick-Up Artistry first began with people like Neil Straus and 'Mystery.' Essentially, they were men who were bad with women. One day, they up and decided "you know what, fuck this." And so they figured with nothing to lose, they started attending bars and nightclubs every weekend.

They sat and watched, patiently, and began taking notes. As other men who were already good with women would walk out with a girl they'd study how they managed to do that.

After a while they began formulating theories by speculative reverse engineering. This is the birth of the 'pill ideology' movement.

As we all know, the idea for 'pills' comes from the movie 'The Matrix' which was first released in 1999. This was the movie for nerdy guys who would be bad with women in this time period. Keep in mind, the personal computer was just being invented -- the .com boom in silicon valley was just getting started. Tech was the rave. It was a modern Star Wars type thing.

The same guys who loved the Fast and Furious franchise were also likely watching Digimon and Dragon Ball, and, yep, The Matrix.

In the movie, the main charachters live in a simulation world. Similar to Hilary Putnam's famous 'brain in a vat' thought experiment, the movie plays on the well known open philosophical problem that we cannot actually prove reality exists, in other words we cannot prove we are not brains in a vat. The Matrix places all it's characters precisely in vats with digital uplinks going straight into the brain stem.

Thus the 'Red Pill' and 'Blue Pill' was born:

Cool right?

The Red Pill was the unimaginable truth that the people living in the matrix were in fact living a lie. To take the Red Pill was to see the truth beyond the lies -- an ugly truth to be sure.

The Red Pill reality. Everyone in the matrix lived in these sacks.
The Red Pill reality. Everyone in the matrix lived in these sacks.

The Blue Pill was a placebo. If Neo took the blue pill nothing would change for him. He'd live the rest of his life living a lie, thinking the matrix was the real world.

What's the connection to women?

Well, these nerdy/geeky guys who became the first pick-up artists were astonished by what they were seeing in the club! Women were not as advertised by RimComs, or by their parents, or by any of popular culture (at that time) at all. They were savage and promiscuous creatures that craved seemingly abuse from jerks and who treated kindess with scorn and hatred. Wildly blowing their minds. Hence, they believed 'Red Pill' was an apt name for the culture shock that awaited any man who wanted to learn how to get good with women. Thus, 'The Game' was born. So called because of the sheer absurdity of the culture shock that awaited these men. Something so crazy, so unstructured, could not possibly be more than anything except a game right?

Well, sadly I think not. That's part of my Yellow Pill to come. But first we have to address the Black Pill -- the pill invented by the INCEL movement.

When Incels learned of Pick-Up, Game and the RedPill they rejoiced! "Hooray! We've been saved. All we need to do us learn the game!" They thought.

Unfortunately, as many learned, that requires a certain level of physical attractiveness to even work in the first place. The founders of Pick-Up hadn't considered that. Afterall, they weren't horrendously ugly. Therefore, the Black Pill became the doctrine that physical appearance dominates all other criteria. If you aren't born with good genes, well, it's over. Just forget even trying. You're finished.

It's a believable and pragmatic conclusion. It makes sense, afterall. Until you realize that 1) Women can't seem to make up their minds on who is hot and who isn't. Some guys are 10's to some women and 4's to others. 2) Try to find a 'quote-on-quote' hot guy to test Tinder with and you'll find he doesn't do as well as you would expect, and half the women on this site will be quick to point out how obviously 'not-hot' the guy actually is. And think it was stupid to use that person in the first place. Doesn't matter who you pick. It's the same story. That, to me, disproves or at least discredits the Black Pill.

What about the Blue Pill? Well, these are the guys who never seem to understand what the hell all the other guys are talking about. They have never struggled with women and think half of men are just idiots. They go on with life as usual never really becomming aware of females' true behavior or thought patterns, and sexual preferences. They may get cheated on or cucked in marriage later in life.


Okay. So I'd like to now reveal the Yellow Pill.

The Yellow Pill is the realization that the Black Pill functions on a false premise, and that the Red Pill is incomplete.

