Penis Size in Bed: What Do Women REALLY Think?

Penis Size in Bed: What Do Women REALLY Think?

Why this matters:

The male penis as depicted in paintings over the past seven centuries has steadily increased in size, especially since the onset of the 21st century (Murat, 2022).

Wylie and Eardley (2007) found men to link penis size to strength, dominance, power, and the capacity to love and be loved. Sadly, perceived failure to meet such standards by men has been associated with depression, impaired social relationships, and low self-esteem (Olivardia et al., 2004). Unsurprisingly, over two-thirds of men feel concern and anxiety over the size of their penis (Tiggermann, Martina, & Churchett, 2008).

Given how many cultures subconsciously instill the idea of the penis as a reflection of a man's manhood, masculinity, and fertility (which, by the way, I think is total bullsh*t; Wylie & Eardly, 2007), I thought it time to shed some statistical light on the subject!

Does penis size really matter during sex as much as men think it does?

Here are the facts:

In 2002, Francken et al. surveyed 170 women and found no correlation between a woman's reported sexual satisfaction with her partner and the girth of her partner's penis. In addition, they found that penis length was "unimportant" or "totally unimportant" to sexual satisfaction in the vast majority (78%) of the women.

In 2006, Lever et al. surveyed over 52,000 heterosexual men and women online and found that men were over three times more likely to find unnecessary fault with their penis compared to their female partners. Statistically, only 14% of women found faults versus nearly half (46%) of men.

In 2014, Johnston and McLellan surveyed 110 heterosexual men and women in their 20s and found women's ideal penis length to be over an inch shorter than the lengths men believed them to prefer. (For example, many men believed that women saw the ideal penis as being seven+ inches long.)

In 2020, Shaeer et al. surveyed 303 sexually active women in steady relationships and found 89% to be satisfied with the size of their partner's penis. Fewer than half reported penis size to be important for sexual satisfaction and over half reported that a bigger penis did not matter for sexual satisfaction.

In 2021, Bhat and Shastry surveyed 230 sexually active females in steady relationships. Only 9% stated that they did not like the look of their partner's penis, and only 22% considered a man's erect penis size to be an important factor to their sexual enjoyment. In addition, when asked how long a penis should be, 61% of women did not specify a size, and of those who did provide a length, only 8% desired a penis larger than six inches.

In 2021, Veale et al. conducted a study restricting a man's penetration depth in his female partner by an inch (2.5 cm), 1.5 inches (2.75 cm), and 2 inches (5 cm) using penile rings. The average erect penile length among male participants prior to using the rings was about six inches. Results showed that two out of three women reported sex to be just as pleasurable or even more pleasurable despite the reduced penetration depth, and in those who reported less pleasure, it was minimal at only 18% less pleasure.

My conclusion: Men tend to overestimate a woman's size expectations and dissatisfaction with their penis.

Therefore, don't worry so much! :)



Bhat, G. S., & Shastry, A. (2021). Does Size Matter? Perceptions of Indian Women About the Size of the Penis. Journal of Psychosexual Health, 3(4), 348-353.

Francken, A.B, et al. “What Importance Do Women Attribute to the Size of the Penis?” European Urology, vol. 42, no. 5, 2002, pp. 426–431.,

Johnston, L., McLellan, T., & McKinlay, A. (2014). (Perceived) size really does matter: Male dissatisfaction with penis size. Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 15(2), 225.

Lever J, Frederick DA, Peplau LA. Does size matter? Men’s and women’s views on penis size across the lifespan. Psychol Men Masc 2006; 7: 129–43

Murat G. “Depictions of Penises in Historical Paintings Reflect Changing Perceptions of the Ideal Penis Size.” BJU International, 2022,

Olivardia, Roberto, et al. “Biceps and Body Image: The Relationship between Muscularity and Self-Esteem, Depression, and Eating Disorder Symptoms.” Psychology of Men & Masculinity, vol. 5, no. 2, 2004, pp. 112–120.,

Shaeer, O, et al. “Female Orgasm and Overall Sexual Function and Habits: A Descriptive Study of a Cohort of U.S. Women.” The Journal of Sexual Medicine, vol. 17, no. 6, 2020, pp. 1133–1143.,

Tiggemann, Marika, et al. “Beyond Muscles.” Journal of Health Psychology, vol. 13, no. 8, 2008, pp. 1163–1172.,

Veale, D, et al. "A preliminary investigation of a novel method to manipulate penis length to measure female sexual satisfaction: a single‐case experimental design." BJU international 128.3 (2021): 374-385.

