Re: "Why are so many people against the LGBT-etc community?"

The original question: Why is there still anti-LGBTQ people?

(Strong language warning)

Why are so many regular and normal people against the LGBT community and agenda? Because so many people on the LGBT side are assholes, immature, and entitled dipshits who think it's "bigoted" or "homophobia" if all of society doesn't capitulate to their entitled bullshit, like having to lie to themselves about calling a man in a wig a "she/her" or having to be told they're "transphobic" if they're a heterosexual male who isn't into biological males who think they're female. And don't even get me started on the "bisexual" pieces of shit who abuse and gaslight men by pretending they're straight, when their heart and genitals are devoted to pussy.

I've met some gay people, male and female, who were really nice and respectful. Even met a few transpeople like this. But the majority of them (or maybe just a VERY loud minority) seem to just be absolute fucking pieces of shit who show no respect to anyone, yet expects the world to kiss their asses and bend over backwards for them because they're gay and/or have mental health issues. It's gotten so bad that we now have biological men competing in women's sports, biological men raping women in female restrooms, and biological women pretending to be "men" getting pregnant (they're such selfish assholes, they can't even stick to the bit and make their entire transman movement look like a joke; men DON'T GET PREGNANT).

The way things become accepted in society, is first through a long period of tolerance. And tolerance takes 10-20 years for society to go through it before people start accepting it. It took about 20 years, from 1990 to 2010, for homosexuality to become accepted in Western society.

But the trans movement has only been pushed in full force since 2010. And since then, we've seen entire countries trying to ban people for not lying to themselves and their own eyes, when standing in front of a 6'4" person with an Adam's Apple and eight inch dick, who thinks he's a 'female.'

So some transpeople are trying to make objective science and reality illegal, and then have the gall to ask for "acceptance" after that? You want to have a pathetic loser of a man knock a woman's teeth out and give her a concussion all because he couldn't cut it in men's sports? We've got Juwanna Mann in real life and then they have the nerve to ask for "acceptance?"

This isn't even getting into the transwomen who lie about their biological sex, and then trick heterosexual men (usually drunk) into sex, without their consent of having gay sex with a tranny, and then act surprised when these men freak out and get extremely violent towards them. Ra pe is okay in their eyes, because "they want to pass as real women," but a man beating the shit out of you for raping him, is quote, "transphobia?" No. Fuck off with that shit.

It's been 12 years since society started tolerating the trans agenda, and frankly, it isn't working out. You don't get to have "acceptance" when you have all this kind of shit going on. And this is just this trans issue. I haven't even talked about the sick shit the part-time lesbians ("bisexuals") do to men.

I'm not even anti-gay, nor am I anti-trans. I'm just anti-asshole (no pun intended; get it?). While there are a lot of straight, normal people who are assholes as well, when you have an asshole who is queer or trans, they ALWAYS need to hide behind that, instead of them, you know, actually being an asshole.

This includes you, OP. Instead of just going "Hmmm... Maybe people don't like me because of my selfish, immature, entitled, or bratty behavior?" you instead just shout "Transphobe! Homophobe! Bigot!" and then act like anyone's supposed to give a fuck. You hurt your own movement with shit like this.

And like I said, I've talked to other trans and queer people on this site. SOME are actually respectful. But either the majority, or just a loud and vocal minority, are just absolute fucking bellends (yes, I'm using British slang here).

Most people aren't anti-LGBT. Most people aren't "homophobic" or "transphobic." Most people are anti-asshole and have had enough of society being turned upside down for 0.5% of the population. And these particular assholes being LGBT is irrelevant; they're just assholes. Grow the fuck up, already.

Re: Why are so many people against the LGBT-etc community?
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7 31
  • Most straight people do not have a problem with the LGBT community, It is that extremely tiny vocal minority of the LGBT community and allies that pisses people off, and they also piss off the vast majority of the LGBT community as they see that extremely tiny vocal minority of the LGBT community casting the rest of the community in a bad light,

    • I never see the rest of the community ever do or say anything about this supposedly "extremely tiny vocal minority" though. Not getting rid of the bad apples weakens the whole movement.

    • True, but It is their choice whether or not to take action against that extremely tiny vocal minority of the LGBT community, We cannot do it for them, and if we tried we'd be accused of bigotry, the only ones who can deal with this is the LGBT community itself , and until they realise that the problem will remain.

  • For me its cause imma Christian and God says its wrong

  • I don't have anything against LGBT++ people in general, but I would say this right here that if a person is against LGBTQ and desires to live in a society where the mainstream societal norm is against LGBT, then he or she is entitled to want that. Everyone else can choose to live in a different society that is more accepting of those concepts. I know a lot of people just can't understand that you can be against LGBT activity or lifestyle but still love them as a person. If anything else, the side immediately condemning all anti-LGBT people or worse as bigots or anything, is more angry and hateful than the other side.

