REAL Women Don't Body-Shame

I'm getting pretty sick and mother-fucking tired of “curvy” girls making fun of “skinny” girls and “slender” girls making fun of “fat” girls. STOP. The only body revolution we really need is a “mind your own fuckin' business” revolution

These women are not “too skinny” or “anorexic”

REAL Women Don't Body-Shame

And these women are not “fat” or even “plus sized”

REAL Women Don't Body-Shame

No one does themselves or society any favors by trying to glorify their own shape by putting down someone else. If you're a size 00 and that makes you happy then you're beautiful. If you're a size 14 and that makes you happy then you're also fuckin' beautiful.

Is this to say people can't have preferences? Of course not.

REAL women have curves, their BRAIN where their true value should be. So let's stop the competition about what's the most desired size, shape, height, weight, tit size, ass size, etc. Honey Boo Boo's mom had a fuckin' boyfriend and dumped him for another man. She was the most desired end of a sick redneck love triangle, so no matter what people say you have wrong with you, there is hope for you yet.

Stop trying to make people feel bad, because the only thing you're making yourself look like is a damn mistake.

Commie, out.

REAL Women Don't Body-Shame
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86 77
  • Some women will always feel threatened by other women. So they will body shame and a bunch of other things. It's all because they don't other guys to be interested in anyone else but them. Always in competition to be more appealing to guys.

  • To people saying you see the ribs of girl on right-- based on the position of her clavicle, it is evident that she is sucking in to appear skinnier. She is not actually that skinny, therefore your claims that she looks anorexic are very off.

    • ... I said she wasn't..

    • ... This is aimed for the people in the comments...

    • Oh my bad

  • While I like the message you're putting out I didn't care for your language and approach.

  • bitches are gonna hate that's what I've learned, I've tried not being a bitch and i just get weak and bitches try to put me down.

  • Goddammit you're so fucking right!

  • That post was AWESOME! Thanks!!!

  • I don't know what's worse body shaming or getting mad at someone for what type of body they like it's all absurd. I was ridiculed for being too skinny and then when I gained weight I was still made fun of for gaining weight I just couldn't win so I no longer give a fuck. At the end of the day when you love yourself you don't care what anyone thinks and more importantly you won't care about what someone else looks like. People that body shame are insecure they don't want to admit it.

    • That first sentence... another excellent point. Thank you :)

    • You're welcome :) it's about time someone wrote a take that made sense. I have read a few about body shaming and glorifying whatever body type but it only promoted more hate.

  • Actually, we're all real people, whether we agree with each other or not. Some people body shame, some people commit murder or steal from their job. We're all real people.

    • Yeah the title of this take was more to poke fun at people who say "REAL x do y"

  • At the moment I look okay but I'm scared to death when I'm thinking what would happen if I became really fat. I already don't feel accepted and I don't want to get worse.

    • Who cares what other people think of you , your not here on this earth to gets everyone's approval on your looks. Guys go for girls they considered cute, have a great personality, kind, polite, mature, and wa lot more that are way more important than looks. Trust your beautiful. Other girls will become friends because of you on the inside not on the outside. Don't let mean people get you down, and be thankful for what you have not what you don't.

  • Finally! A ranter who made sense, a good point, and looked good doing it. Congrats!

  • Self image doesn't change your body weight. It's important to be happy with how you look, but it's important to not have this ridiculously over inflated idea of yourself.

    I'm realistic. I have an average face, so I got into shape to give me a physical edge. I could have said "nope, I'm beautiful the way I am", but instead I decided to improve myself.

    Which of those is really the better option, demanding you're fine as-is, or making yourself better?

    • That's true. Self-confidence is more important than all.

  • I completely agree with you! I have to say though "Honey Boo Boo's mom had a fuckin' boyfriend and dumped him for another man. She was the most desired end of a sick redneck love triangle..." made my lmfao

  • No true scotsman fallacy? Weak. Things are more complex than that.

  • it is really no different than women body shaming men. I have realize that I am hypocritical about this

  • Thank you! I'm a skinny girl that has been made to feel bad about my body because I'm too thin. I never understood why it was acceptable for one body type to put down another type just so they can feel good about themselves. It's as if the only way they can love their body is by telling themselves that skinny girls aren't 'real'. What bullshit...

  • we are all unique comparisons are useless

  • While I completely agree with the content of this Take, the title bothers me slightly. Don't a lot of women body-shame? Isn't that why you're upset about it

    Unless you're simply claiming that females who body-shame are not yet women, but girls, or children. In that case I'd probably look like an ass.

    I'll just be leaving now.

    • It was more of a play on words about how people say "real women xyz"

    • Somehow you've managed to make me feel even more stupid. I thought I was the best at it. Touche...

    • Nah. Ain't no thing.

  • this mytake was amazing keep being awesome random citizen! look even batman gives you a thumbs up!

    • Hahaha! I Love Batman! :D

  • It is making me feel the same way, on here seeking to find or give advice, and there is so many women saying "its ok to be". In 99.9% of the articles I have seen its like you say! Curvy dissing slim, slim dissing curvy and all that bullshit! There is very little articles about accepting yourselves and stop acting as if the world wants you to change.
    To many so called "Positive" articles that are actually somewhat degrading and offensive to even me and I am a fucking guy.
    Perhaps you came across a little strong but damn I feel what you are saying.
    Girls also need to stop telling each other they need surgery. Its so sad seeing so many gorgeous girls I know turn into Joan rivers in their early 20's. :'(

  • I think when people accept themselves as they are,( if they are fat , they are fat; if they are skinny ; they are skinny) and they learn not to care other's people s opinion, there will be no bodyshaming at all.
    You are that one who defines yourself. Just do not let them define you. You can not change whole nation. But you can change your perspective.

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