Wylie, Kevan R., and Ian Eardley. “Penile Size and the ‘Small Penis Syndrome.’” BJU International, vol. 99, no. 6, 2007, pp. 1449–1455.,

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Most Helpful Girls

  • What I want attached to a guy I really like is an average penis. For future guys I’ll have sex with, I will secretly hope they don’t have large penises. Especially thick ones because I’ll 100% take length over girth any day. From my experience, very limited but still personal experience, I do not like thick penises and a longer one actually hits the g spot. Therefore, again, average is what I want but if I do meet a guy and I find later he has a thick penis. . I don’t know if I’ll be ok with that but I would definitely be more ok with longer than again, thicker ones

    • Thank you so much for your opinion on length vs girth! Good info to have

    • What would you classify a 6.2” long erect penis? Too long? Not long enough?

    • ^That’s actually quite the perfect size. I think 7+ is when it’s too long but again, I’ll rather a longer penis than a thicker one any day

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  • again, very interesting reading, I myself have been with many men, all different in size and technical sexual skills, I'm more down to earth with explanations, if my husband's tongue can bring me to orgasm, then that alone tells me that size don't matter,

    I once with my husband saw a porn film, the guy had an enormous penis, and I remember the words, "I don't know why I got one so big, I only get to use half of it"

    • thank you! and yes, men need to feel more confident because like you said, bigger is not really necessary

    • If I might add my two cents... I've seen other guys in the locker room at the gym with huge penises. I wouldn't want a penis that because because as you said you only get to use half and it's uncomfortable

    • men in general, need to know the meaning of fore and after play, that is what counts, and to me the after play, means so much, it's like my husband, there are times immediately after sex, I will give him a BJ, he likes the idea of me enjoying both our mixed love juices

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Most Helpful Guys

  • You are an outside of the Box 📦 thinker which is impressive…Lynnn.

    One has to understand the negative societal influence. It is very difficult for the youth because they are submerged within the middle of the Sexual and Feminist Revolutions from paper to digital medias.. There’s lot more detail but it is an uphill fight against an enemy that seeks to control the Being of All.-Soul Mind Body which incorporates intellect, mind, emotion, physicality, and relentless confounding theoretical 💩 targeting 🎯 Being.

    • I fully agree. Sexual pleasurable experiences are only one aspect of romantic love for a person which includes the soul-mind-body connection you mentioned with intellect, emotion, physicality, etc. This is precisely why for me personally I cannot see ever having a friends with benefits, a one night stand, or watch porn because they feel fake and cheapen what should be a sacred act between two people.

    • I would be interested in meeting you like in real life…. I think I could hang out in a group you would occupy. I’m USA 🇺🇸 and Eastern Time, you?

  • As a nudist, I am confident that most men that are worried that they are too small would have their confidence boosted by spending some time on a nude beach or at a nude resort. You realize quickly that what's portrayed in pop culture, porn, etc is not a good indicator of what most men have. Especially flaccid. Seeing so many other average men would relieve a lot of men's size anxiety.

    • that’s a great point ! thank you for sharing !

    • Same experience.

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What Girls & Guys Said

10 30
  • I read part of it and

    This was a really good cited and profound my take 😊👌

    I’m gonna finish the rest of it as soon as I can. Awesome share! Great observance as well with the use of the paintings and such!

  • I was married to a short woman for 11 years. Counting the time we dated we shared sex for 16 years. I had bariatric surgery and lost 103 pounds. My cock went from 6.5 inches to 7.5 inches in around six months. My short wife told me if I were any bigger it would hurt.
    Cock size matters if it is too big. Make her happy. Make her feel good. You do not need to invade her internal organs to do that. Just remember she can drive herself insane with lust by masturbating with one of her little fingers...

  • Every guy on this site should read this! It will assist in reducing 50% of daily male questions XDDD

    • Yeah! It probably would help xD

  • Great MyTake. Very thorough and well cited. Kudos. It's a welcome perspective to the ongoing debate about penis size.

