Ok so I had unprotected sex with a guy I’m seeing. He asked me three times to take the morning after pill. Do you think?

Do you think he ejaculated inside of me. I took the morning after pill. But it says it’s not 100% I’m freaking out.

1 y
When we did have sex and he took out his penis. There was so much liquid but I thought it was my wetness. It was dark so I couldn’t tell if it was my wetness or both of our liquids.
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Superb Opinion

  • Are you kidding?

    This is the wrong question.

    The right question is: Do you want to be pregnant? If the answer is yes, do nothing. Maybe you'll be pregnant. If the answer is no, take the pill -- why would you play roulette with that?

    • If you read my question properly I stated I took the morning after pill. But it’s not 100%

    • In answer to your question, yes, I think he ejaculated in you.

Most Helpful Guy

  • He must be concerned that there was some ejaculation inside. He’s telling you, which is good.

    The important lesson here is that you have just learned you should not be having unprotected sex. You are clearly not comfortable with that. I think you should go see your doctor about birth control pills. And you should stock up on some good condoms.

Most Helpful Girls

  • You are 29, if that’s true, not 19, even a 19 years old girl knows more. If you had unprotected sex, even your sexual organs are just touching, there’s chance you getting pregnant.
    If you are not prepared to be a mom, nor you don’t want to get pill, then wear condoms, properly.

    • Omg I didn’t know that thanks for letting me know 🤣🤣🤣 gtfoh clearly stated I took the morning after pill.

    • @benzpunani You have a pretty cavalier indignant attitude about all this.

    • @spartan55 I asked for advice not for you to judge me. Responding in sarcasm does not mean I have a lack of concern or I don’t care.

    • Show All
  • Ummmmm…does he somehow not know if he pulled out? Seems like he should know whether he did or not. No the morning after pill isn’t 100% but it’s pretty effective. You should be fine.

    • Ummm. Pulling out is less effective than the morning after pill

    • @Guardian45 Ummmmm yes we know but she took the pill. Your point is?

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What Girls & Guys Said

1 19
  • Hmmm maybe, he could also just be worried about have a kid so he's tryna be SURE. But he also should've used a condom.

    • What if I end up pregnant?

    • Well then, congratulations you're gonna be a mother!🤔😌

  • Wow, I don't think you could have handled that any worse. You know the morning after pill is not good for your body... seems like you could have easily prevented this... and that dude is fucking moron too.

    • Yh we were both stupid lesson learnt

  • Get ID info about him. His auto tag number is adequate. Go through his wallet if you can. You will have a right to pursue him for maternity expenses and 18 years of non-taxable child support. His asking you to take a pill is not exculpatory evidence. The time to choose is before you screw.

  • Not sure why he would ask if he didn't cum inside you, so yeah I would assume he did.
    If you're going to have unprotected sex, maybe you should take the pill

  • He must be worried if he told you to take the pill, so it's good you did. Talk to the pharmacist and your doctor if you are worried.