  • so many people AREN'T.
    most people don't give a damn - until agendas get in the way and the issues become forced.
    THEN people tend to push back.
    we're talking about taxes, right? or is it school zoning? religious beliefs?
    really - its all the same, folks.

  • they are satanic and when the time comes

    we are coming for them and the rest of society

  • I’m strongly for gay and trans rights but at a certain point this is getting ridiculous. Like all these terms and labels and being so open about it.

  • Those people now have a huge god complex, and consider they can say or do anything they want without any consequences.
    They're openly very hateful toward straight people, men and white people. Lately we had a LGBT protect in my country, in which the people there were hurling slogans like "put a policeman on fire" or "put straight people in a zoo".
    Something I couldn't say about them, but they can openly say about me.
    At some point we should have stopped them, put limits, but we didn't because "they're oppressed", and now they think they have no limits.
    The "oppressed" act like real oppressors and are enjoying it.

  • Im not against them at all they can do whatever the hell they what to do im against them going after kids and grooming the children to be like them
    Leave the kids alone

  • Sexism, religious bullshite, homophobia, willfull ignorance, paranoia, idiocy, mentally unstable people, conspiracy theorists... the list goes on for the nutcases that are anti-LGBTQ. That and because the LGBTQ people were not open to the public (for obvious reasons) many see it as an agenda to influence everyone... so shock factor causing many to be going into fight or flight out of confusion.

  • Pregnant persons. Wow. Cori Bush said such a thing. If men could get pregnant then a Toyota Supra makes 1000hp bone stock

    • “Pregnant persons,” “people who menstruate,” “people who were identified as male at birth,” and now, “minor attracted adults,” are the new lingo. I have friends with really hot looking wives and/or seventeen-year-old daughters. I don’t act on this attraction. Is that oppression or morality?

    • @MikeInHawaii Your mom is all that

  • They’re getting too comfortable around children. They’re creepier than clowns

  • they belong to the enemy

  • It is not normal, It is mental Illness.

  • Hear, Hear!

    I personally don't care how you get your rocks off or who you do it with, as long as everyone involved is a consenting adult. But expecting society to approve of, praise you for, and promote whatever your personal perversion/fetish/turn-on is the ultimate in immature narcissistic bullshit. Are you that insecure? You expect us all to reject clearly obvious facts of nature to bolster your self-esteem? Grow the fuck up. The world owes you nothing. If you're that insecure about or uncomfortable with the choices you've made, it's sign that you need to think about your life, and not that everyone else owes you applause and support for your choices. Your choices, problems, sensitivities, and triggers are your issues, not everybody else's.

    Your sexuality is your private business. I think the vast majority of people would be perfectly happy to let you pursue it however you wanted to with other consenting adults. I've certainly done some things (and want to do others) that some people would disapprove of, or think was weird or perverted (including a few same-sex experiences), but I don't make it anyone else's business.

    If you insist on making your sexuality (straight, bi, gay, LGBTQMTXYZ+&!!@, or whatever) and how you practice it other people's business then you deserve to be, and ought to be ridiculed in the most vicious fashion possible.

  • I'm not against anybody however.. I don't discuss sexual status between my wife and I with anybody as this is very personal and private so... keep yours to yourself.. that's my issue.. I don't run around asking for acceptance or recognition because I'm straight... so don't expect me to be overjoyed or extremely supportive of yours as I don't want to know or care so just keep it to yourself... if your happy then be happy just don't come to me with it or expect me to be interested in it cause I'm not and I'll keep my shit to myself ok ok and just for shits and giggles how about we leave the children out of it.. let them be kids.. they will figure all this out when they are old enough... don't need explanation/ indoctrination from drag queens

  • nobody respects entitlement. Sexuality is just a sorry excuse of a reason to be respected for. Respect is earned through resolve sacrifice and aptitude. Forcing your sexuality onto others is no different than forcing an ideal or an agenda down other peoples throats. Why is that respectable... its not just like why no one likes jehovahs witnesses or kkk. We dont choose to believe things... we believe things because life has demonstrated its reasons through life experiences. To say we believe something because someone pushed it onto us would be a lie. Nobody likes being around loud insecure people. If I learned anything from life its that insecure people are loud because they are trying so hard to convince themselves... because they know deep down what they want to believe is not actually true therefore they seek the acceptance of others. You dont see anyone go around talking about gravity and how you gotta respect it... or how you should breathe air or you will die. Its accepted without any doubts. Kids that scream loud do it because they have yet been about to convince themselves. They think they need affirmation but what they really need is conviction. The reason we have so much agenda going on is because none of these things are truth. They all belong in the relative perspective bin and always will be. Before you can have others respect you... you must first be able to respect yourself for good reasons. Sexuality is a poor reason to support any argument because it isn't even a good reason to build a functional relationship on. I blame Hollywood selling cinema tickets and marketing.