Random Guy Confessions

Random Guy Confessions

We're incredibly prone to penis-insecurity

I thought I was immune. I had so many compliments but then I screwed over one girl and she attacked my size. Took me literally a year to get back to being cocky about it's size.

It freaks us out when you've been raped and turns us off...

I know this is horrible, but I say it because it's true. You may want to hide it unless you know the guy can handle it.

If you're not our bestfriend as well as our girlfriend...you probably don't stand a chance.

We're trained by society to see your gender as very disposable and replacable. If you are our best friends that's when we can't imagine life without you when we love just being around you. If you think it's better not to have a friendship because it will hurt less if you breakup then just know your days may be numbered because that's the only thing protecting you from the next hot girl.

We really don't like how much you criticize every little detail

I know girls are hyper aware of everything constantly pointing things out feels naggy and negative. A woman should make you feel better not worse. Do we point out how fast you ate that slice of pizza? Do we point out how wearing different shades of blue is still making you look like a blueberry? do we point out how the paint on your nails is always chipped?

We are very cautious about showing any side of us that may be considered "feminine" but if you accept that side of us and even love it that means a lot to us.

Yes, some guys are into getting into fist fights with other guys and then going home to an episode of Scream Queens. If you like the contradictions it feels very validating and intimate. Eatingover twenty buffalo wings and an entire pint of beer then singing along to a One Direction song on your way home while you try not to drive into mailboxes.

Obviously, I can't speak for any guy except myself but one very honest opinion, i figure, is better than none.

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What Girls & Guys Said

12 15
  • WTF is this bullshit. You're an "editor"?

  • I confess to smelling a girls hair on the subway and then stealing her hair to make a voodoo shrine.

  • Don't speak for me dude.

    A girlfriend being a friend should be the most fundamental thing in a relationship. How do you even have a partner at all if you're not friends?

    "We're trained by society to see your gender as very disposable and replaceable."
    Wtf society are you living in brah?

  • A good take. I don't suffer from the first but lots of guys obviously do. I've never been worried about having a feminine side either but again lots of guys seem to. The rape thing is too sadly true. Women shouldn't share that unless they know the guy can deal with it and probably not even then.

    • Could you explain why it is a turn off for you rape fact? I am really interested

    • @Gvanca No I can't and that's what's sad and strange about it. It just is. It comes from someplace I can't rationalize.

  • 1. I'm one cocky (pun intended) sum bitch when it comes to my penis size, but we all get insecure.

    2. Yeah it kind of does, but I'm okay with it. It just means I need to be more cautious.

    3. That's very true. If a girl's my girlfriend she's my closest friend. If she's my girlfriend and not my closest friend she'll eventually be demoted.

    4. Yeah I don't fucks with the #bitching.

    5. Duuude. So true. LMAO!!! Other guys watch Scream Queens? Holy shit. I thought I was the only one. Damn. Emma Roberts though!!! I remember she called the lesbian girl a "kitty puncher" I died laughing lol. Lea is smoking hot too, but she into some creepy ass shit. Talking about how they can get rid of the bodies and shit. Crazy ass.

    • Haha my dad watches that show. Is it really that good?