Reasons I love Being The Side Chick

Reasons I love Being The Side Chick

Reasons I love Being The Side Chick

Note: All of this only applies to women who aren’t delusional enough to think he’s ever going to leave her for you. He’s not. They almost never do, and even in the rare cases when they do, and the two of you actually make an attempt at a real relationship, it will ultimately be doomed because you will never be able to fully trust each other. That said, if you aren’t looking to break anyone up, or steal anyone’s man, but just want to enjoy being a part-time lover, here are some reasons why you might absolutely love it.

The Build-Up

Whether it takes place over the course of one night when you first meet, or you know each other for months, there’s always that time before you give in where you really try to not sleep with them. Maybe you’re genuinely trying to hold back, or maybe you’re both just pretending to hold back because A) you want to appear to be good people, and B) the whole “oh no, we mustn’t” game is insanely hot – either way, those hours/days/weeks before you give in are the most intense foreplay ever.

Reasons I love Being The Side Chick

None of the Boring Stuff

You know that feeling when you’re in a relationship and you have days where you just don’t feel like putting in the effort? Sure, you care about the person, but you really can’t get it up to, like, have a conversation with them, or pick up their dry cleaning, or have the mind-numbingly dull “what should be do for dinner?” conversation. Sleeping with someone else’s boyfriend means you get to be their shining escape from the monotony of monogamy, not a bored participant. That’s a very fun role to play in someone’s life.

Reasons I love Being The Side Chick

You Feel so Much Sexier

Odds are, if he’s stepping out on his girl, he’s bored of fucking her. Or he wants you so badly that he’s going to sleep with you despite being happy with her. Regardless, no man will ever make you feel as desired and beautiful as the one who know he shouldn’t be with you, but is anyway. Being the other woman makes you feel awesome about yourself.

Reasons I love Being The Side Chick

It’s Incredibly Exciting

Of all the kinds of chemistry you can experience with someone, there is absolutely nothing hotter than the forbidden “we really shouldn’t be doing this” sexual tension you have with a man who’s taken.

Reasons I love Being The Side Chick

You have More Time for Yourself

Sleeping with an attached man means you aren’t obligated to see him except when you want to, and have time. He’s not going to be taking over your TV to watch sports when you want to watch Mad Men; he’s not going to be hanging out waiting to talk your ear off when you get home from a long day of work and just want some peace and quiet. “Oh, you feel like going to dinner right when I have yoga class? Call your girlfriend (and then call me later.)” You’re always free to say you’re busy and it’s no big deal, and even when you do see each other, he’s usually just in and out.

Reasons I love Being The Side Chick

You Can Skip The Gym

Nothing gets your heart rate up like contemplating the possibility of his girlfriend coming home early from work. Being the side-piece comes with built-in cardio. Yayyyy!!

Reasons I love Being The Side Chick

It’s Laid Back

Who cares if you do or say the wrong thing, or have food in your teeth, or didn’t have time to shave? There’s a refreshing freedom to be human and flawed when you know all those little imperfections are overshadowed by the biggest turn-on of all: You’re not his girlfriend! That’s a pretty hard boner to deflate.

Reasons I love Being The Side Chick

Having Secrets is Fun

It just Is :)

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18 29
  • This is proof to that study that the majority of women are only attracted to a small percentage of guys the study said women are only attracted to 20% of men

    • A post by ONE woman is proof that a MAJORITY do something? Do you know what majority means?

    • @BaileyisDarcy Yes that's why I commented. There's plenty of woman unapologetically sharing men, not saying ALL DO but that's just the reality, there's plenty of men online and real life complaining that they can't get a date no matter what they do and I know men that can get multiple women to date them and have sex with them this is proof , not just only talking about this one woman, there's plenty of women like her out there

    • @BaileyisDarcy The men that women only care about when it comes to cheating , womanizing and man whoring are the men with the looks and/or money they don't care about guys who are less/not attractive and have little to no money

  • This is something you don't read everyday.

    • lol How many people are doing it secretly?

  • No thanks, I would rather be with someone who totally is in love with me and I have total control of his emotions/money/love...
    I wouldn't want to be the side chick, that's like encouraging someone to sin... I would feel like a terrible person!

    • You are just as bad for wanting to control a person's emotions and money. The difference with me is, I'm not forcing the guy to do anything. Its his choice.

    • You sound like a real catch.

    • say what you want to say but my husband loves only me... say some more and see how angry you get. I'm happy with what I"ve got, and he cares for my feelings... and he gives me all his money, and he gives me all his love... wait for it... wait for it... because he WANTS to... TA DA!!! now go and have a good day because he just bought me a dinner, chocolates, wine and a ton of red roses. :) oh and I have no competition... :D

    • Show All
  • "Friends with benefits" and "No strings attached" is best for you. Get started.

  • In a way this is like trolling because you're giving all the self righteous GAGERS (most of the are) yet another chance to pontificate their holier than thou attitude. That aside being the side piece can be quite convenient if you can handle the judgmental society in which we live.

    • She's puttin her business out there proudly, and helping a man ruin a relationship.. Now everybody wants everything to be permissible.. LOL..