    I agree that it's more important to men than to women, generally speaking. It can effect a man's self confidence.

    Even before internet, which features only XL size, I thought mine was small. My opinion was due to the fact that I am a grower and my flaccid penis is not impressive in any way. I hated taking communal showers after sports even though lots of guys were the same as me.

    I had girlfriends from the time I was 16, though, and not one of them was dissatisfied. It wasn't until years later that I thought of measuring and found mine to be 5.8" or so when erect. Even then, I thought I might be on the small side.

    One girlfriend who was 30 when I was 37, turned out to be hypersexual and orgasmic. She was experienced, too. We lived together for over a year. Even though we both worked full-time, we had sex at least two or three times a day and sometimes for hours at a time without a pause. I sometimes came 3, 4, 5 or even 6 times over a period of several hours of nonstop sex. I hadn't even known that was possible.

    I not only satisfied that lady, she made me feel like a sexual god. I could never feel inadequate after that.

  • This is the first take that I see with references. Thank you for sharing the links and mentioning the authors.

    As for penis size, well I don't have a preference as long as it doesn't make me feel uncomfortable.

    There are other things that matter more in sex than a penis size. At least that's what I think.

    • Eu concordo plenamente contigo 🙂

    • Meu outro MyTake, caso vc ainda não lesse, também inclui as citações ^^

    • Ainda bem que concordas. :) Ainda não li, mas nesse caso vou ver. :)

  • I am 25, and I guess i'll start by saying that I have had 9 different sizes in me over the last 10 years.

    Smallest penis I had in me was maybe 5.5 inches, longest was 9 or 10. My current partner is a 6 and is PERFECT (and no I am not staying with him because of that).

    10 was painful and nearly impossible, but my body was able to sorta accept it after a while. It wasn't the greatest of times for me! Foreplay was a must but sometimes we didn't have the time.

    Never noticed much of a difference in feeling with whatever penis size that was in me. The best sensations came down to type of condom and type of lube.

    Unprotected sex is still by far the best sensation no matter what size, but I did have some pregnancy scares because of it.

    • Wow, that’s a helpful answer! Apart from size, what do you think about circumcised vs uncut guys? Did you notice differences there as well?

    • @Tellme I had a few uncircumcised but never noticed a difference. I think I had a condom on all of them though.

    • Yeah, I assume with a condom they must feel pretty much the same. What about oral, though?

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  • As several

  • This is well written and all, but from what I've read online and my own life experience, I gotta heavily disagree. It's been widely reported online that women's ideal penis preferences are at least seven inches long (and at least six inches in circumference/girth). Considering the vagina is typically six to six and a half inches deep when aroused, it's not too surprising at all.

    The minimum girth women are said to want
    The minimum girth women are said to want

    From my own life experience, my own inadequately sized small penis (6.5" L, 5.5" G) has not been good enough for the vast majority of women I have slept with. They all said they preferred bigger. Although the one I loved the most did not ever say anything negative towards it.

    They did not criticize my performance too much (they did not say any genuine positive things about it; stuff like "that was good." and other backhanded compliments which amounts to "so-so/average/mediocre"), but specifically the size. And I've been nope'd out of bed twice for my size; one by an Asian woman and the other by a black woman. They both wanted bigger and wasn't used to as small as me. I kinda expected it to happen, but it still sucked. Good thing I wasn't dating them.

    The HONEST WOMAN'S Penis Size Chart (very rare insight)
    The HONEST WOMAN'S Penis Size Chart (very rare insight)

    So no, women like to avoid looking like sluts by saying they enjoy a big dicking, but all men under seven inches know that women lie about this stuff, all the time. They do NOT want small dicks! That's not to say they want big either, as it was also reported that eight and a half inches is the minimum of "too much" for them and where women start to report sex can be "painful" cause it's hitting the cervix.

    But yeah, 7.0" to 8.0" is the "Goldilocks Zone" for penis size. And, well... I'm below that. A small dick, like the majority of Asian and Western Caucasian men, even though I'm neither of those. Don't believe the BBC stereotypes; they're DEFINITELY not true! And my f*ckin' baby dick proves it!

