Sex Shaming Needs To Stop!

Sex Shaming Needs To Stop!

People love sex - obviously.

It's RIDICULOUS that when a man has sex, he's praised and asked how many kills now, was she good in bed, etc.

But when a woman has sex? She's shamed. She's told she should keep her legs closed. If our sex count is more than you can count on your fingers, you're a slut. But for a man, the higher the number the better is what we've been conditioned into.

Why does it even matter how many dicks have been inside of me? I'm still the same person. Instead of being shamed, we should all just be praised. Good for you for enjoying your body and sexuality. As long as it was consenting, there is no problem.

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  • who cares if you're labelled a slut? People will judge you regardless of what you choose to do so you might as well just stop giving a shit and live life how you want lol

    • Being promiscuous is bold and those that are need to have backbone and thick skin. It comes with the territory.

    • @Tycwep Exactly.

  • 'when a woman has sex? She's shamed.'

    nobody knows if or when a woman has sex, apart from the person who had sex with her. he can only tell other people about it if he belongs to her social circle.

    • Or she can be shamed because other people *think* she has sex or wants to have sex.

    • @jacquesvol right, so not only do people's judgements not mean much but this isn't really something that should stop women from having sex (because nobody actually knows).

  • Women have easy access to sex, men do not. Sex is not the same for men as it is for women.

    If you want to compare men and women, compare a man's ability to have sex with a woman's ability to get him to commit to her. That's a more apt comparison.

    To understand slut-shaming, you first have to understand what a slut is and why it's a bad thing. You also have to know who is setting the terms.

    Women set the terms for sluttiness. For guys, really, there's no such thing as a slut. They are just people, with a number. That's why guys don't slut-shame once they get out of high-school and figure out that it's not really any of their concern (they were just doing it because they saw women doing it and want to be a part of the tribe).

    Women use sex as coin. It has value to men, but not women. Realizing that, women have erected what is essentially a price-fixing scheme to maximize the exchange rate on this coin. A woman who does not charge enough for that coin (be it cash, favors, labor, or violence, whatever she wants, really), is a slut. She's a slut because she's essentially breaking the picket. She's violating the price-fixing scheme, which devalues other women's coin. It's no different than a neighbor moving in, letting their property go to shit, and lowering the value of all the surrounding properties.

    So, let's be real here. Men don't slut-shame. Women do. They do it because they are selfish and greedy, and the market advantage that mother nature gave them just isn't enough. It's not even enough to engage in a price-fixing scheme to artificially decrease supply to drive up demand -- they have to enforce it with the female equivalent of "breaking some fucking kneecaps." Slut-shaming is nothing but gynocentric, hypertraditionalist, female-on-female intimidation and abuse.

    • On this site, men do it a lot more. Also on other forums on the internet. I've even seen men create pages on Facebook and other sites for revenge porn shaming promiscuous women. I think it's false, men are ruthless with the slut shaming. I have no idea why.

    • @BuchitaBuchys I don't think the people here are representative of the general population. I think the wounded gather here. And among the wounded, you'll find trolls, as well as trolls preying on the wounded. In my adult life, I rarely ever hear ANY slut-shaming at all, and on the odd occasion I do, it's ALWAYS from a woman. Yes, there are men who slut-shame. My guess is they have taken the intensity that women put into it during middle-school years and perpetuate it without knowing why, or they their religion over it and end up like the Westboro cult. I'm not going to say they don't exist, but I think they're at the fringe.

    • Lol it's more than just a few men. Most of the slut shamers I have encountered, even in my adult life, are men. They are friends, family members, coworkers, classmates, customers, etc. Even my (male) bosses would do it, and it made me feel uncomfortable. The biggest lie men say is that it's only or mostly women who slut shame.

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  • Oh the old sexual double standard rears its feminist head again!

    This one is easy.

    Firstly, women cannot typically be victims of paternity fraud. Men have a pragmatic need and evolved instinct to avoid women who may trick them into raising another man's child.

    Secondly, women are attracted to players because success with women is a sign of confidence, experience and prowess as well as good genetics.

    Thirdly, men can sow their wild oats with equally wild abandon as they are not the ones that get stuck holding the baby.

    Finally, women are the gatekeepers of the gene pool. We decide who gets sexual and reproductive access. It is our job to be fussy.

    • lol really feminists are so butthurt that they can't be sluts without being judged.

