People who have done anal sex, what made you do it and does it give you same pleasure as vaginal sex?

I have few questions about it.
Why you wanted to do it?
Doesn't it feel gross?
Girls is it same feeling as vaginal sex?
How painful is it?
Do many guys/girls wants to try it but afraid to ask?
Overall what is your experience of anal sex?
1 4

Superb Opinion

  • "Why you wanted to do it?"
    Well in my case I'm pre-op trans and don't has a pussy, so that's why I do it.

    "Doesn't it feel gross?"
    It doesn't feel gross if you're properly prepped. I always do the full pornstar prep, that means not eating for at least 6 hours prior, then doing a couple of enema's. I've never had... any sort of unpleasant accident, my butts the cleanest it could conceivably be.
    I will say people who just... go right ahead and take a dick in the butt without any sort of prep are indeed gross. But I think they're the minority.

    How painful is it?"
    It's not painful at all if you're doing it right. And I use some pretty big toys - your asshole is surprisingly accommodating with some practice. Of course you need to use lube, your butt is not naturally self-lubricating enough on it's own. I imagine people who complain anal hurts are just uneducated.

    "Overall what is your experience of anal sex?"
    I think it's great fun.

    • I know I'm gonna get rage but you've piqued my curiosity... so, sorry but do you ever penetrate?

    • @Sabretooth No, I do not.

    • don't mean to get too personal, but would you ever consider it?

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Most Helpful Guys

  • Why you wanted to do it? Because I really enjoy it. Sometimes its like a craving.

    Doesn't it feel gross? No not at all

    Girls is it same feeling as vaginal sex? Don't know I'm a guy that likes to be penetrated

    How painful is it? My first time hurt like hell, did not warm up, stretch out my butt or nothing. It just happened on impulse, spur of the moment, heat of passion thing and sounded like fun.

    Boy I was wrong, when I was pegged the first time. We didn't have the Internet back then or nothing. We didn't have a clue what we were doing. Now we are old pros at it.

    Do many guys/girls wants to try it but afraid to ask? My girlfriend at the time and now my wife wanted to see what its like to pegged me. So first time sucked, but gave it another try and it was better, then tried a third time, that was the best. Now I was hooked,

    Overall what is your experience of anal sex? I have 30 years experience with anal sex. I learned the hard way. Don't be like me, study up and work your butt hole up to the size slowly days before. Masturbate anal solo, before with partner.

    Only you know what your feeling and how much you can take. Remember your partner can't feel your pain.

    I recommend to start out with small butt plugs and work your way up to the size you want to achieve.
    Once you get your butt hole stretch and comfortable with no pain. Go for the upgrade of glass or stainless steel butt plug and wear it for a few hrs a day.

    Doing it this way, saves you the pain I went though and makes your first time anal with a partner pain free

  • "Why you wanted to do it?" The first tme I did it, my girlfriend had a "sick pussy" and we couldn't do PIV, so she offered anal sex as a substitute.

    "Doesn't it feel gross?" No. It feels different, but there is nothing gross about it, unless you simply attach a moral stigma to the act.

    "Girls is it same feeling as vaginal sex?" No idea; I'm a guy.

    "How painful is it?" I've had sex with probably five or six partners. For most of them, it was their first experience with anal sex. They said it was a little uncomfortable until they relaxed and then it felt good. None of them said it was painful. If they had complained of pain, I would have immediately stopped.

    "Do many guys/girls wants to try it but afraid to ask?" I am always reluctant to ask a new partner because some people assume that a guy who likes anal sex is a latent homosexual.

    "Overall what is your experience of anal sex?" I enjoyed it every time but have not done it nearly as much as I have done PIV or oral sex. It is a different feeling because it is tighter and the taboo nature makes it exciting.

Most Helpful Girl

  • Why you wanted to do it?

    To avoid pregnancy in high school and "stay a virgin"

    Doesn't it feel gross?

    Not really.

    Girls is it same feeling as vaginal sex?

    It's a very different feeling.

    How painful is it?

    It shouldn't be painful if you've prepared for it.

    Do many guys/girls wants to try it but afraid to ask?

    They probably are.

    Overall what is your experience of anal sex?

    It's great. I have very intense orgasms from it.

    • My first girlfriend was in catholic school and she wanted to do it for the same reason !

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What Girls & Guys Said

4 34
  • I originally did it out of curiosity after hearing accounts from other girls.
    It doesn't feel gross, just odd. Some will like it other's won't.
    It feels nothing like vaginal any more than a BJ feels like vaginal.
    Pain wise it all depends on how lubed and relaxed your sphincter is. Usually no worse than going to the toilet.
    Overall my experiences have been positive.

    • Pretty much, my thoughts

  • I think that I was 33 or 34 before I encountered a woman who requested it. Frankly, I had never even considered anal. After all, what could be better than pussy?

    Even so, she knew what to do, so we lubed up like crazy. She got off three or four times, which was great. As for me, anal was different than pussy, but not actually any better.

  • I have only allowed anal sex once, hated it, it bloody well hurt

  • The first time I tried it was mainly as the girls sister had told her about it, so she wanted to try it.
    i then asked a friend who was gay about what to do, he told me a lot lol

    Lube back then was really just baby oil or Vaseline type things.

    since then I’ve done it a lot of times and found a lot of girls do like it.

    it’s important to understand it’s not like it is in porn films or like fucking a vagina.

    it needs more prep and also needs patience to wait for sphincter to relax.

    also fingers, tongue, toys all help, that and a butt plug can help make it better.

    Some like it some don’t.

    it’s good when you meet a girl that likes anal and understands it.

    Good prep in cleaning and hygiene (including diet), patience, taking time, being gentle, lots of lube, taking it slow, lots of lube

  • My girlfriend and I had no interest at first.
    then we started feeling adventurous and it was a new thing to try.
    I enjoy both giving and receiving.
    it doesn’t replace vaginal but it’s fun. And In a threesome I enjoy anal as a prostate massage, it’s a pretty mind blowing orgasm for me