In particular, women do not agree on what is physically attractive -- but this does not prevent them from getting and having as much or as little sex as they want, whenever they want it. The guy is at the mercy of the woman's subjective choice and opinion. And there are many choices available to them. In fact, I'm going to claim that the entire male population is up for grabs by any one of them at any time -- or a very, very, large proportion of it is at any given moment.

This, then, explains how women have such an easy time getting sex 'whenever,' with men, and tons of men also simultaneously go without. There is no one set of principles that bags a lay -- that's the Yellow Pill. There is little overlap between which men different women go for.

It rejects the red pill notion that following a formula of guided actions and decisions leads to results. It also rejects the red pill notion that results can be coerced via certain tricks. It rejects the Black Pill notion that only a fixed set of physical characteristics guarantee interest (cause' we know that ain't true). It 'illuminates' the truth. The goal is to shine light onto the Black Pill's fatalism, while refining and improving the Red Pill.

What color does the sun shine? Technically White, but it appears Yellow. The Yellow Pill.

How do we use it?

The Yellow Pill is used as a mental backdrop behind all interactions with the opposite sex. It guides our thought processes, it provides context and explanations for erraticism and ficklness.

It provides peace of mind when you're out of luck at the end of the night, and a greater sense of appreciation when you score.

It's a more complete picture of reality than any 'Pill' ideology to come before it. It's the Yellow Pill.

Hope you all liked this!

That's all for today. ✌

4 7

Most Helpful Girl

  • Fuck that just pass me the M&M bowl I'll eat all the colours.

    • MHO RIGHT HERE! And thanks, I needed a laugh.

    • That's what your dad's afraid off...

    • MHO right here 😀😂 That's a very good one 😀

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  • You lost me when you equated red pillers with pickup artists. Some red pillers are pickup artists, some are interested in serious monogamous relationships. Conquest and promiscuity are not what the red pill ("TRP") is about, nor does TRP embrace a dark or exploitative vision of women. Rather the revelation linked to the red pill is that women have survival needs, and with those needs come survival instincts - chief among which are the games they play and an apparent taste for unfair, unreasonable rejection of good men.

    The red pill asserts that these goals and behaviors are natural to women, that they are correct and rational, and that men are justified in countering them but must also accept them. There is a balance between placing women on a pedestal then letting them walk all over you, and responding with bitterness when they act in puzzling ways which are their right and indeed in their dire interests. Neither of these responses are good. The good response is to accept the game in good humor and then play it also.

    For the details I'll point you to the subreddit sidebar, but for what it's worth I'll add that OP's so-called yellow pill is all in there.

  • well written. I just wonder why guys need an extended metaphor to decribe their experience with women. From my point of view, it's not the complicated. The only real question for me is, am I romantically compatible with a guy or am i not?
    Everything else hangs on the answer to that question...

    • Women telling men how to get them is like a fish trying to teach me how to hook it. It simply doesn't make sense.

    • @Mr_Flint am i telling men how to 'get' me? not at all. I wouldn't presume to do such a thing. I merely state how I feel and that it's pretty simple. I don't need a bunch of pills to explain how it is for me dealing with men.

    • @juliaanita I would tend to think that this is really, how most women think. I agree that there is no need to an extended metaphor to describe a guys experience with women. I would listen to a fish explain to me the best way to hook it, if the fish was LOOKING to get caught. It would be foolish not to. I liked the "old days" where maleness was a condition that didn't need all these goddamn pills. This whole "men's movement" thing is really disturbing to me. I

    • Show All
  • Interesting but I don’t know why a pretty basic piece of common sense has to have some kind of name attached to it.

    I agree it’s just normal thinking.

    • Trust me, nothing about this topic is obvious to men. At all. That's why I believe moms need to set the record straight and tell their sons how it really is as a part of their role in making the next generation.

  • How about just accepting that women are humans who, like their male human counterparts, generally act in their own self interests, and instead of trying to manipulate them like some sort of living Rube Goldberg machine, just try to connect with them on a human fucking level?

    God. This isn't fucking rocket science. What a bunch of bullshit.

    • Oh I love your response lol

    • You can connect to someone on a human level? How?