    Riddle me THAT!
    Riddle me THAT!
  • I have an average sized penis, but I like a little foreplay if possible. I hug and kiss, and get naked and just look at each other's naked bodies. I like the way she looks between my legs and watches my hard penis throb. Then I like to eat her, lick and kiss her pussy and get her juicy, and make her cum! That's such a turn on that I've cum without touching myself while eating pussy. But I usually then slide it in and there is no complaint about my average penis after she's cum in my mouth and we often cum again together.

  • Size definitely matters, of course it does the bigger it is the deeper it goes. It is basic biology.

  • Almost every man thinks they have a small dick, until they either measure or a girl is like god damn first i measured when I was 14 and found my flaccid was around 4.5 flaccid at that time and 8 inch hard and thats huge and I thought i had a small dick then, now I measured ans its 5 inch flaccid and 9 inches hard so you usually don't know until you measured it and, dick size doesn't matter in sex usually its said you can satisfy a women with only 4 inches.

    • yes. there are limits to a girl’s vagina and there is a point where having more penis is just not going to be used.

    • I found that out the hard way my first time lol

  • As always, you nailed it. Um. Sorry. ? Not sorry? Pun intended. Anyway, I digress.

    You're spot on. I've always thought that I have what I have and it's up to me to use it well. I think, too, that a penis does not an entire sexual encounter make. There are tongues and hands and toys and fabrics and foreplay and the mind and sight and so on.

    As always @lynnn, thanks for a thoughtfully written, thoroughly researched piece that adds to the discussion in a meaningful way.

    • Thank you. I appreciate your time to read through what I wrote, as well as what you said here. I completely agree that it’s not just the penis, but the whole experience including those things you mentioned, that make a sexual experience pleasurable versus not.

  • Here’s an example of peer reviewed and published empirical research with results different from what you’ve shared. It was easy to find.

    This report also examines women’s preferences for short term relationships as compared to long term relationships. I don’t think you touched on that. It’s worth a look.

    • Thank you for sharing! I read through it, and actually, I feel it supports what I’ve found. For one thing, there was “no interaction of dimension (length, circumference) and relationship duration” which means that women were not found to be dumping men for those with larger penises as a relationship progressed. In addition, the difference in main effect for women expecting a “slightly larger penis” in one-night-stands versus in long-term relationships was only a 0.1 inch difference in size—size that the study on penile rings by Veale et al (2021) has shown to result in zero change in sexual satisfaction by a women. (In in the results I mentioned from Veale et al. here, I only mentioned three of the four penile rings used because the first penile ring, Penile Ring A, was only about 1/4 inches long and there was no change in sexual pleasure at all when men were using it among all women.)

    • In addition, as far as short-term versus long-term relationships, there was a study I decided not to include here because it focused more on length versus girth irrespective of length which was not the focus of this MyTake, but the data did show that women with more, short-term sexual partners—ie those who “sleep around”—have higher penis expectations for length and girth relative to than those who have fewer, more long-term sexual partners.

    • *irrespective of sexual pleasure

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  • Thank you for this MyTake. It is interesting that the ancients artistic depictions of the nude male body don't generally show porn-size penises. And the statue of David by Michelangelo shows a flaccid penis that would be considered "small" by porn standards. But the reality is that is actually an accurate depiction of an average size flaccid penis. When I was younger I used to worry about my size. I thought I was too small, especially at my smallest flaccid size. (Guys have different flaccid sizes as you probably know.) But then I saw from numerous sources that my 5.75 inch erect penis was not only in the average range it was actually a little bit longer than average. So I came to accept it because there's nothing "wrong" about having an average size body part.
    Your MyTake should be reassuring to guys who are self conscious about this issue.
    Great job.

  • I think if given the choice most women will choose bigger over smaller no matter what the studies say.

  • One of the things I learned from GaG is that size isn't everything and bigger isn't better.

    • I was born knowing that!

    • @HippieVeganJewslim I was always behind the curve with this stuff

  • Thank you for compiling and sharing this. I'm relieved.

  • How many people you know that are extremely tall or extremely short?

    Okay, with penis size is the same. Most people are just normal. Some people slightly bigger, and some others slightly smaller. But it doesn't make much of a difference.

  • I’d rather not be a one trick pony anyway.

  • Lmao

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