Real Sex Doll: Is Creating Intimacy with Silicone the Answer?

I ran across an article about a whole subculture of men who purchase and have sex with realistic looking dolls, which can be found here: Just Like A Woman

Let me tell you, I was shocked and amazed at all the justifications for not only buying them, but for continuing relationships with these inanimate objects as if they were sentient beings.

Now, I will admit that there were a few things I did agree with in regards to the use of a sex doll, at least peripherally. I mean, if there are some sickos out there who have inclinations to rape or hurt women, then maybe this doll could appease that savage hunger?

Of course, there is the counter argument that rape is not about sex it is about control. How fun would it be to dominate a lifeless doll that is already bent to your will? Besides, a mentally damaged individual may simply graduate from the doll the way sociopaths graduate from torturing animals.

That aside, I suppose what I found most disturbing was the amount of hatred and venom I saw from men who claimed that their only reason for getting a Real Doll was for companionship. Comments about how women were stuck up, useless, or had only used or hurt them seemed a very common theme. I even visited a site where some of the “iDollters” congregated where they were gleefully talking about not dealing with head case females or having to pay to go out with them (but they were willing to pay 6 grand for a doll--go figure).

"Hey, six grand is cheaper than alimony" one chimed in.

"Women will soon be replaced and they will get all jealous!" another said happily.

I couldn't believe what I was reading. And they claimed women were the ones who were messed up in the head!
"I feel the Real doll movement is an anti-female one."

I have been hurt in the past too but it never occurred to me to replace all men with some kind Male Replica that would do my bidding. I have and always will look at men as wonderful beings despite having my heart stomped on by a few who were not so nice. I also enjoy human interaction and have no need to control people or make them do what I want all the time.

I also think it speaks of the maturity of the much maligned ladies that, despite being hurt and stepped on themselves, that male Real Dolls are hardly made or sold. For all the wailing I hear of women who call men dogs and players, not once did I hear one say that they think replacing one with an android was a good idea.

To that end, one guy even tried to claim that the use of a real doll was similar to using a vibrator.

Not even close. When I purchase or use a vibrator, I am not doing it with the idea that I feel men are jerks--I do it to enhance pleasure.

On the flip end, some of these men have hatred for women that is so intense it boggles my mind. A hate so intense they would rather buy a doll then deal with their own inadequacies. Instead of trying to see why they weren’t picked up by women, they chose to run to a fake human being for solace. All this would be okay if they were simply using the doll in the way in which I use a vibrator--but I feel the Real doll movement is an anti-female one.

Now, if you are someone who has legitimate needs, say, you have been burned all over your body, are a shut in or have an illness that makes it hard to get around or even date, I can see why a love doll would come in handy.

But these bitter souls are pissed that women have the temerity to want to be treated with decency, love and respect. How dare she want me to acknowledge that she has needs or is alive? How dare she didn't just think I was the next best thing to slice bread and get naked cause I said hello.

On second thought, maybe a sex doll is good idea--if these guys are really this selfish and maladjusted it could be a great way to weed out the gene pool--Darwinism at its finest.

What really gets me are the men who say they wish to use these dolls to transition from one relationship to the next.

Does anyone else see how this may not be a good idea?

The period of time we take between break ups is to reflect on who we are, where we went wrong and to learn how to make better choices in the future. How can you do this when you are using a doll to mark the passage of time?

And then, you find a real life dream girl--a good woman who is independent, splits the check and pays her own way. She is of course human, so she is flawed just like her man. She will also have needs, so you won't be able to put her in a closet once you get done trying out 101 positions on her...
"Maybe a sex doll IS good idea - if these guys are really this selfish & maladjusted, it could be a great way to weed out the gene pool. Darwinism at its finest."

This woman will walk, talk, breath, have goals, and make you mad. She will also love you, listen to you hold you and take care of you when you are sick.

However, when you are used to getting your way can you ever go back to a give and take?

Women are not without flaw but neither are men--these guys especially. However, instead of trying to work on their faults or emotionally mature they stunt their growth with "female regalements".

Those who delude themselves into thinking they could ever return to a human female after having a companion that does whatever they want 100 percent of the time are in for a world of disappointment.
Gogus olculeri

But again, maybe the love doll is a blessing. If these men, who find women so vulgar and deplorable, who think the world has treated them unjustly because it didn’t cater to their every whim and do not have the gumption to see what it is about themselves that they need to change to be better people cannot find their way, then maybe a doll is the best remedy. It spares women from having to put up with their pathetic whining and leave the real men who can actually indulge in mature one-on-one with a live individual that cares and respects the feelings and needs of others.

Now, I have no problem with a man who legitimately wants to use the doll as a balm for loneliness, or is just a horn dog and doesn’t have time to chase chicks. I also see nothing wrong with a person who has physical or health issue using said doll.

But I resent men who try to trash all women because they themselves are shallow and inadequate and try to claim a lump if silicone trumps flesh and blood.

These are the ones who truly deserve the label of loser and pathetic and will never alter that perception no matter how many well thought out justifications they have to the contrary.

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18 26
  • You are a woman. You cannot understand why men can buy sex dolls... Do not juge the others and their suffering. Female have no problem to have sex. They have nothing to do...

  • It's tool to satisfy the little head pest that distracts guys from work and true sentiments over their real gal & allows the big head to function and be nicer... it's true self