  • There's a lot wrong with this. I don't think you fully understand it yet.

    • please feel free to elaborate. I'll update my beliefs afterwards.

  • Interesting premise and further interesting use of the pill metaphor system.

    I think you're onto some essential truths with this take on things but are being limited with the model of the system of concepts and perceptions.

    I've read several of the books and articles you're talking about and dug into the concept of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) that the red pill concept is based on. Have a background in psychology and sociology so found that interesting in it's own merit, but it's mostly bunk.

    I've been trying to wrap my mind around the INCEL and other such oddities lately, thanks for the perspective on that in particular!

    Regarding the direction you're going with the 'Yellow pill'. A lot of that is pretty close to some things I've observed over the years but I want to point out one detail that I think is important.

    The whole "The Game" model is based on the assumption that the guy ONLY wants sex and is willing to manipulate or deceive in order to get that and establish a connection with women. Sure that's fun, but not the end goal for most guys.

    The best advice I can give in place of all that... In less than a novel, is to JUST BE THE BEST YOU CAN BE. Overall, that's it. Be the best at whatever your passion is. The second step is getting out of your comfort zone as much as you can and actually involve yourself out in the world where other people are! You can't meet someone new if you're not out there engaged in things.

    • Well, I think it's possible to pursue hookups neither being manipulative nor seeking relationships. That's what this yellow pill idea was all about. There's an inbetween point in there.

  • What about the green pill? If you put enough cash on a table, there is no woman on earth who won't male a deal. Yes, one woman may need a billion while another only needs $5.

    Anyhow, disagree with your take that blue pill guys never have problems with women. More like they blame their problems on themselves or they hide their problems.

    You say that black pill incels are too ugly to get women. All my life I have seen butt ugly guys who can get women due to their charm so I doubt it’s really about looks.

    And why put so much energy into trying to figure women out. Think it’s better to figure yourself out & then reject anyone who doesn’t fit with you.

    • I don't think black pill guys are too ugly. They think that. I disagree with the black pill ideology.

  • Thank you for explaining the history of the pill and its many colours to me but would I be right if I said you just told me to be myself and if it works, it works and if it doesn't, it doesn't - There is always next weekend, seems like damn good advice to me.

  • What the fuck did I just read

  • The truth is that women is the one choosing because most of us allows it. But like the blackpill guys there is also a female counter part who doesn't get laid independent how low the put their demands. They simply cannot get any men's attention.

    The major difference is that girls has so complex and contradictory demands that they appear savage, since all logic and pattern fails to explain them since the shift so frequently. While men usually have few where looks is always high up. Making it easier to understand and it doesn't change much. Easy things to understand is easy things to manipulate and compare. There is reason why girls are into makeup, cloths and such they can measure each other against what they think males like. While we try our best to aquire wealth, a good job and home because that is what they want us to have. Looks has started to be more important so more men take the dive and start with makeup. So in the end both sides try to attract each other, it's just the game field is more chaotic today because of feminism and other conflicting media messages.

  • Dude... I want those 15 minutes of my life back. I'll put it to better use watching paint dry.

    • lol man.

  • What about the Green Pill? Where you are the cool guy and you do act like one, but only with other people while you disregard the chicks who are hot and expect you to glorify them like everyone else does. They really go crazy when you won't acknowledge them or you regard them as lesser than you, even if you don't really think of them that way, you just portray it.

    Chicks like this start getting bothered by the fact that you aren't giving them attention like the other guys do, especially when they see that you're talking and joking and being cool with other females. So after awhile they'll try to gather up the courage to say something to you just to get you to respond, a goofy comment or a meek hello, hoping they have an opening to get you to talk to them more. Part of them is even oddly aroused by you not regarding them. From there it's up to you to decide how you wanna play it. I personally like to keep most of these types at a cordial 'hello' distance and nothing more, but you may want to pursue further opportunities.