  • Why? Loyalty is an important quality for most people in monogamous relationships. Love/emotional connection is also an important goal for most monogamous relationships. If a girl will fuck anyone that takes a pass at her and jump from guy to guy because she like's experimenting with her sexuality or if she will sleep with dudes for money, attention whore herself on the internet for a high and validation, etc. then she's not going to be as desirable for a relationship... It's pretty simple, many guys don't like that. They express it. If you go a different way, that's fine, just realize that you're choosing to be an outcast and will not be accepted by a lot of people.

    • You won't accept it. I would. Speak for yourself?

  • "It's RIDICULOUS that when a man has sex, he's praised and asked how many kills now, was she good in bed, etc.
    But for a man, the higher the number the better is what we've been conditioned into."

    Until you become an adult and a guy bragging about how much sex he's had is seen as an immature pig by everyone else.

  • No it doesn't. Sex with one person is fine. Shagging everything in sight coz it makes you feel liberated and independent is fucked up. I don't want to touch some baggy fanny slag who's anybodies after a drink. Fuckin disgusting. Even the guys who will sleep with you are calling you all sorts of tarts and laughing behind your back. All you young clowns trying to strip away standards in the human race so you can debauch and act out your perversions without fear of ridicule or condemnation. You wouldn't be the first. There are standards that are beyond what a committee decide in a boardroom and implement onto the population. And those whom fall short of them will be punished harshly. Our principles are what sets us aside from animals and put us at the top of the food chain. You want to be a cum bucket for every walking boner you go ahead, you'll see how big a mistake it was 10 years from now. Don't try and convince others it okay though. You might as well stab yourself with a knife for every person you taint.

  • no slut shamming is a good thing. women shouldn't be as easy as they are. it causes broken homes single parent households and abortions. the sexual revolution was the worst thing to happen to western civilization. worse than the holocaust. so i will continue to slut shame.

    • I agree. Sluts get abortions because they dont want strangers babies

  • Does this even happen outside of highschool? If people feel this way they should keep it to themselves.

  • Ya end the hate u virgins, sex is amazing

    • she can sleep with whoever she wants but she is no one to tell us to stop hating sluts

    • @azanun ok, just no that many guys will find that very unattractive

    • Dominant guys don't like female promiscuity

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  • i agree with you. also, glorifyjng sex need to stop too. glorifying it and mainstream sex leads to pressuring young teenagers to hv sex early when they are not ready. being a virgin is ok and no big deal.
    similarly having a high sex drive and having sex as much as one wants is ok

  • YESSS!!! Omg this is amazing!!! Amber Rose would be so proud! People need to realize that girls can have a one night stand if they want too. That does not make us sluts. We can wear a short skirt to a bar... but that does not mean I want to have sex with a guy that's been staring at me at the bar.
    Guys get away with so much shit when it comes to one night stands and playing with girls. Not all guys do this, but some guys do. But when a girl just wants to have sex with some guy it's like the world is ending. People need to grow up and worry about themselves.

    • Lol how do people stop sluts from being sluts?

    • @azanun how do people that are jealous and judgmental stop being jealous and judgmental?

    • Jealous? Of sluts? Jealous of cheap smelly gross women?

  • I'm a pro slut and sex positive guy. But here is the thing: women can get sex so easily that it's not a big thing for you. The term "she is easy" is very accurate. It's a true description. For a guy it's different. Not many men have the ability to get sex that easily. Some men don't get sex at all and go to hookers. So those minority of guys who somehow know how to get women deserve their credit. They are winners and studs and deserve their pedestal. But neither should be called sluts. And I find women call women sluts more than men;)

  • You can do whatever the hell you want but don't expect people to not judge you.

  • So does "weak" shaming or "nerd" shaming or "fat" shaming. Do you see those happening?

  • lets end promiscuity

  • I totally agree with you. There is nothing wrong with having a healthy seuxal appetite.

    P. s funny joke here "your thighs are not a virus, but they are sure spreading like one" lol

  • The thought of all those dicks in you is a turn off. definitely not marriage material. Do what you want but don't tell others how they must view you. Many women don't want anything to do with a guy who went to a prostitues either, he may be clean but it is revolting and says a lot about him. Same with you.

  • What year are you in, the 1950s?

    • Why 1950?

  • That's it? That was the shortest my take I have ever read

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