Relationships Fail Today Because We Aren't Emphasizing the Right Things

In today's dating world people are uncompromising and keep going back over and over for the same type of people, hoping things will be different. When a potentially good mate is right in front of them but they don't choose them. The reason they don't pick that person is because they don't match up with their superficial traits (looks, money, status).

For example:

Let say a girl only wanted to go for tall, good looking guys to be her BF/lover. She sleeps with this guy and he may end up being her boyfriend.

Relationships fail today because you aren't putting importance on the right things

But things don't turn out well because she only got with him for superficial reason he was tall, good looking, fun to be around and the sex was great. She didn't give a fuck about all the other warning signs like he is a well known player (you aren't the only girl who has eyes on him) and cheating on you, he has casual sex before meeting you and has STI, he's controlling but you confused it for being dominant and then end up in a unhealthy relationship.

She goes for another guys with these superficial traits over and over until she winds up single in her late 20's and 30's.

Meanwhile she got a perfectly good guy/acquaintance or friend who don't have all these negative traits, would make a great partner for her if you only she gives him a chance.

Relationships Fail Today Because We Aren't Emphasizing the Right Things

However, she won't because he doesn't check off her superficial list. The only time she will give him a chance is if she desperate and wanting to settle down in your late 20's and beyond and still single. The same thing can be said about money and cutting off good guys because they don't make X dollars not realizing if you restrict your mate preference to a certain income you might be only ever getting workaholics who never have time for you and feel neglected.

Similar let's look at the guys. It seems all guys preference are is she hot, is she good at sex and is she fun.

Relationships Fail Today Because We Aren't Emphasizing the Right Things

They meet a girl at the bar and have a good time with her. Chemistry is there. Sex happens later. All of his checklist are ticked off and takes her for a girlfriend but overlook all the red flags. Her fun personality is tied to insanity and you only realize she is crazy when you get into relationship with her and come out the honeymoon phase.

You met this girl at a bar and she gave up sex 2 weeks. You thought it was because you were special and not realizing she is a slut and uses tinder behind your back to fuck guys. Her other red flags like she likes to hit you when she angry starts to show up later in the relationship. All this could of been avoided if you took things slow and got time to know her but people don't do that anymore. They go straight to sex and then if they enjoy sex and hanging out think that's all that is needed for a relationship.

Relationships Fail Today Because We Aren't Emphasizing the Right Things

Now switch over to your female friend who doesn't put out too soon,is of average looks and doesn't party a lot. All three of these things turn you off because you are a horny guy in your 20's an want instant gratification and not realizing that by not putting out your friend is not a slut and has traits you'd want in a loyal girlfriend. She doesn't need to go party all the time and drink down alcohol which shows she is not using alcohol to run away from some thing in her life such as depression. But nope you won't give her a chance and only realize she is a catch when its time to look for a bride.

It's sad that people need to become desperate and run out of options into their 30's and beyond to start giving other great people a chance.

It's sad people are so uncompromising when it comes to the physical and keep jumping back into the same shitty type of relationship with the same type of people over and over and never learning to expand their options of potential mates.

It's sad that a great guy/girl might potentially end up getting into a relationship with an emotional damage/mentally damage man and women in their 30's who would not have given them a chance in their 20's and only with them out of desperation.

It seems all people in this day and age care about:

1. Is he/she fun
2. Is he/she good at sex
3. Are they hot
4. Are they rich and can spend stuff on me (women mostly)

Yet overlook things like morality, integrity, promiscuity, abusive behavior, honesty, sanity etc and then wonder why their relationship turned into a complete disaster down the line.

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