  • Well, yellow is certainly the opposite of purple; which is what happened when they asked me to choose between red or blue, and I said fuk dat &8 both. 😁😈🤮😎😅 (Obviously, I'm still learning not to take free hand out drugs)😂

    Cuz now I'm thinkin' I need to push your yellow pill on blue... (because, fuck, it won't be long until you-know-who comes demanding a green pill - but luckily we already have them!)

    Then, we need to double date with Yellow & Red, and Blue & Purple at sunset, drinking margaritas & smokin doobies before hitting the clubs.

    • Oh shit! Good point. I hadn't thought of that but it actually works out perfectly. That's pretty sweet.

  • Can you overdose on these pills?

    • Sexual expression - exhibitionism - has two purposes. The first is to understand new people in their neighborhood by the tribe swarms the newbie to experience the newbie in different ways. If the newbie proves well-adapted in a way the tribe doesn't understand, small groups in the tribe compete to prove the newbie is either not well - adapted so the small groups settle back into group behavior like a herd. Or, the newbie proves to be new and competitive, and the tribe changes into a different tribe which adapts to the ways of the newbie. That explains why girls try to tear each other down until one girl emerges as Queen Bee by outcompeting the other girls.

    • @citizenzero No idea how that is related to the pills.

  • The Red Pill. The Unimaginable Truth. Red States. Republicans
    The Blue Pill. The Placebo. Blue states. Democrats.
    Get it?

  • “This was the movie for nerdy guys who would be bad with women in this time period.”
    This is a false analogy; liking the “Matrix” does not correlate to being bad with women. The author forgot to mention there is also a purple pill. Most importantly, What the author and the incels misread about women is this: they do not value physical traits as much as men do. What women value more is power, fame, and money. This can make the ugliest guy attractive. Being physically attractive does allow for more mating opportunities; this is a fact.

    • Uh what? Being physically attractive certainly leads to more mating oppertunities

  • I would agree that women don't all agree on who is hot and there is no one who is universally a 10 but I don't think its completely diversified either. I believe there is still a lot of overlap between what traits different women find attractive. Also there is probably more agreement on the difference between ugly and average than there is between hot an average.

    Like take this guy for example:

    Not Red Pill, Not Blue Pill, Not Black Pill -- Take the Yellow Pill.

    he's not physically deformed, but I would be utterly shocked if there was any woman who genuinely considered him hot. If his picture was given to 1000 women and asked to be rated he might get a few pity 5s, but the vast majority of women would rate him in the 1-4 range aka ugly. Now lets consider someone conventionally attractive like Brad Pitt, sure not every woman would think he's a 10... hell he might even get a few 5s or even 4s for being middle aged but he would undoubtedly get rated as a 9 or 10 much more frequently than the other guy and his "average score" would probably be in the 8 range.

    • Brad Pitt or any other celebrity is not a good example. Brad Pitt has other known attributes that boost him up the attractiveness scale. So, I think his perspective holds pretty true.

  • "After a while they began formulating theories by speculative reverse engineering. This is the birth of the 'pill ideology' movement."

    This is factually incorrect. I know because I was part of the whole "red pill" thing when it was first getting started, there was a bunch of drama about "who coined the term" and it was all ultimately settled with MRA's being the ones who coined the term not PUA's. (pretty sure the guy's name was Paul Elam but I might be wrong about the name)

    Blue, Red, Black pill is about WAAAAY more than dating lol... You're like a purple pill, half blue half red. Also you totally didn't even mention the clown pill.

  • Pointless comment number ∞. Can I just…not take any pills?

  • The guys talking about how complex and confusing and demanding let me show you how simple it is

    1. Don't try and stick your dick in her
    a. Straight away
    b. All the time
    c. When she's asleep

    2. Don't stick your dick in anyone else
    a. At all.
    b. Ever.

    3. Don't be a dick in general but specifically
    a. To her
    b. Her family
    c. Her friends

    That's it.

    • Actually, I would have loved to have heard some of the ladies reactions to that. From my vantage, that's pretty concise and sounds pretty comprehensive. We should put those on coffee cups and business cards! (Or at least some t-shirts!)😅

    • Getting Laid In 3 Simple Steps Getting Laid is Easy as 123ABC

    • haha bluepilled much?

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